2011.06.07 TRIAL Day Twelve (Afternoon Session)

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From what I've seen for the past 3 years, ICA shows no or very little emotion. Actually, she shows emotions when something is about her----NOT Caylee.

Nothing when they show the pics of Caylee's playhouse either.
shows on the picture that G alerted near the sandbox in front of the playhouse
CASEY---stone faced at the sight of Caylee's playhouse.

Also, when he pointed to the spot in the yard, she glanced up at witness. Long look, no emotion.
Alert near t playhouse and t sandbox, behind t picnic table.
Only a final alert in the back corner- Southeast corner. By sand/kids area. Not the pool!

Guess JB's scenario of an accidental drowning is out the window now - no hits on the pool area!

Final trained alert near the bench and playhouse ....circle area.....

(wonder if the sandbox top would fit on that area? IMO may have laid her on the ground and covered her with the lid of sandbox?)

I have been thinking that ICA's lack of response to items we expect to unnerve her are directly related to the fact that she came to terms with/got over what she did to and in fact Caylee herself A LONNNNNNNNNNG time ago.
#caseyanthony does not appear to have any reaction to this testimony or the photos.
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 2:50 PM

Forgey suggests to investigators they should get a 2nd dog. They call in Bones. #CaseyAnthony -fell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 2:50 PM

No reaction from Casey as the playhouse is shown. #caseyanthony
by jimlichtenstein via twitter at 2:50 PM
OMG. Gerus immediately knew where Caylee had been. Immediately. Oh poor Caylee. That just makes me want to cry...see Casey? Even the DOG knew where she had been!!!!!!

The defense ought to concede as to decomposing body. So many people and experts and now the dogs alert.

So agree with your post.
You know, for someone who went through such a traumatic event, she is not showing one freaking emotion about ANYTHING to do with this traumatic event. Yeah, that is so TOTALLY blown out the window, BAEZ!
bones came from osceola county in an undetermined time later... (he had been with other handler for a few years at that point)
No reaction to the playhouse by ICA. That is something she should be reacting too.
Direct examination of Deputy Forgey by LDB

LDB showed him his supplemental report so that he could determine the time he was called in this case.

He was first called in this case on July 17, 2008. He responded to main operations at 2500 West Colonial - the forensics bays at 5:31 p.m. To prepare for a call, Gerus' collar is an indicator - a tool for the dog to know. A harness is for tracking, a collar is for looking for human remains.

When he arrived, he had no info about the case other than general info. He responded to the Bay and the CSI took him to a vehicle in the Bay that they wanted him to look at. At this point, Deputy Forgey had 5 years working with training aids of human origin.

JB objected - OVERRULED.

He also is able to detect the odor of human remains. When he got there, he could smell the strong odor of decomp in the Bay. The dog was in the vehicle waiting. Dep. Forgey went inside to see what they wanted. He discovered the vehicle was still in the Bay and asked them to move it outside because there are other bio hazard trash cans in the opposite bay. He asked them to move the vehicle outside in the parking lot. He wanted it in the open air to remove it from the other bio hazards.

My question - other bio-hazards? Did this taint anything else in this case?

He did not recall how long he let it sit - not too long.

He had Gerus sweep a car on the west side of the subject vehicle. This is what they do in training. He's never run into this in the real world situation. They then went to the subject vehicle. The first time around the Sunfire, the doors were closed.He swept it in a counter clockwise manner starting at the front bumper and driver's side. He had told a tech that he would have them start opening the vehicle by slightly opening the doors in a counterclockwise manner.

On the first past he started indicating in the rear of the vehicle. On the second time around he had the driver's door opened. Gerrus dove into the car, looking to the back seat trunk area trying to get there. He came back out, working the source. He had the tech open the trunk and the dog jumped into the trunk (front end - stuck his head in). Dep, Forgey was overwhelmed at that point also. Dog came out of the trunk and gave him a final trained alert.

The next day he was asked to go to the A's home. He was asked to do a sweep of the backyard - that they had a concern of a couple of areas in the backyard - a low area that GA was not familiar.

JB - OBJECTION - move to strike. HHBP - which portion Mr. Baez? SUSTAINED - portion stricken about GA's familiarity.

He took the dog to the A's. He went and looked at the backyard before deploying the dog to see the areas of concern for the detectives. He got the dog from the car and conducted a search of the yard. They did an off lead search. The majority of people were removed. His K-9 supervisor remained. He commanded the dog to find human remains (Command is Find Fred). Indicator was collar. Off lead because it was a fenced yard to allow a free search. He entered the yard from the NW corner (gate by garage) and headed east. Went past sheds, heading east. They then returned to the NE corner where there was an indentation. The dog did not alert there, but continued to work. He went around the pool. The only area he gave any alerts and a final trained alert was in the SE corner, near the play house and sand box area.

LDB wants to publish Exhibit 43 to the Jury. Yes you may.

He identified the play area in the photo.

He indicated where the trained final alert occurred. (It was in the grass in front of the playhouse, bench and sandbox area. )

He then removed the dog from the area and suggested another cadaver dog come search - Bones.

When Bones' handler arrived, he gave general info - here's the area of concern, here's where I want you to search, here's what I did. You don't tell them what the dog did.

Bones arrived. He was present for Bones' search. He did not run it. Bones had been with the other handler for a few years at that point.

No more questions by LDB.
Except they were told she was last seen several miles away at Sawgrass Apt. How are they supposed to know where to start? The backyard sounded like a good start but then what?

They went to the neighbor to find out about the shovel, I would guess they would keep going to see if any other neighbors had seen anything. They knew she was lying pretty quickly, so why did they continue to listen to her b.s. and start searching the neighborhood?
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