2011.05.31 TRIAL Day Six (Morning Session)

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LDB: Mrs. Anthony on that call you can hear you addressing someone else is that George?

yes, I was in the garage and saw him pull up. I explained to him.

LDB: ?


LDB: did he have a visual reaction. not what he said but could you see one?

no because I think I collapsed in his arms and I think he was holding me up.

LDB: did the police arrive shortly after that call was made?

yeah, and everything became a blur, like I said I kind of collapsed in his arms it wasn't long before the first deputies arrived.

LDB: do you remember giving a written statement?

yes, that was later in the evening.

LDB: do you remember your daughter talking to them when they first arrived?

I walked the deputy into casey's room so he could talk to casey

LDB: the next day did you turn your sunfire over to the OCSO in a attempt to find Caylee?


LDB: did you also turn over the items? (she kept some back and joked about giving the wrong hair brush!!)

yes, except for slacks

LDB: did you turn in the desk top computer?

yes, it was taken a few days later?

LDB: a lap top computer to OCSO in an effort to locate your granddaughter Caylee?

yes, we gave them my computer my lap top

LDB: did you also turn over items that you believed the nanny had contact with in an effort to locate your granddaughter?

yes, if I was cleaning and I saw something they said if anything I should turn in.

LDB: cell phone?

they never asked for my cell phone except when we were going thru a time line and I was receiving calls and I was explaining to them and they got some messages off my phone, they took it for a half hour hour and gave me back my phone.

LDB: what was your number?

the same as today. (gives number)

LDB: home phone?

same as today.

LDB: did you give samples of dna and hair?


LDB: did you set up a tip line so that people around the country could call you with info to locate Caylee?

Lee worked with people to set up a tip line yes.

LDB: did you set up a command center in a public shopping center to get the word out?

yes ma'am our family did that.

LDB on july 16th 2008 did you receive a call from Casey after she was arrested?

yes ma'am I did.

LDB: may I enter and publish? there is a stipulation.

HHJP: received in evidence over the defense's objection. Casey made a call from the OC jail to her home on july 16th 2008 at 11:16 pm. It is a true and fair representation to be considered during your deliberations. You may publish.

(phone ringing: call being played)
Here is the first call home - THIS is going to be DAMAGING.

No concern about her daughter, no fear, no saddness - just cold and selfish.

Did the Judge allow Lee to sit in the courtroom? I overslept and missed this. :(
Phone call home from jail..............July 15, 2008....................

On top of the 911 calls...........this will be devastating to the defense!
The jury will not like the DT treating Cindy harshly after this. They will probably blow it because they have been going after Cindy and George to save ICA's sorry azzzz. I'm glad Cindy saved her grieving for the trial.
Ooooooo.....Is Cindy gonna say that Casey never lifted a finger to help look or suggest where to look for Caylee?
I'm actually surprised to hear the first jailhouse call now! Oh man, this one really shows how cold she is.
Respectfully, CA's phone number has been a matter of public record for at least 2.5 years. I would expect any calls she gets now would be far more supportive than any she's received in the past.
While I feel very badly for Cindy today, I strongly disagree that she was tortured by the media. That was a beast of her own creation!

I thought the same thing till today.

She was doing nothing but reacting. Reacting to the police, the media, us, the world watching...all the while not knowing where her granndaughter was and refusing to see the truth becuase she loves her daughter. She never had any time to process what was happening to her. Everything we saw was her reacting to whatever was happening at that second. We were so mad at her but which one of us would not have tried to protect our child? She was going in so many circles she didn't know what to believe so she went to a safe place...denial.

omg i can't believe i'm saying this about cindy. i truly am ashamed of myself for what i've said and thought. but i'll not make yall read it again, lol
Yes - I feel sorry for Cindy during 911 calls but we don't want to forget how she covered for KC blaming everyone else. Such a shame.

Plus we have yet to learn if she and GA will face obstruction charges as a result of their deliberate lies in this case. That may have a bearing on why they are now being more honest...
WOW this is terrible when you put the defense theory in your head.

SHOWS it is also a lie.
"It's not my fault!"

Now gimme Tony's number.
You should listen once again to the phone msg that CA left for Tim Miller- pure venom and very little to do with being in denial over Caylee. Also the slanderous comments she has made about him in public. CA is coming clean because she has little choice at this point.

Very interesting parallel here - we have believed what we wanted about CA for three years - that she supported ICA. Now three years later, we see she has changed her mind.

CA has changed her mind about ICA after three years, we some of us are unable to let go of what we have believed for three years.

Hmmmm - Interesting - no? :waitasec:

I wonder which of has to make the bigger switch - Us or CA????
Wow she comes off so bad in comparison to Cindy when you play these side by side .. very powerful stuff......
This shows a caring mother and a terrible daughter.
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