2011.06.09 TRIAL Day Fourteen (Morning Session)

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Most jurors took notes when 911 call made 12/09/08 reporting little human skull found in woods near #caseyanthony's house. #fox35
by anthonycase via twitter at 10:00 AM
I have a feeling today will be filled with very sad testimony.
DT conference re: RK


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I think the chances of her getting the Death pen are slim to none. I think she should plea and i also think the state would accept the plea then they can go on and try for for the stolen checks and money she stole and the irs thingy oh and wait didn't she lie to LE... She will never ever see the light of day as I see it.

OH and plaster Caylee's photo all over her cell and put her in with general population....


I'd also like the tape of Caylee singing 'you are my sunshine' to be muzak'd into her cell 24/7.
Can someone please post the links to all the internet feeds? Thanks!
Insession is the worst. I keep a tab open on my browser with the feed on mute, so I can pick it up during the many commercial breaks.

I usually do too, but I wasn't prepared yet this morning, still on my first cup of coffee
I wonder if they will call Kiomarie to testify that THIS EXACT AREA was their childhood pet cemetary.

Her pupils are huge. Her eyes look black. Medicated?
ICA looks like she thinks "the bag and skull" is a new pub or something.
It is going to get very painful for CA, GA, LA and all of us from this point on. For ICA it may be tough but she is determined to remain stoic.
bringing evidence of human skull

♥ ♥ caylee♥

RK should be next and then Dr. G with the photos of Caylee's skull with the duct tape...I believe she is done..if she's having this reaction imagine when the skeletal remains of Caylee is shown...
FG: Mr. Anthony on July 15th or July 16th 2008, were you on your family's home computer?

LA: uh yes I was.

FG: What were you doing on the computer?

FG: Uh, doing some internet searching.

LA: Trying to figure out where saw grass apartments and some other keywords were.

FG: Uh during that time did you ever delete any of the internet history or the records that were on that computer?

LA: No.

FG: Sir, I want to direct your attention to August of 1008 was there a time that your sister Casey returned back to the house on Hopespring Drive?

LA: Yes.

FG: During that time did you have the opportunity to have private conversations with her?

LA: Uh, yes I did.

FG: During one of there conversations did your sister tell you a different version of how Caylee was taken from her?

LA: Uh, yes she did.

FG: Can you please tell the jury what she told you during this conversation?

LA: Uh she told me that met um, Zanny who was her nanny as well as Zanny's sister and her children are Jay Blanchard Park which is here in Orlando and during that meeting Zanny held Casey down and told her that she was taking Caylee from her. And um, she did that with the help of her sister.

FG: Did you sister describe how she was held down?

LA: Ya, from what I recall she was like, on her wrists. They were both supposedly sitting on like a park bench or something like that, and then she was held down.

FG: Did you sister tell you why Caylee was taken from her?

LA: I believe she did, I don't recall exactly what she told me.

FG: Do you recall giving a deposition back on July 30th of 2009?

LA: Uh yes.

FG: Do you remember being asked the circumstances surrounding the taking and being asked that particular question?

LA: Yes.

FG: Do you remember what your response was?

LA: Not exactly, no.

FG: Okay. For court and counsel I am referring the the deposition of July 30th 2009 page 279, lines 1-25. I'm sorry, lines 1-25 Judge.

HJBP: Okay. You have it Mr. Baez?

FG: Your honor, I'm bringing it up on the screen now for the witness. Specifically I'm going to be referring to the lines 17-25 and on page 280 which I'll put up in a minute lines 1-4. Mr. Anthony if you would take a look at lines 17-25 and just let me know when you're finished.

LA: I'm finished with that.

FG: Again sir I will ask you to view lines 1-3, okay. Mr. Anthony does that refresh your memory?

LA: Yes.

FG: Okay. what did your sister tell you the reason for Caylee being taken was

FG: Uh in Zanny's opinion, Casey was not being a good mother to Caylee or wouldn't be a good mother for Caylee and she was taking Caylee from her to teach her a lesson and also told her not to go to the police, anything like that.

FG: Did she also give you a detailed description of what Zanaida Gonzales looked like?

LA: Uh yes she did, um she was kind of normal height, 5'8, 5'10 ish, good complexion, long hair, Spanish, that's about what I recall.

FG: Just to be clear do you recall being asked that same question and giving an answer during that same deposition?

LA: Yes.

FG: Looking at that answer, the answer you gave back in 2009 does it refresh your memory?

LA: Absolutely

FG: Court and counsel I will be referring to page 280, lines 15-21. Okay, take a look at that Mr. Anthony.

LA: Okay. (he's finished)

LA: Okay. I believe you touched on some of those things but do you recall giving some other description or your sister giving some other descriptions of what this Zenaida person... (Baez, objection legal witness has said that this has refreshed his recollection I believe)

FG: Excuse me, after reading that Mr. Anthony, has your memory been refreshed in terms of all of the details your sister gave you as far as a description of Zenaida?

LA: All the details that were said there, yes

FG: Okay, what did she tell you?

LA: What I missed there, she was approximately 100 pounds and that she would keep a darker complexion like tanning or something like that.

FG: Now did your sister also tell you what she was doing or what she saw as Caylee was being taken from her?

LA: I don't recall exactly what I said, no.

FG: Do you recall giving another deposition on February 27th of 2009

LA: Yes.

FG: Do you recall that question being asked of you your sisters reaction to Caylee being taken away and what your response was?

LA: I don't remember what my response was.

FG: If I showed you that, would that refresh your memory?

LA: Yes it would.

FG: Okay. For court and counsel I'm going to be putting it up on the screen I am referring to the deposition taken February 27th 2009, specifically referring to pages 101 lines, I'm sorry. Page 104, lines 15-19. Okay, have you had a chance to read that Mr. Anthony?

LA: Yes I did.

FG: Did that refresh your memory as to what your sister told you her reaction was to her daughter being taken from her?

LA: Her reaction maybe, but you had asked what she had saw.

FG: Okay, what was that?

LA: What she saw?

FG: Her reaction.

LA: Her reaction for that was that she couldn't believe it was happening, it felt kind of surreal to her.

FG: Did she indicate that she did anything to stop Zenaida from taking her daughter?

LA: She did not.

FG: Did she tell you why she didn't do anything?

LA: Uh, that she was scared and she didn't know what to do.

FG: After Caylee was taken from her did your sister indicate to you that this Zenaida person was controlling her movements or telling her what to do?

LA: Uh, she did tell me that, yes.

FG: Anymore specific then that, in what way?

LA: Specifically through MySpace at the time that she had Casey's password and would send her, you can kind of send yourself a message or post something so only you can see it on your account. She would do things like that to kind of instruct her on what to do, where to go... things like that.

FG: Did you indicate that she would go to these places that Zenaida told her to go?

LA: She did.

FG: Did she tell you why she would do that?

LA: To hope to see Caylee, to hope to fulfill whatever obligations were being set upon her.

(commercial break)
What did you do?
I stood over it, looked at it, and walked out of the area.
I had Mr. Kronk begin his statement.
I called my Supervisor
I roped off the area.
Baez up for cross.
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