2011.06.08 Sidebar (Trial Day Thirteen)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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It really doesn't look any harder than making a rum & coke. Not meant to be funny or anything. It's just two liquids and ice and some waiting time. The scary thing is what one could do with it once finished.
I mean if you were TonE or Ricardo or ... insert other lovers..., wouldn't you have relationship problems for the rest of your natural life once you realized what she was googling and doing between 'dates' with you? I don't know how I could ever trust someone again after being intimate with someone capable of this. I am so skeeved out today over this.

I don't think any of her lovers trusted her, I think she was just convenient. (Although maybe Ricardo was duped. At least he went on with his life and has a wife and baby now.)
I wonder how KC's grades were in science?
I too have a hard time believing that KC went through all the trouble of making chloroform when she could have just used Benadryl or cough medicine to make Caylee sleep. I just do not see her going to all that work---too lazy for that.

It doesn't seem that complicated to make. Plus she had no job, plenty of time to play frankenstein.
That artery is up in the skull so she couldn't slash it. She did search head injury though.

he middle meningeal artery (Latin arteria meningea media) is typically the third branch of the first part (retromandibular part) of the maxillary artery, one of the two terminal branches of the external carotid artery
Thank for the info., Maybe that's what she used the syringe for...to get the chloroform at the bottom.
No need .. Home Invasion or multiple sucide something like that .. She was already laying the stepping stones ie: parents divorce ..her getting house ...

Poor George had already had a stroke (lie told to Amy) and we know they were getting a divorce,so CA and GA were probably planning to take some time off and go on a vacation to see if they could make their marriage work.
ICA would have been making excuses at first and then baffled when her parents dropped off the face of the planet. After all,she had just talked to both of them on her Blackberry from work. :waitasec:
In her fantasy world she was absolutely going to get away with it. :loser:
It really doesn't look any harder than making a rum & coke. Not meant to be funny or anything. It's just two liquids and ice and some waiting time. The scary thing is what one could do with it once finished.

It really does look very easy to make.
I too have a hard time believing that KC went through all the trouble of making chloroform when she could have just used Benadryl or cough medicine to make Caylee sleep. I just do not see her going to all that work---too lazy for that.

But it appears that she did make it... how else are we to explain the high levels of chloroform in the trunk of her car... along with the searches made on her computer... if she didn't make it??

I do not see Casey getting anyone else involved in this... if someone else was involved in this she would have implicated them instead of her poor father.
I find it hard to believe Casey is brave enough to attempt to make this herself. But of course I know she did - it seems like a scary process...

I've come around to thinking the "lazy" ICA is yet another facade we've been shown. The "I wouldn't go to the effort" is another ploy to shirk responsibility, IMO. I think she was calculating under the surface.

Also, sociopaths do not know fear.
If you think of it backwards it could go like this : ICA looks up some things,and links to other more interesting stuff come up that she reads.
Let's just suppose she was considering getting rid of GA and /or CA. Maybe just Caylee, or maybe she got an idea from a show and the searches really didn't have anything to do with killing anyone (yet).She read about some interesting stuff.Period.
Three or so months later she's coming up with an excuse about why she STILL has not come home. All that great info she read now is suddenly useful and adds credence to her story about Zanny's injuries. CA is a nurse ,after all.

So what came first ,the chicken or the egg ? Did she look it up to explain Zanny's hospital stay or did she create the hospital stay because she already had some info she could use?
Does that make sense?

You could be right. Just like she looked at Zanny's info on the apartment card and then spouted out the info when she had reason to. I wonder if she regularly went around absorbing random info to use in her lies later.
I wonder if she bought a funnel and some filter type materials... Oh boy, I can't wait to see her so busted!
She has a pattern of not thinking things through very well. When she stole 1000 dollars from her 'best friend's ' checking account she signed her name on the back of the forged checks and went to B of A, right in front of the surveillance cameras. No forethought, just lived 10 minutes at a time. [ Mercury retro in Pisces exactly Square Mars/.Uranus ]

Gotcha! Good analysis!
I think I posted it was WFTV but you are correct it was WESH that kept streaming video after court adjourned for the day..
I think the white rectangular item she had in the hand was what she wrapped the white cord around..think of a very small hose reel but for a computer cord

I just went and checked my browser history to be certain, but I did watch the ICA hissy fit on WFTV on the Casey cam. It kept on her for quite awhile. At first she was laughing and smiling with Baez, which caught my attention. They seemed to be joking and then she started looking more serious and got very animated and he kept smiling and did not look at her. She kept on going and was really upset, imo. Then the camera view was purposely blocked by one of the female DT team who came around the table and stood in front of Casey.
It really doesn't look any harder than making a rum & coke. Not meant to be funny or anything. It's just two liquids and ice and some waiting time. The scary thing is what one could do with it once finished.

When you mix a rum and coke you get drunk, when you mix this stuff you get dead.
Geez,can you imagine what TL and AH must be feeling right now? And SP.I feel sorry for her!
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