2011.06.03 TRIAL Day Nine (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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yes I do, this also has my handwriting and my seals.

LDB: once these items are obtained what do you do with them?

turned over to boisey

LDB: seal before turning them over?


LDB: sealed that evening?

yes, I believe so

LDB: need to look at seal for certainty?

yes, yes the seal on the envelope is the same

LDB: aside from the swabs of the cheek any other evidence?


LDB: what was that?

hair standards

LDB: how?

lose hair standards and pulled hair standards, I retrieved her lose hair into an envelope and I personally pulled her hair out for the pulled hair standard. (I wonder how many people wanted to line up to do that deed? :pullhair:

LDB: how know evidence is not contaminated?

a large roll that is placed in my van and only used when needed.

LDB: what ever lose hair that could be obtained at that point?


LDB: approach witness to id (number of evidence) take a look and tell me as something you recognize as having contact in the past.

yes has my handwriting and my initials.

LDB: what is inside

the lose head hair standards

LDB: was it sealed by you on date?


LDB: what did you do with it then?

turned into lead investigator Boisey

LDB: pulled head hair? like it sounds?

it is, we are responsible for pulling mulitple areas of the head. Tweezers that are one time only didn't work so I used my hands.

LDB: make sure none of your hair or skin cells get in?

gloves and mask

LDB: may I approach the witness?

HHJP: you may
Lmao!!!! Tweezers weren't working so she had to phisically pull the hair from Miss Anthony's head.
Interesting that CSI collects both loose hair and then pulls a hair from the head.

I wonder what the difference?
She's a CSI with OSCO. Been employed there a little over 3 years. She has a BS in forensic science. Currently obtaining her Masters from UCF. She received 4 months training with OSCO. She has over 320 hours of additional training in crime scene.

In 07/08 she had been with the OSCO for 4 months. Asked to assist in collecting items by YM. She was shown a package and said she had no contact with that item.

(ICA is looking a little more relaxed now than she did while watching the videos this morning).

On 7/21 she was asked to go to the jail to collect samples from ICA. She wanted to see her report. She arrived at 21:44. She was asked to obtain hair and buchal (sp) swab samples. She showed a cotton swab to the jury and explained how she rubbed them in ICA's cheek. She wore gloves and a mask while obtaining the samples.

LDB showed her a package and she said it was the swabs from the left cheek of ICA. It is sealed and she now cut it open and asked to look inside. The swabs were inside. She sees her handwriting and seal on the swab box. She was shown another package and identified it as swabs from ICA's right cheek. She opened it and similarly identified them.

These items were turned over to lead CSI Boisey (sp). She verified chain of custody.

She also collected hair standards from ICA using FBI protocol - loose and pulled. Loose hairs fall onto a brown piece of paper that she has in her vehicle. She was shown a package and identified it as the loose hair standard. She verified chain of custody. It was turned over to lead investigator Boisey (sp).

Regarding pulled hair sample, she pulled hair from multiple areas of the head. She used disposable tweasers, glove and mask. She was shown a package and identified it as the pulled hair sample. She verified chain of custody. This was turned over to lead investigator Boisey (sp).
:twocents: Please note: LDB is trying to demonstrate that it IS easy to contaminate samples, thus care is taken by the collectors to avoid it by gloves & masks
Well, we all know why ICA doesn't like this woman for sure! She's the one who pulled her hair :floorlaugh:
the state is so ORGANISED. contrast that with the DT :|
Where are they going with this evidence?
That's what I'd like to know.
It's like they want to prove evidence was improperly taken,.....why would the state open afternoon court with such questions? :waitasec:
Off to get MORE coffee.
btw-LUV your avatar. :floorlaugh:
Interesting that CSI collects both loose hair and then pulls a hair from the head.

I wonder what the difference?

CM said that was protocol. FBI likes both type for testing.
Interesting that CSI collects both loose hair and then pulls a hair from the head.

I wonder what the difference?

Loose hairs could possibly be from someone else??
LDB: contact with in the past?


LDB: what is it?

my handwriting and my initials on the seal, they are the pulled head hairs from miss anthony

LDB: what happened after you got samples and sealed package

to Boisey the lead detective they were given

LDB: approach with evidence?

HHJP: you may

LDB: take a look a "jc" contact with in past?

yes I do

LDB: how?

my handwriting and my initials and date on the seal

LDB: inside?

four toothbrushes belonging to Caylee Anthony
I think she said July 21st.

How did they get the warrant so quickly? I think ICA would have objected if they started trying to pull her hair out without a warrant and I understand that a warrant would have to be obtained to do that.
:twocents: Please note: LDB is trying to demonstrate that it IS easy to contaminate samples, thus care is taken by the collectors to avoid it by gloves & masks

I noticed that. She is good! Dotting i's crossing t's. Almost as if she is cross examining her own line of questions. Fascinating.
This may be boring to most people, but keep in mind this part of the trial got a ton more important after the OJ case. The jury needs to know that the proper chain of custody happened.
Observation...for all those that were on the sidebar and were discussing ICA appearance...not her physical appearance but her demeanor and how it changed day to day. Look at her now...vs. when she was watching those jailhouse visit tapes....Night and day. She is calm, just watching as if she is looking at her favorite tv show. No hatred and venom pouring from her pores like when she sees her mom and dad.
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