2011.06.06 Sidebar (Trial Day Eleven)

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Just speculating about the Home Depot footage but I'm thinking it most likely shows ICA purchasing a very specific item that was found with the body.
I can't wait to see the video.
Well, if ICA is shown on video at Home Depot in late May buying items that could make chloroform...the DT is DONE! And it clinches it for me. I respect all life. I have a hard time with the Death Penalty. But even I would concede that ICA would be toast. But if anyone knows me, they know what I already believe ICA to be anyway, which is the WOB.
And speaking of Sims...just what is her role other than what looks like to me as being the Teams' secretary?
Instead of Sims going up to the side bar Baez and Ms Fry (the new attorney) go up..

She's got her "doc in a box" at the defense table - I think it's kinda like one of those magic "8" balls you can ask questions from? :waitasec:

No that can't be right because if it was it would be saying "Abort! Abort!"

Why are we talking about the HD videos? Are we going to see those today? Is that in the evidence that the State just brought in before break?

And if they were release in the doc dump but not to media, must be some damning stuff on there.

Also are we saying/thinking ICA tried to clean with chloroform? I was always under the impression that is how she would knock Caylee out. (zanny the nanny)
I know I have asked this before, but I still don't get it? Can someone please explain to me why the defense, or rather JB has been fighting the smell of decomposition in the trunk evidence for so long and so hard?

I can understand why they did it initially. The initial murder charges were based on the trunk evidence. But in December 2008 it became an almost moot point when Caylee's remains were found. The decomposition in the trunk was no longer the linchpin of the states case. It was no longer the thing proving that a death had occurred. They had the dead body.

Even worse, JB said in his opening that Caylee died on June 16 and his client was there and aware of it. So his opening statement put his client in possesion and or control of said dead child.

It's not like the jury can't do the math here? Even if it was an accidental death, they are still going to follow the line from the house to Casey to the Car. It's not like she had someone elses body in the trunk? and it's not like they are going to buy into any theories of rotting pizza or suicide squirrels when there is clearly a dead childs body in play.

So why fight this so hard? Why would they fight this tooth and nail, alienatingthe judge the jury and everyone around them? Raise the objections and move on. I mean at this point wouldn't it almost be better to get your objections strongly on the record and then back off? The Frye hearing was lost, challenge the new science at appeal, but don't fight a clearly losing battle tooth and nail in front of the jury for no apparent reason? or am I missing something important in all of it?

I've pondered this too and I think it comes down to a couple of things, most criminal defense lawyers theorised that the problem with Baez going with an accident was, just as you said above, you never, ever put your client with the body, but at this point the defense had no choice, they had to go with accident. However, I think Baez saw a potential way out of this by putting George there as well added to this ICA will never admit to any wrongdoing of any kind so I think Baez will be coming back later to say that George took the body from her and put Caylee in ICA's car unbeknown to her - How George is supposed to accomplish this without ICA knowing and all before he left the house at 215pm is a mystery.

I mean surely they thought all this out before hand, right?

The only other thing I can think of is that Baez really thought he could keep it out at trial with some case law that they've neglected to find.

Or last thing maybe ICA is making them fight it tooth and nail to her own detriment. I do notice that she keeps pointedly looking at Baez as if to say "object, object!".

But none of it makes sense because everyone is going to know that Caylee was rotting in that trunk so their theory is that Caylee got into the trunk without ICA knowing then back out of the trunk and then into Kronk's hands somehow. It doesn't get more bizarre or more convoluted than that and no jury is this world is ever going to believe that happened.

It all comes back to ICA - she will not admit nor ever take any responsibility for what she did she's even blamed her lying on George. Someone this dangerous should never be allowed to walk outside of a prison again.
When Dr. Vass testified as to the first acid released in decomposition, and it was in the carpet samples, was it butryic acid?

JA: "What is the one environmental, if there is one, what is the most important environmental factor in the time that that process takes? Whether it's faster or slower?"
Dr. Vass: "There are 4 processes that are important in the rate of decomposition. Temperature is the most important. The 2nd is the presence of water, the water can come from the environment, it can come from inside the body...humidity, things of that nature. The 3rd is pH, pH is essentially a measure of whether something is acidic or basic there is a pH scale which runs from essentially 0-14, 7 being neutral. Above 7, it's alkaline or basic. Below 7, it's acidic. Surface or aerobic decomposition, that's decomposition in an oxygen type of environment like if the body is just lying on the surface, typically is very alkaline, high pH. Burials or anaerobic type of decompositional events tend to be very acidic. Like a burial situation or if you're wrapped in something that you can't have a lot of oxygen exchange. And the 4th major component is the presence of oxygen. Again, aerobic is much more rapid than anaerobic which is lack of oxygen. So those 4 major parameters affect the rate and completeness of the decompositional process. Temperature, being most important."
JA: "In that respect, would higher temperature accelerate decomposition?"
Dr. Vass: "That is correct."
JA: "Lower temperature might make is slower..."
Dr. Vass: "That is correct."

I loved that part of the testimony...very powerful IMO
Temperature, water, burial situation
Sorry to be commenting on this post so late. I'm a few pages behind. But LKB and her comments are such a burr in my backside. So she's married to Dr. Baden - so what?! He was on Geraldo last night and didn't have one thing of inteliigence to contribute. I'm not even sure why he was on unless it was to sub for his wife.

It's my opinion that LKB bailed from the DT because of money. I would guess she's getting paid pretty handsomely for all her appearances now. Maybe even by JB as her front man, so to speak? She's been promoting him like a PR person.

