2011.05.28 - KC upset during break when CA testifies

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I'm sure she would expect the house to be handed over to her or something. Good lord she's mad that CA didn't leave GA to help get her out of prison, I'm sure she's delusional enough to think this is their fault and they should repay her...

Agree with everything you said, HF, but I don't believe Casey is delusional at all. She creates and spreads delusion through her lies. She is a master of deceit and lies. She's got a problem though: the one person who was most deluded by her is speaking truth now, and I trust that she will continue. And so does ICA. Hence, the meltdown.
Great book and have read it more than once. It fits the profile of this family to "T". Does evil run in families because it is genetic and inherited? Or because it is learned by the child in imitation of its parents? Or in defense of it's family?

Good question Wishbone. So glad you brought it up. Far as I know, Cindy and George haven't been charged with any crimes that I know of. But their daughter is presently in the midst of a trial charged with captial one murder for the savage death of her daughter. There's a mountain of evidence (albeit circumstantial) but it's only pointing in one direction ======> Casey. My point is, no one did this but Casey. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. And I trust that she will be.

Don't want to derail the topic at hand so I'll close by saying, given the evidence I've seen and the meltdown we are discussing, I'd say Ms Casey is in deep do do. JMO
Did anyone capture ICA's reaction when CA was talking about sleeping with Caylee's teddy bear, and then a few days later it went missing. I don't remember ever hearing about this previously and I was wondering if ICA reacted to it. Wonder if that teddy ever showed up? TIA

If it is the same teddy bear, yep, it's shown up...in fact it showed up here in Virginia at one point. That teddy bear has become the "Where's Waldo?" of this case, even used as a "model" for CA's idea to distrubute Teddy Bears for Missing Children Who Just Came Home and Need a Teddy Bear...(that last stament reminds me of Zoolander's School for Kids that Don't Read...Good"
I found that a bit odd too (just MOO) to have a Pooh room at 16. My son at 13 won't even allow a teddy in is room and they are all in storage (I refuse to part with them). His room is as adult looking as mine, sans a few x-box game posters.

As a teen I didn't have a theme room in any way shape or form. I just used my favourite color blue. I would love to see a pic of ICA's room at 16 wouldn't you?



BBM. Yeah, but girls are a lot different than boys in this regard. Many teenaged girls have stuffed animals on their beds (I did), but I can see a teen boy not going for that, at all. I don't think a pooh room at 16 years of age, in and of itself, is strange. However, given what we know about ICA, it is yet another piece in a very bizarre puzzle and it fits in with her child-like tantrums, etc.
Can someone please help me find the earlier comment by Jose ( I think it was in late 2008 or early 2009) where he makes the statement "that when the truth comes out we will all say , Oh now we understand. Something like that not a direct quote.


"She has a very compelling reason for her actions," her attorney Jose Baez said in an exclusive interview with WESH 2 reporter Bob Kealing.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/19317898/detail.html#ixzz1NlwnxhKc
I have been meaning to comment about the fact after CA walks by boy JOSE makes a B_Line over there to DT table and talking up something and you can see him hitting the table with index finger ..Making his agitated point Casey still hasn't started her Hissy Fit till a minute later and the ole hand isn't hiding squat for most of her SHOW..

Just saying right on cue !!


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ICA - (she covers her mouth)...she's protecting the man that hurt me. she's gonna sit here and protect him. she's never protected me, she's not even trying now."
DS - well she has to be given a chance, Casey...
ICA - she's been given the chance for three years, and she's done nothing!
DS - i know.
ICA - i mean, how can you say she hasn't been given the chance, she has a chance every single night.
DS - you're right, i was wrong...you're right, i was wrong.
(camera pans - cant read. DS covers her mouth)
ICA - enough to be aquitted, so i can get away from them.

a little iffy on the first line...

ICA - i've wanted for them to help me but i cant get out when she's with my dad. and that hurts so bad. she hasn't looked at me once the entire time she was making her cry. (looks at LDB)
ICA (to CM) - yeah, she did the other day. she was looking at him, she hasn't done any of that for me. i really think she's just doing it to do it for her, sh'e not doing it for Caylee - she's doing it wrong.

hard to read the last part since she's wiping her face.

