2011.06.08 Sidebar (Trial Day Thirteen)

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Let's keep in mind that ICA is not a bright spark in the universe. Except for quick lying on her feet she really hasn't demonstrated any intellect at all. So while WE might realize fairly quickly that chloroform isn't a good babysitting option, it's entirely possible ICA (who cannot think ahead) thought it was probably just dandy.

I just found a website that explains the process.No way in Hades I'd even attempt making it...plus I am not good at math.

So hard for me to believe that she made it but stranger things have happened.
Chloroform droplets from homemade stuff (finally got the wayback to work for me)


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She was talking and they ignored her. Horrible lawyers both of them.

You don't normally see me defend JB and CM.

But my opinion is that ICA has to realize they're trying to do a job (or at least they should be). We all know ICA lies through her teeth. She's probably spouting about how she didn't do any of those searches the guy is wrong yada yada take your pick. However, it would appear that the Court might have moved into chambers to deal with something (unknown as of yet what the heck happened at the end) and JB and CM have to have their wheels turning in their heads to figure out what to do and how to deal with HHJP. JB had just had his butt handed to him with the 84 times testimony that was elicited by the witness because he didn't see where LDB would go with the witness.

I'm not saying JB and CM are fantastic attys (IMO they aren't) but ICA needs to let them do their job and quit with the theatrics.
Wow, I'm gonna predict there will be three sets of numbers that ICA will have engrained in her brain when this is over.

31 - number of days between the day Caylee was murdered and the day she
was reported "missing".

84 - number of times the browser was hit with the word "chloroform".

?? - The number of minutes, described in detail by Jeff Ashton, it took Caylee to
die after she looked into the eyes of the person who applied the duct tape
over her tiny nose and mouth.

The hoodie she bought with stolen Amy money - Number 82 - was a great number to be arrested in. She was so proud of herself. She thought she looked cool wearing that blue hoodie.
I couldn't help thinking about what was going through George and Cindy's minds when they heard about the chloroform and homemade weapons searches today. This has to have been one of the most difficult days of the trial for them. Thoughts and prayers are with them this evening as they digest what they've learned about their daughter's computer activities.

Thats on my mind as well....Put these searches along with all her talk to Amy about her folks splitting up and leaving her with the house..so they (KC and Amy) could live together...I am getting the sense KC had far bigger plans going on in her head....KC is diabolical and one evil individual and wouldnt be at all surprised if she gets the DP.."Put her out of her misery"...Tho personally I would love to see her have to live the next 60 years incarcerated..solidary confinement would even be better!

Thoe searches took place 3 months before she claims Caylee died in that pool...I do not believe for one minute she died that way and actually pray she died in her sleep..chloroformed or not...I want to remember this sweet child happy and singing and dancing :innocent::innocent:
Does anyone know why the entries for FB and MS didnt include the user id/email? TIA
Re: folks hearing what happens at sidebar... Tweeters have indicated that they have a "white noise" machine in the court room that they put on during sidebar, and folks in the gallery at least can't hear what's going on. ICA is closer, so she may catch a word or two but ??? :waitasec:

And she should be able to read on her attys laptop the realtime transcription from the court reporter.
Re: folks hearing what happens at sidebar... Tweeters have indicated that they have a "white noise" machine in the court room that they put on during sidebar, and folks in the gallery at least can't hear what's going on. ICA is closer, so she may catch a word or two but ??? :waitasec:
I thought the sidebar transcripts were being shown at the DT and State table as she transcribes it in real time.
If she had plans for this, how did she think she would dispose of their bodies?
No need .. Home Invasion or multiple sucide something like that .. She was already laying the stepping stones ie: parents divorce ..her getting house ...
I just looked and didn't see it on WESH. WFTV cut away quickly. It also looked at though she had some sort of electronic device, a phone or calculator or something in the palm of her hand.

I think I posted it was WFTV but you are correct it was WESH that kept streaming video after court adjourned for the day..
I think the white rectangular item she had in the hand was what she wrapped the white cord around..think of a very small hose reel but for a computer cord
That artery search is pretty disturbing, was she considering slashing the folks' throats?
That artery is up in the skull so she couldn't slash it. She did search head injury though.
Which exact site was the 84 searches done on again? The one that contained actual intructions on how to make chloroform?
I too have a hard time believing that KC went through all the trouble of making chloroform when she could have just used Benadryl or cough medicine to make Caylee sleep. I just do not see her going to all that work---too lazy for that.
So are we assuming that Casey was buying the ingredients for chloroform in these Home Depot videos? What about the video's after Caylee was deceased? Now I am very interested in these videos and why we haven't seen them before now?
So she looked up chloroform for Caylee (how to make, inhalation, signs of developing a "habit"), and how to kill someone while making it look like an accident (or self defense). Would you have to defend yourself against a baby? No. Was anyone sending ICA threatening stalker emails (that she didn't invite, that is)? Sadly, no. Was she acting as if she were in fear for her life? No.

Seriously, were I only the jury I'm not sure I could think of another reason she would be interested in most of those things except in offing a grown adult or two.

I mean if you were TonE or Ricardo or ... insert other lovers..., wouldn't you have relationship problems for the rest of your natural life once you realized what she was googling and doing between 'dates' with you? I don't know how I could ever trust someone again after being intimate with someone capable of this. I am so skeeved out today over this.
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