2011.06.02 TRIAL Day Eight (Morning Session)

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Big head jerk and whispers by ICA when Yuri talks about her NOT trying or wanting to leave

YM back on stand w/LDB

appears to be sidebar....

drop kc off @ 6ish in the morning...travel to Universal....arrived 9ish in am...purpose to go to Universal...several witnesses work @ Universal...could identify those people and ZTN was suspect worked there.....cellphone & office @ her work....trying to find Caylee thru ZTN....met w/LT @ Universal.....while meeting w/him put kc on speaker phone...reached her on her cell (not sure) she picked up ....didn't go to voicemail....YM plan to go to place of employ and wanted to get her info correct...didn't say she wsa @ Universal.....the name of Supv was same but last name wasn't....while she giving this info and simultaneous info coming from LT.....recall 1 phone call with her.....inquired if she could come to Universal.....recall asking about phone number and her boss....recall talking to Sgt. John Allen and ask if he could pick her up @ her home @ 12:30 and brought her to Universal.....tell kc want her to come to Universal....she agreed to come...nothing about not wanting to go or refusing to go.....she arrives within the hour of the phone conversation....met her @ employee entrance gate ...she not handcuffed w/Detectives....no hands on her....dressed in shirt/tie/badge/gun.....they walked up to gate.....since kc said she worked there....we let kc talk to security guard....she said was employee but didn't have ID.....asked her questions ....who she worked for....guard didn't know who the guy was......Mr. Tutora signed her in......kc was very convincing ....trying to convince security to let her in.....just inside the gate....asked her take us to her office - she was leading us......

LDB asks for moment....show witness what appears aerial photo of Universal.....DT has no problem admitting it into evidence....received in evidence - publish..... back gate of Universal..... used a satellite image and created path of travel and indicate a beginning and end points....employee parking area is beginning....we went from Sec. Guard gate....down a path led by kc, across street into a building (end point)....walk into building turns left...starts walking down hallway....half way down hall turns and says I don't work here......next in evidence - picture of interior of hallway @ Universal - publish....walking in double doors - turn Left straight down hallway down tile floor...she stops turns around and tells us she doesn't work there.....we asked if there was a room to talk to her.....further question her....can't recall conversation going into room....ok we need to talk about this......she agreed to speak w/them.....picture of room with blue wall, white couch and chair.....room where they spoke w/kc on that day.... furniture was placed differently....Sgt Allen and Appie Wells and kc....kc sat Appie and Allen are near door....YM is with kc on couch......tape recorded conversation in its entirety . . .except small part coming into room....she was not under arrest, she was not told she couldn't go if she wanted to.....took recorder out and placed it between her and I on the couch we were sitting on....

Audio & Transcript of conversation...

#caseyAnthony Some interesting visuals we've not seen before. Jurors still closely engaged.
by bobkealing via twitter at 9:53 AM

Thanks so much for posting these, it's hard for me to keep up with a million open windows :blowkiss:
That looks like a very comfortable room. Not intimidating at all. The defence must be disappointed.

In a case where one Miss Anthony was the victim and the other Miss Anthony is the defendant and there is also a Ms Anthony as witness I would prefer first names to keep everyone straight. The same problem happens when people interchange Caylee and Casey.
Oh please...let it be CM who crosses. I'd love to see that.
nobody forced her talk to them, she did anyway. Fully knowing at some point,this would come to pass.
Tape is over an hour! KC could really roll with the stories.
YM has reviewed the audio and transcript. They are accurate.

Audio marked as Exhibit 64 - JB states previously noted objections. HHBP overrules.

The statement is just over an hour in length.

15 minute break before audio is played.
15 min recess before 60 minute tape of interview.
ICA looking amazingly calm - colour the same- no change in expression.....
Can't they just take a ICA type break ... IMAGINARY!?!? lol
Insession is awful with commericals, going to start up computer number 2 and pray my bandwidth does not quit on me.
How can she be all grins? She is about to be one step closer to spending the rest of her life in prison.
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