Great Work
I watched that clip over a few times..and I am in agreement with what you posted above...

Did ICA mouth 'it's not fair" during her fit of rage...?
BTW Baez was none to happy either and that is when ICA's rage began..Perhaps Baez is upset with Cindy..she didn't follow HIS and Casey's script and told the truth...
If it is the same teddy bear, yep, it's shown up...in fact it showed up here in Virginia at one point. That teddy bear has become the "Where's Waldo?" of this case, even used as a "model" for CA's idea to distrubute Teddy Bears for Missing Children Who Just Came Home and Need a Teddy Bear...(that last stament reminds me of Zoolander's School for Kids that Don't Read...Good"

Reminiscent of JonBonet is it not? Who followed missing children's cases in that home?

KC is reminiscent of Karla Homolka having hissy fits about dad not wishing to pay for or have the extravagant wedding for Karla and Paul after they killed Tammy. ;)
I think she was refering to the fact that Cindy believed whatever she said for 3 years.

ICA - she's been given the chance for three years, and she's done nothing!
DS - i know.
ICA - i mean, how can you say she hasn't been given the chance, she has a chance every single night.

Yes, Cindy believed what she said for 3 years (actually longer.)

But, reading green quote above, seems to me that Casey is saying:

* This is something Cindy has not done
* Though she's had the chance (to do it) every single night
* Over the past three years

Taken in context of what she was saying prior to that, Cindy is with George now just to 'hurt' Casey. That Cindy never protected her from George, and Cindy has had the opportunity to protect Casey by having George leave (for hurting Casey) every night now, for three years, but she hasn't. Not only hasn't she, they are a couple now!

It is that convoluted Anthony-speak that is confusing. See what I mean?
I still haven't finished the thread . . .everytime I come back it has grown by pages! One thing I cannot get out of my mind . . . Huge Thanks to Smolea for translating the lip reading for us! Her last line @ 1:30ish . . .enough to get acquitted to get away from them . . . I cannot get this out of my head! WTH? Get away from them? She has been AWAY from them for 3 years! If she were acquitted . . .where would she go? How/where/who with/by what means would she live? That RV to travel in isn't waiting outside the jail, Miss KC! Have you thought about what would happen if you were acquitted by throwing your entire support system under the bus? The Attorneys are going to be gone from your life and you will be left with just the empty shell that you have created. No employer would hire KC (IMO) after hearing her name . . . no concrete goal to better herself or her life - she is victim in her own mind and everyone should treat her as such. Oh what a tangled web we weave . . .

ICA did not get away from her parents because? well let's see
Her parents gave her a nice home to live in, they gave her a car to drive, they bought the food, they paid for all the Bills, they bought toys and clothes for Caylee...and lets not forget Casey had easy access to steal funds from Cindys' bank account and use her credit cards..

Casey took NO steps to find employment to support herself and her daughter and get away from her parents...
I agree ICA is a victim in her own mind.
IMO Casey wants us to know what she said during her outbursts through the help of lip readers. EVERY time she or her defense team talks they either cover their mouths with their hands or whisper up close in each others ears or simply turn their back to the cameras. She wants us to know what she says as a mere distraction. She is not upset about Caylee she is upset her mommy isn't covering up for her and supporting her lies anymore.

I agree.
....... he has been privy to the facts surrounding this case like no one else. He was the presiding Judge during the GJ indictment.

From what I understand, and Richard Hornsby would definitely know, Judge Perry was NOT in the room during pesentation and deliberation of the grand jury in the Casey Anthony indictment (in fact, no judge is present during the grand jury). He is privy now, on what went on during that grand jury, because he was going to unseal and read the transcripts this weekend.
BBM In Casey's mind, Cindy's done nothing for three years to protect Casey from "that man who hurt (her.)" She wants her mom to get rid of him, throw him out, divorce him. IIRC Casey told someone she was mad at Cindy when she took George back after they had been separated. Anyone recall that?

