2011.05.28 TRIAL Day Five (Morning Session Only)

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any tweets? about whats going on in the court room?
I thought I saw Casey mouth while crying " She didn't look at me once, the entire time she was up there".
That was psycho if I ever saw it... I sincerely hope that is not what Caylee saw in her final moments.
I would LOVE to see the Morgan & Morgan depo... CA come out if JB gets as nasty with her as he did with GA
Please tell me someone recorded Casey's breakdown.I was on the phone!!!:maddening:
OMGosh, I wish the jury could see this display now. Casey pointing her finger at Cindy as Cindy is leaving, mouthing words with her face screwed up in anger. Finally brought to real tears. Not fake tears, but not tears of sadness either. A perfect display of angry tears and rage!! All my opinion (based on 65 years of hard living and observation ~ I may be an expert here, LOL).

I have no doubt they will see this at some point. There is no way this girl is going to make it through the next, what, maybe 2 months, without completely flipping her lid in front of the jury. I'd imagine HHJB would at that point admonish the jury to disregard her outburst, but once the bell is rung can it really be unrung?
"She's just doing ....."
"She's just doing...."

She is FURIOUS at CA, absolutely livid. She is so frushtrated she can't swallow. Wow, I can't believe I'm really seeing a physo in action. Very scary.


NOW tell me CA ran that household - now we are seeing with our own eyes what a sociopath does when things don't go their way?
my link went out.....any live links?
ICA cries when she's mad.
She's angry b/c people feel sorry for CA but not for her.

wesh live blog saying that she looks very angry right now, face all red... shaking her head no

(about house pictures and the layout of your house....????? wait till CA gets the real meat and potatoes of her testimony!)
Ok don't shoot me. But I actually believe CA. I have IBS and when I am on my cycle my weight fluctuates up to 10 pounds. I Have a small frame too so every pound I look pregnant. I think KC knew she was pregnant but I think CA may have believed it was Bloating or weight gain. The wedding made her start to guess otherwise. Silly as it may sound it I think CA gave KC the benefit of the doubt. I think she desperately tried to be KC's friend.

Gamon ITA, but like I always told my son. I would love to be your friend, but!! Mom has to come first.
I think Casey could tell from Cindy's testimony that her mom has wiped her, is going to simply tell the truth whatever that means for Casey, she knows she did it and she isn't going to blindly defend her anymore now that they're framing George. It's backfired HUGE and she knows it. A mistrial is their only hope for another strategy. What a mess the DT and ICA have created. This is just such a nightmare for them, it really is.
Imo, the minute they learned Casey was claiming a drowning af the house (after all her Zanny stories), the As knew Casey at least coldly covered up an accident and discarded her daughter like trash. The minute they learned she put George at the scene as the main player in this cover up, the As knew their daugther was murderer who was now gunning for them too, imo.

That teeny little doubt in Casey's favor that they clung to for 3 years was obliterated 8 weeks ago when they got word of Baez's general defense strategy. What a nightmare. All of their deception (whether intentional or out of denial) is being used against them by the person they were trying to believe and protect.

Casey Anthony is in a league of her own, imo.

I totally agree and couldn't have said it better!
WOW, I sure hope their is someone here who can read lips. Did KC just say "she's trying to hurt me"

Yes I saw her mouth that too and that is exactly what she said. What a heartless person after all the hurt she has caused for her whole family and friends.
"How could she do this to me? She's my mother."

Wonder if Caylee was thinking the same thing when YOU MURDERED HER KC?
Do you think this jury will be smarter than OJ's jury and come back with the correct verdict?
I also saw "she's just trying to hurt me" or "just doing that to hurt me."

Fascinating that the sight of her baby's bed, the pool where she supposedly drowned, etc., bring no reaction. Then she does some fake dabbing at her eyes. Then when the jury's gone, we get real emotion - ANGER! No grief for Caylee, but lots for herself when she thinks someone's "trying to hurt her."

We are seeing the real Casey today.

If that is for real...and I have been able to lipread her from time to time so I know it can be done...I am so.........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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