2011.05.28 - KC upset during break when CA testifies

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ICA did not get away from her parents because? well let's see
Her parents gave her a nice home to live in, they gave her a car to drive, they bought the food, they paid for all the Bills, they bought toys and clothes for Caylee...and lets not forget Casey had easy access to steal funds from Cindys' bank account and use her credit cards..Casey took NO steps to find employment to support herself and her daughter and get away from her parents...
I agree ICA is a victim in her own mind.


Really! I know several struggling single moms who would love to live in a Florida resort town in a nice home with all the amenities, including a pool, have their and their kids' bills paid and needs met, drive around in a nice car that is regularly serviced for them, not be responsible for buying groceries or meal preparation. But oh nooooo, that wasn't enough for KC.

Bet it looks pretty darn good to her now, though.
I guess Casey is mad that her mother told the truth about the pool ladder because that shoots down her drowning theory.

Totally, especially since she never claimed GEORGE had to put the ladder on to fetch Caylee from the bottom of the pool. Jose never said George was soaking wet either.
It's almost amusing to see how upset KC gets when she has to get a taste of her own medicine. Like it's never even occured to her what it might feel like.

It's also baffling to me that the relationship between Caylee and Cindy upset Casey so much. I wound up pregnant with my first before I was ready, my daughter's father left me, so my parents told me that the baby and I could live at home and they would help me raise her. I had a strained relationship (ALL my own fault) with my mom at the time, but you know what? My daughter wound up being something my mom and I had in common...we both loved her to pieces and it actually went a long way to repairing my relationship with my mom.

It's just so foreign to me that for Casey, little Caylee caused more problems instead of more love. :(
I loved how JB walked away from her during her hissy fit. I bet he has witnessed several of them over these last years.
I loved how JB walked away from her during her hissy fit. I bet he has witnessed several of them over these last years.

exactly, why do you think that ICA now has a dedicated "handler" now, lol

As far as I can see that is the lady that sits next to her dailys only job in that court room, hand hold, calm, and otherwise "manage" their little prima dona, er client.
Cindy stated that grass will not grow in the back yard, for whatever reason.

I follow many, many cases here at WS, so I might be a little confused and carrying facts over from a different case, but do I recall correctly that after the dogs hit on the backyard, crime scene investigators were using Luminol back there one night?

I seem to remember seeing either photos, or one of the Casey Cams showing shots of the back yard during night time hours (it was dark) and the crime scene techs were back there working. It seems that it showed them working under the light of flashlights, floodlights, and lights from the house.

Is it possible that Luminol was used on the ground of the back yard? Or maybe in certain areas of the back yard--specifically in the areas where the cadaver dogs hit?

Would Luminol cause the grass not to grow? I am not familiar with what chemicals are involved in making Luminol, so i truly have no idea if this is even a possibility.
I loved how JB walked away from her during her hissy fit. I bet he has witnessed several of them over these last years.

remember the good ol days when he was reprimanded by prison staff for hugging her too much?
I agree with you as well. . . .it hurt KC more because the credit to Caylee's toys/clothing/playhouse/crib/landscaping around playhouse etc., are all credit to GA & CA . . not KC! I too saw this Grandma crying a river for the loss of her sweet grandchild . . .she loved Caylee unconditionally. KC was so jealous of this . . . I even caught in CA's testimony earlier when talking about Caylee's verbal skills, CA said something to the effect of you always understand your own child's speech more than other people . . .IMO KC felt this was yet another dig @ KC. CA continually referred to Caylee as the whole family's child . . . KC saw Caylee as how own posession . . .how dare CA try to take away KC's true posession!

I agree with this 100 percent. When Cindy said that comment about "you always understand your own child's speech more than other people . . ."

I thought to myself OH NO... Casey will not like that...
looks like she didn't either.
Great Work
I watched that clip over a few times..and I am in agreement with what you posted above...