I simply cannot stand this... woman. And I hope once this trial is over that her credibility is shot to hell.

BBM - an old saying comes to mind every time I see LKB on some of these shows: "You can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear".....moo
Oh dear. Did anyone else just hear LKB on IS say of this case that she feels like her baby is out there and she's not there? OMG.

OK... Ynot must no longer listen to LKB. Ever.

Wait....what?!? I was fixing lunch for my girls and missed this. In what context was it taken? As in Casey is her baby and she feels like she is not there to protect and defend her? What about CAYLEE?!? Someone please tell me I am reading this wrong...:banghead:

I'd like to hear what it means as well. Makes no sense to me at all.
Sorry if this has already been addressed or if it's a stupid question. Regarding Chloroform - how would you even go about getting it? Casey was of limited means so I can't imagine she could just go out and BUY it, and I'm pretty sure it's not something you can pick up at the local WalMart. I don't understand how, if Chloroform had anything to do with Caylee's death, Casey would have even had access to such a potent drug. If I were on the jury, I would be inclined to believe these levels happened naturally, in nature, because how would Casey get possession of chloroform.

Again, sorry if this has already been addressed, I searched and could find nothing. Thanks in advance for any insight!
Can someone please tell me if it has been found to be true that ICA and Caylee were at Walmart on the 16th of June?
Someone please splain to me about this New Home Depot videotape I am just hearing about NOW
I've pondered this too and I think it comes down to a couple of things, most criminal defense lawyers theorised that the problem with Baez going with an accident was, just as you said above, you never, ever put your client with the body, but at this point the defense had no choice, they had to go with accident. However, I think Baez saw a potential way out of this by putting George there as well added to this ICA will never admit to any wrongdoing of any kind so I think Baez will be coming back later to say that George took the body from her and put Caylee in ICA's car unbeknown to her - How George is supposed to accomplish this without ICA knowing and all before he left the house at 215pm is a mystery.

I mean surely they thought all this out before hand, right?

The only other thing I can think of is that Baez really thought he could keep it out at trial with some case law that they've neglected to find.

Or last thing maybe ICA is making them fight it tooth and nail to her own detriment. I do notice that she keeps pointedly looking at Baez as if to say "object, object!".

But none of it makes sense because everyone is going to know that Caylee was rotting in that trunk so their theory is that Caylee got into the trunk without ICA knowing then back out of the trunk and then into Kronk's hands somehow. It doesn't get more bizarre or more convoluted than that and no jury is this world is ever going to believe that happened.

It all comes back to ICA - she will not admit nor ever take any responsibility for what she did she's even blamed her lying on George. Someone this dangerous should never be allowed to walk outside of a prison again.

LOL Darnudes - like I said - no freaking idea! :crazy:
The defense team turn into more of a shambolic mess as the trial continues, between a client like miss ICA and the inexperience of Baez it's derailing at an exponential rate.
With Heavy Heart...Over the weekend, my cousin's 2 year old grandson was found lifeless in a swimming pool.

There was no covering it up, the mom is beyond devestated and won't be having a night on on the town for God Knows how long, and he was immediately taken to the hospital even though it was too late to save him. THIS is what happens with an accidental drowning...

As a lifelong Floridian, I've heard these stories before, never has it touched this close. If there happened to be any unreasonable doubt left in my mind about Casey Marie Anthony, it's forever Set in Stone now just how much of a Monster she truly is.

Love Your Baby's no matter how old ~

RR, I am so sorry. I totally understand how you feel. (((Hugs)))
Just think to yourself as she is speaking:

Tsk Tsk Ms. Kennedy-Baden - are you really that jealous it is Dr. Vass and not you making legal history today?

Perhaps you could have the removal of that big green fella called "Jealousy" added to your surgical enhancement list???? Not professionally becoming AT ALL.:loser:

LG humming a few bars from "fools rush in where angels fear to tread."..

actually as I'm saying STHU, I've got the remote in my hand and changing channels......:seeya::innocent:
Sorry if this has already been addressed or if it's a stupid question. Regarding Chloroform - how would you even go about getting it? Casey was of limited means so I can't imagine she could just go out and BUY it, and I'm pretty sure it's not something you can pick up at the local WalMart. I don't understand how, if Chloroform had anything to do with Caylee's death, Casey would have even had access to such a potent drug. If I were on the jury, I would be inclined to believe these levels happened naturally, in nature, because how would Casey get possession of chloroform.

Again, sorry if this has already been addressed, I searched and could find nothing. Thanks in advance for any insight!

You can use common household items to make it. Like Bleach, nail polish remover etc...
Wait....what?!? I was fixing lunch for my girls and missed this. In what context was it taken? As in Casey is her baby and she feels like she is not there to protect and defend her? What about CAYLEE?!? Someone please tell me I am reading this wrong...:banghead:

No, Ryan whatsisname from IS gave LKB a flattering comment along the lines of, "where is she, seems like this defense needs her" and she said "I know, I feel like that's my baby out there (the defense case) and I'm not with it."

This followed a bit where they were discussing how LKB had been a DT member and did some depos for them last year.
If there is anything damning on the Home Depot videos, it will clearly show premeditation considering these were the dates on the videos:

24. CD-R - Home Depot Video, 5-23-08,
6-29-08, 7-5-08
25. CD-R - Home Depot Video, 5-29-08

A couple of weeks before Caylee allegedly drown.
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