2011.05.31 TRIAL Day Six (Morning Session)

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Why is the dryer sheet so important?
CA was on new medications during depo......stated that she was trying to do the best she could, but on day of depo, she was tired (hadnt been sleeping,) and now has had flashbacks and can remembering more of that time...

HHBP: Jury disregard statement about the steak knife.

LDB w/CA...
submitting photos...(someone just sighed heavily into the mike!, I am hearing sniffs, it must be CA....)
CA is crying on the stand.....KC stone face....show pic of backseat of car....a pair of kc's slacks were on top of the shoes...a pair of kc's dress boots...CA did not remove the boots....took slacks w/same odor of the car...put them in the laundry there in the garage...this picture taken after...boots not there and dryer sheet that CA put in the car...pic admitted ....boots were on the floorboard....in her depo 7/29/09 sworn to tell truth...gave different response @ that time...CA couldn't remember if she did put dryer sheet in car...Vol 2 of 2, pg 323 lines 15-25...LDB may approach (object-overrule) read lines to yourself....does that refresh recollect if you put dryer sheet in car (object-overrule) CA I did not know/remember ...since I have flashbacks of that day....new meds...stressful day....in transition from 2 meds...CA does not know of a reason why she would put a dryer sheet car..(object/overrule) ... I didn't remember doing so at the time...i have had flashbacks since...LDB asked if anything that would affect your recall....yes mam, we discussed that was best we were going to get @ that point from me.....

LDB: I am going to show you States "35" Mrs. Anthony do you see the item?

yes ma'am

LDB: were they in the car when you cleaned it?


LDB: ?

the back seat of the sunfire on the passenger side.

LDB: other items?

shoes and casey's dress slacks and in the well, the seat well on the passenger side behind the driver there was a pair of casey's dress boots.

LDB: you removed the boots and the slacks.

not the boots.

LDB: okay the slacks what did you do with them?

they smelled like the car so I put them in the laundry.

LDB: your laundry is right there in the garage?

yes ma'am

LDB: "L" for identification. Can you see that?


LDB: is that a fair and accurate portrayal?

that picture is taken after because the boots were in the well and the dyer sheets were not there I placed them there.

LDB: aside from the changes you made it is fair and accurate?


HHJP: admitted into evidence

LDB: Mrs. Anthony...you indicated the boots where in a different part of the car when you accessed it?


LDB: were they on the floor?


LDB: did you put the dyer sheet there?


LDB: depo remember taking?


LDB: you were sworn to tell the truth, I was there


LDB: do you remember given a different response?


LDB: at that point in time do you remember saying you put the dryer sheet in the car?

I had forgotten I did.

LDB: may I approach the witness. page 322 line 15...

HHJP: you may approach

JB: objection

HHJP: overrulled

LDB: does that help your recollection as to whether you put the dyer sheet in the car?

at that time that I made that statement I did not remember since then I have had flash backs of that day. I had been on meds and I explained to everyone that day I was in transistion of meds and I would do the best I could that day.

LDB: didn't you say in that depo you said you didn't have a reason you would put a sheet in the car.

at that point I didn't remember doing so, since then my memory has increased.

LDB: do you remember me asking you if there was anything affecting your memory?


LDB: remember I asked you if there was an issue with your memory and do another time.

yes and I said that was the best you would get from me at that time.

LDB: (long pause)
I sense state is going to turn Cindy into a Hostile witness. and this could be why GA looks so p!ssed!!
FIRST, let me start by saying I'm so happy I found this site....so great to read along as I listen to the trial.

NEXT, not sure if this is nationwide or just here in Florida....but I live about 200-220 miles from Orlando. I understand the trial is being shown on HLN, IS and various other shows, but you have to deal with COMMERCIALS. These cable providers are showing the trial nonstop on devoted channels:

Brighthouse: 631
Comcast: 212
Verizon: 461
Knology: 135

Again, I don't know if this is just Florida-wide, but I do know that I've been watching uninterrupted as have some friends from various surrounding towns. Commercial-free other than when court is at recess.

I hope this helps someone! It's been my pleasure to watch the trial live, read posts here on WebSleuths, and watch the live CaseyCam, all at once. Multi-tasking!

CaseyCam: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/interactive.html

Good thing I don't have an out of the home job!

Welcome to WS!! :D
Hi DalesWife! :seeya:

So glad you joined us and thank you for your helpful first post! :hug:


CA needs to make eye contact with the jury. They may think "well were you lying then, or now?"
So are we saying she may have lied at depo(which we sorta knew) but telling truth now?
Since they were owners of the car all they ever had to do was file a stolen car report, the police would have picked up Casey as soon as they found her and the car.
There are threads about this steak knife. There was a black fiber ONLY, no duct tape residue or finger prints on it. In the trash bag from the truck there were empty velvetta wrappers. No evidence has been released what the black fiber was from if they discovered what it was.
My heart goes out to CA today. I feel so bad for her. She is really having a rough time today. It is just sinful what ICA has put her parents through.
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