2011.06.10 Sidebar (Trial Day Fifteen)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Hey! That was me and SOTS with her corrected version! I love our Miss James but get such a little right around here I won't be ignored! :floorlaugh::great::floorlaugh:

my bad and apologies!!!!! I was playin catch-up and just caught MissJames reference...

sigh day late, dollar short....story of my life!

I sorry. )-:
Looking at pictures of the remains site and considering the testimony that animals had pilfered the remains, I'm wondering just exactly what animals are in that residential area, just down from a school. I would think domestic dogs and cats, squirrels, snakes & possibly rabbits. Does anyone know if there are racoons, bobcats and such in that residential area? I would just be sick if I lived in that area and thought for a second that my dog or cat could have been one of the animals that gnawed on Caylee's bones.
One more thing I have to get off my chest. So Cindy would rather fight with this unusual daughter of her's than just protect Caylee?

Yeah, Cindy loved Caylee but not as much as she hates Casey.

You know I think I've agreed with all of your posts. I've been thinking for, what three years now, why didn't Cindy just keep Caylee, I mean she was already paying for everything, forget about trying to make KC a responsible mom, KC did not want to be a mother. I know I would have kept my Granddaughter away from KC. There were ways this could have been done. Yeah CA would have had to change her life some, but so what, this is a sweet innocent child who needed protection. And I think it was CA who would not let KC have an abortion.
I'm just wondering why the fight with Cindy hasn't come up yet. Will the defense bring it up?

My guess would be because of the source of that information..which was KC who told her brother who then related that to the LE during his statement. To my knowledge there is no other proof or 3rd party who could confirm such a thing....

Lee may confirm he was told this by KC however it is also known most of what KC said and says are lies..

Maybe IF KC gets on the stand she could say that..however dont know how this would even benefit DT's opening statement regarding what actually happened...JMOO
You know darned good and well I can't look at stuff outside of trial. :banghead:

But, I also don't have the benefit to seeing the actual pictures shown in trial...so all I can do is go by what I hear. I heard this doctor state that he couldn't say whether or not duct tape had covered the nose cavity. Now...what am I supposed to do with that information? Assume something is a fact when clearly it isn't?


Add some flesh, tissue, nostrils and allow for water damage to the duct tape (but you haven't heard about the flooding yet so will give you a pass :) )
Has that come up in the trial? Her recent ,compared to prior ,behavior?
I've missed a lot here and there.

Yes. Several friends mentioned she was hanging with new friends now, didn't know her to be much of a partier in the past, described her as...I forget the word...straight-laced, I think.
What's up with Jeff? Is he off his game as there have been a few mistakes from him, not criticizing him but it is a bit worrying.

not criticizing either but he seems to be going a bit fast (but he is going fast to keep up with the experts! They have been told to slow down several times). does a medical examiner even have to be recognized as an expert anyway I wonder???? Since she was the ME on the case/? I guess I will ask in the lawyer thread
Watching that attorney actually hug ICA and lay her face against the inmate’s hair made me physically cringe. Never have I seen so many defense attorneys petting their client. I can understand defending a guilty client, but to physically stroke them is more than I can stand to see. The people defending this wretch are nothing less than despicable. And if they think because they will touch her that we should see her as pitiful and falsely condemned then they have another think coming. Not all the stroking in the world can make her anything other than the monster she really is.

They are trying their best to make her appear as a child. I just wish they would bring her some licorice.
I totally agree. Just b/c your adult child is a brat and lies and steal doesn't mean you would think she will then move on to killing your child. Hindsight is 20/20 but I do not blame Cindy or George on Casey doing what she did.

oh susie!!!

Your Siggy pic is a thing of beauty!

TY TY TY !!! :love:
You are not heartless. Your instincts are correct. I agree. There's too much power in the position of being a professional lawyer and advocate. Many clients would feel too much was at stake to complain about a hug. Any imbalance of power in providing professional services should be without physical contact. Further, when a client initiates something like that, the lawyer should stop it and identify the risk of that imbalance. Lawyers should not encourage that kind of blurred emotional dependency and no client should be responsible for meeting any of the lawyer's emotional or physical needs.

Litigation is not a contact sport.

Great post!
No, you can assume that HE couldn't say because that isn't his expertise. So what you remember is not that the duct tape did not cover the nose, but that this witness did not know the answer to that question.
That's all. He couldn't say it did and he couldn't say it didn't.
We need a witness with a different type of education.

Oh, absolutely (ugh, did I say that?). I'm simply giving my impressions on the evidence AS it's being given to me. I haven't heard any other opinion, so I can't comment on it.
Looking at pictures of the remains site and considering the testimony that animals had pilfered the remains, I'm wondering just exactly what animals are in that residential area, just down from a school. I would think domestic dogs and cats, squirrels, snakes & possibly rabbits. Does anyone know if there are racoons, bobcats and such in that residential area? I would just be sick if I lived in that area and thought for a second that my dog or cat could have been one of the animals that gnawed on Caylee's bones.

foxes, coyotes, gators, rats (sorry)
The question asked was not if the tape had been covering the nose, the question was could this doctor say the tape had covered the nose cavity. The answer was, he could not say.

I can't assume something out of thin air. Maybe she was killed by monkeys...but if experts can't show me evidence of a monkey...

Oh,I hear what you are saying and I think Dr. G will bring it all home for you.
love it! talking head on wesh live just said that the jury is a composite of the public... and they will be thinking like the public is thinking at this info....

true dat!
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