2011.05.31 Sidebar Thread

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The commentary provided on today's WFTV feed is better than what I've heard in the past. Authoritative and objective.
I take it that CA knew nothing about Tony so she found it strange that Amy seemed to be so familiar with where she was going because that indicated that she had been there at least a few times meaning Casey had been there more than a few times.

:tyou: Camille :)

Yes, you are right I think that is a part of it and all of it that will come into this trial. But in Cindy's statements to the FBI and OCSO she used those exact phrases and conversation to insinuate...that Amy and or RM had something to do with Caylee being missing. In her statements to LE Cindy Anthony uses any and all names of innocent people in suspicious ways to get the attention off of Casey.

Hey, any else remember: Rosebud? Cindy was actively digging up dirt on people with her private dick. I know everyone is just glad that it is going Caylee's way and I am not going to stump that energy. But it is going Caylee's way IMHO because of Linda and the State.

It nearly hit the 100 mark here yesterday near Chicago. I have the Midwest forecast right here - hot hot hot, humid, storm, flooding, storm, hot hot, more humid, tornado, storm, flooding, hot, then cold. Rinse, lather, repeat the whole summer long.

It's the old joke here. There are two seasons in Illinois - Winter, and Road Construction.

Like I said I am trying to keep my comments to myself since others have had it much worse...I'm just getting to like warmer weather...not the tidbets that go with it...However, those affected I do keep them in my prayers...
OK...this is getting to freaky...

LDB, JA, KC, and now Christi Paul on IS are all wearing various shades of purple today.

I don't think it's ANY accident LDB is wearing purple. She's trying to remind CA any way she can about her darling little granddaughter.
Silly question, but what is a thwart?

thwart (thwôrt)
tr.v. thwart·ed, thwart·ing, thwarts
1. To prevent the occurrence, realization, or attainment of: They thwarted her plans.
2. To oppose and defeat the efforts, plans, or ambitions of.
n. Nautical
A seat across a boat on which a rower may sit.
1. Extending, lying, or passing across; transverse.
2. Eager to oppose, especially wrongly; perverse.
adv. & prep. Archaic
Athwart; across.

also know as, what JB is at ALL times :D
KC sitting there speaking with Mason, and then raises her eyebrows, smiling, and soooo taken with herself, looking for his affirmation of her input! She has done this many times and it makes me CRAZY She really is from an alternate Universe, and doesn't belong in this one! JMO
It nearly hit the 100 mark here yesterday near Chicago. I have the Midwest forecast right here - hot hot hot, humid, storm, flooding, storm, hot hot, more humid, tornado, storm, flooding, hot, then cold. Rinse, lather, repeat the whole summer long.

It's the old joke here. There are two seasons in Illinois - Winter, and Road Construction.

Cherry - remember a week ago when the high was 46 and it was pee-peeing rain? Yesterday started with the heat on and went to A/C withing a hour or two....
For the life of me, I can't understand how anyone can sit and see their mother in so much turmoil and not fall apart. :mad:
I have been reduced to tears this morning over Cindy, and good lord she has done more for Casey than my mother was ever "able" to do, although I would never hold that against her, she did the best she could.

It's sad..just terribly sad! I wish I could hug her right now.
Side bar, that is okay with me because in here I can say, what is Casey wearing today? And, may I say that as a woman with plenty on top...what is going on with Casey on top?

The smoothing and grooming of the hair and bangs is back. In here I am still sorry to say, ICA makes me fill ill.

As far as Cindy goes, someone just said it in the trial thread, yeah as soon as they get thrown under the bus Cindy and George do not support Casey totally...they are just as selfish IMHO.

YES. I am one who said I cried for Cindy when she testified...but she is the same...she just does have more human ness in her than Casey and it could not come out during her THREE YEAR campaign of terror.

I have compassion...but let's just get Casey convicted...Cindy is starting to make me ill again too...she was going on about how it was strange that Amy knew right how to get to Tony's...

I call no change in Cindy except what she know KNOWS she needs to do to save HER OWN butt. And, that is fine...as long as it exposes Casey. Does that mean I think the means justify the ends...I don't KNOW! :eek:kay:

IMHO. :bow:
Thank you for your honesty. Great post. I haven't cried a tear or sniffle yet. CA is doing what she needs to for self preservation, It's obvious she has spent hours with Littman and Linda preparing for this.

She will revert back. And hopefully no cameras will be there for the show.
DS looks like she found something and is chirping to JB about it...probably her perfect Match on matchdotcom
I have to stop watching the WFTV feed for now...All I see is Casey fixing her hair...over and over and over
Whenever ICA has sleeves, she starts channeling her Lady MacBeth.
Im done with IS - and Beth in particular - absolutely worthless. And I was sticking up for them before...

They better be careful with all this "spin" to create drama they're pulling, it's really undermining any shred of credibility (ha!) they may have had

Respectfully Quoted BigFatMommyDog

:yes: I was just saying that exact thing this morning! ITA.
everyone hop on the train back to the trial thread! this one closing up soon!!!!

thwart (thwôrt)
tr.v. thwart·ed, thwart·ing, thwarts
1. To prevent the occurrence, realization, or attainment of: They thwarted her plans.
2. To oppose and defeat the efforts, plans, or ambitions of.
n. Nautical
A seat across a boat on which a rower may sit.
1. Extending, lying, or passing across; transverse.
2. Eager to oppose, especially wrongly; perverse.
adv. & prep. Archaic
Athwart; across.

also know as, what JB is at ALL times :D

Thank you so much 2 goldfish for answering this for me. Been seeing it for weeks now and had no idea what it meant :)
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