2011.06.02 TRIAL Day Eight (Morning Session)

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ICA has her pouty-lip, raised eyebrowed, glaring-eyes look going on this morning. And she keeps turning her head towards JB giving him 'the look'.
hope we get to see/hear.. THIS unieversla audio!! another whoppper for the PT and a bomb against the DT.... no way on this good earth... to get her out of this hole...and she, ica.. will sit there reading along with the screen as if it were a karaoke song... and just follow along.. void of the slightest bit of embarassment... un frickn believable...
LDB corrects YM's use of "Casey" instead of "Miss Anthony."
Now that Yuri is up - the site has slowed down to a crawl - no posting for a while..LOL
LDB questioning YM.

Dropped ICA back off at her house at 6 a.m. He then began his investigation by traveling to Universal. He got there at about 9 or 9:30 am. He went there to find outcry witnesses she had mentioned earlier or any info on them so that he could find them. He was also trying to get more info on ZG. He also wanted to see if he could get report of lost cell phone and then go to her office to try to find the phone.

At that point he was investigating where Caylee was. ZG was the suspect since ICA told him ZG took Caylee.

Met with L. Turtora at Universal. Called ICA and put her on speaker phone. He called her cell phone. Told her he was planning on going to Universal. Did not tell her he was already there. Asked her to confirm work # and ext. He had her on speaker so that L. Turtora could verify info in computer. Got boss's name, but not in computer.

At some point he asked if she would come to Universal. Doesn't remember exact conversation. He talked to his seargent - John Allen - and asked if he would get ICA and bring her to Universal. They picked her up at about 12:30 and brought her there. ICA agreed to come. (ICA sitting there expressionless).

(ICA shaking head no slightly)
ICA shaking her head "no" as YM testifies.
ICA has her pouty-lip, raised eyebrowed, glaring-eyes look going on this morning. (and she keeps turning her head towards JB, giving him 'the look'.

Much different than the looks she gave her brother yesterday..no?
How on earth can she sit there smiling as this is going on?!?!?!?! I want to bash my tv!!! It is so annoying to see how she glares at witnesses as if its someone else
I just love LDB - I hope she does the remainder of the direct...no offense to the other pros team but she is GOOD!
ICA has her pouty-lip, raised eyebrowed, glaring-eyes look going on this morning. (and she keeps turning her head towards JB, giving him 'the look'.

She is looking especially miserable today and acting guilty.moo
ICA obviously agitated, she sure doesn't like Yuri!
I remember when I first heard the tape of LE talking to ICA at Universal after they uncover her lies. I was frightened just listening to them. The nerve she had to bring them there, unreal!
YM calls her Casey, selfcorrects to Miss Anthony
how she shakes her head NO is ridiculous!! this has all been testififed to over and over
I don't know if I am in more anticipated excitement over the upcoming video...or the photo of KC that was taken while at Universal where she is grinning like a Cheshire cat??!

I want to read the twitters concerning juror reactions to THAT photo!!!
Yuri keeps referring to ICA as Casey and gets corrected to "Miss Anthony".
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