ETA: Based on this revelation from Casey, I would guess that Casey divulged the abuse from George to Cindy back in 2008. Hence the "she had three years" to "do something" (i,e., cast him away.) Casey was banking on it. Perhaps Casey was successful at getting George out the first time they separated (over alleged 'financial problems' caused, at least in part, by Casey.) JMO

Yes, I recall that..I forgot who's interview it was in..Amy? Annie?
From what I understand, and Richard Hornsby would definitely know, Judge Perry was NOT in the room during pesentation and deliberation of the grand jury in the Casey Anthony indictment (in fact, no judge is present during the grand jury). He is privy now, on what went on during that grand jury, because he was going to unseal and read the transcripts this weekend.

Taken from this link:


Default Grand jury indicts Casey Anthony

From Orlando Sentinel
Grand jury indicts Casey Anthony for murder of daughter Caylee Marie
October 14, 2008

Casey Anthony was indicted today on seven charges in the disappearance
of her missing daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, including first-degree

She also was charged with:

One count aggravated child abuse
One count aggravated manslaughter of a child
Four counts of providing false info to a law enforcement officer

The decision came after an Orange County grand jury heard more than
six hours of testimony from a half-dozen witnesses, including
Anthony's father, George Anthony, and sheriff's Detective Yuri Melich,
who is heading up the investigation.

Jurors completed their work at the Orange County Courthouse at mid-
afternoon. Chief Judge Belvin Perry, who presided over the proceeding,
received th
e indictment shortly before 4 p.m. today but ordered it
sealed until Anthony was arrested.

ETA: Oh i see what you're saying now. He wasn't present during the hearing. OK thanks
Reminiscent of JonBonet is it not? Who followed missing children's cases in that home?

KC is reminiscent of Karla Homolka having hissy fits about dad not wishing to pay for or have the extravagant wedding for Karla and Paul after they killed Tammy. ;)

And if remember correctly she adjusted pretty well to prison life..
12years was not enough for her IMO
It was reported CA had a pow wow with the DT without GA. If that was when she became aware of the DT Plan,perhaps she initially went along,but something else changed her mind. As I said in another thread,there may be legal issues surrounding Dominic Casey and even Laura Buchanan.The Prosecution may have given Cindy a motive to abandon the Casey ship.Pure speculation on my part.
CA really wanted to talk to Casey just before jury selection. That may have been ICA's last chance at freedom. Too bad she said no ; )
Good question Wishbone. So glad you brought it up. Far as I know, Cindy and George haven't been charged with any crimes that I know of. But their daughter is presently in the midst of a trial charged with captial one murder for the savage death of her daughter. There's a mountain of evidence (albeit circumstantial) but it's only pointing in one direction ======> Casey. My point is, no one did this but Casey. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. And I trust that she will be.

Don't want to derail the topic at hand so I'll close by saying, given the evidence I've seen and the meltdown we are discussing, I'd say Ms Casey is in deep do do. JMO

I missed the title of the book, could you please pm me? Thanks.

"She has a very compelling reason for her actions," her attorney Jose Baez said in an exclusive interview with WESH 2 reporter Bob Kealing.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/19317898/detail.html#ixzz1NlwnxhKc

BBM...IMO.Jose can attempt to sell that KOOLAID but I'm not buying it or drinking it... Bottom line for me.. ONLY compelling reasons for her actions are due to the fact she is a narcissistic sociopath and a pathological liar who doesn't give a damn about anyone but herself......JMHO
BBM. Yeah, but girls are a lot different than boys in this regard. Many teenaged girls have stuffed animals on their beds (I did), but I can see a teen boy not going for that, at all. I don't think a pooh room at 16 years of age, in and of itself, is strange. However, given what we know about ICA, it is yet another piece in a very bizarre puzzle and it fits in with her child-like tantrums, etc.

work wth a lady that s bout 35 to 40. She is totally cookoo for Pooh she even wears sweaters and shirts to work (in an office). I also think her house is Pooh decorated. Her car has Pooh decals on it. So not too far fetched.

p.s. she is married. I guess her husband just puts up with it.
I guess Casey is mad that her mother told the truth about the pool ladder because that shoots down her drowning theory.

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