Did ICA mouth 'it's not fair" during her fit of rage...?
BTW Baez was none to happy either and that is when ICA's rage began..Perhaps Baez is upset with Cindy..she didn't follow HIS and Casey's script and told the truth...

thanks :] if you can tell me the marker to look at i can see if she said "its not fair" although i dont think i saw that when i typed it up
I do not mean this to be an excuse for years of "bad behavior" and GA and CA are the adults in family, after all, but CA especially seemed to me at times on the stand for all the world like a victim of abuse herself -- an adult parental victim of an abusive child, not the other way around. KC stealing money from her parents seems clearly a type of "parental abuse" to me, as well as the lying, the moments of unbridled anger caught on jailhouse tape, the temper tantrum in the courtroom -- KC could be seen very easily as the abuser in the household and the denial of CA could been seen as a victim's denial. Talk about a family secret. I do wonder what else may have happened in that "quiet house" that we don't know about. Weren't there domestic abuse calls to the address on Hopespring Drive before July 2008?

It explains the completely inexplicable to me: the lengths CA went to over the last 3 years to protect KC and the lies she told - it is known that victims may go to extreme lengths to protect and cover for their abuser. I am sure I have seen this covered before, and really talking about KC as a narcissist and sociopathic pretty much covers any abuse she may have dealt out to her family over the years. But the relationship dynamic as it played out in her mother's testimony and KC's reaction -- it seemed clearer to me yesterday than it ever has. Still clear as mud, but clearer.
Just watched the clip of KC being upset after CA left the courtroom. Poor li'l ol' thang. Bet she insists upon testifying now so she can straighten everybody out with the truth.
Just watched the clip of KC being upset after CA left the courtroom. Poor li'l ol' thang. Bet she insists upon testifying now so she can straighten everybody out with the truth.

I hope she does. Doubtful but I want to see a fit on the stand if she does.
I will never forget that jailhouse tpe where inmate was laughing as her mother cried . Cindy was crying for her 'lost' granddaughter , crying for her daughter sitting accused in jail . She just looked so overwhelmed .
And Casey laughed ..but why expect more from someone that killed their own little girl?
No expert here but IMHO, not at all, except it might help her in the Penalty phase. Casey had no prior psychiatric history on record, there was no report of abuse, and SA victims do not behave as Casey has, again IMO. Can they try to fit a square peg in a round hole? They could try but I don't believe they will be successful. There is far too much evidence (albeit circumstantial) pointing to Casey's methodical plotting this out. Classic Sociopathic behavior, IMO. I'd go so far as to say that Casey let the cat out of the bag with what she revealed during her little meltdown. She fully expected Cindy to side with her in offing George! Is she mentally ill? Yes! But evilly so, IMO. Just like Charles Manson and Ted Bundy were. Sexual abuse victims truly are victims. Sociopaths are never victims. They just pretend to be. JMO

ETA: Oh, plus what TT said here: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.05.28 - KC upset during break when CA testifies

Attention and mostly pity is what sociopath's crave. Strange, but they love pity.
I missed the title of the book, could you please pm me? Thanks.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6576527&postcount=529"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.05.28 - KC upset during break when CA testifies[/ame]
I bet we will see some more of these mini breakdowns . I really think the lawyers can't tell her to stop because she might SCREAM .
I will never forget that jailhouse tpe where inmate was laughing as her mother cried . Cindy was crying for her 'lost' granddaughter , crying for her daughter sitting accused in jail . She just looked so overwhelmed .
And Casey laughed ..but why expect more from someone that killed their own little girl?

Yes, that conversation has stayed with me, the way she talks to her with utter contempt "Why is she crying already" and then just sneers.
After sleeping with this on my mind I have come to the conclusion that CA's change of demeanor is a tool which may cause a juror to think twice about giving ICA a death sentence.
OT- the grass never grew there again after GA put lyme there to cover the odor.

I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt.. I'll probably be sorry I did but that's on me lol.
Yes, that conversation has stayed with me, the way she talks to her with utter contempt "Why is she crying already" and then just sneers.

I cant help but wonder if perhaps tears are one of Cindy's weapons to get her way, and Casey is just used to it?

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