2011.06.10 Sidebar (Trial Day Fifteen)

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Dr. Fessel, with deep respect I want to agree with you. And to a large extent, I do. But it makes me also question why so many other victims are never found. KWIM? :(
I know what you mean and I have no idea why. I see odds of billion to one over and over and over again in the finding of this skull in the condition it was in.
Hey! That was me and SOTS with her corrected version! I love our Miss James but get such a little right around here I won't be ignored! :floorlaugh::great::floorlaugh:

Hey,I mentioned it too :maddening:

There's a great post by Desdemona on the duct tape thread. The Buenoano case was cited in Huck. That was PROSECUTOR Belvin Perry's case :woohoo:


Thread: 2009.10.09 Duct Tape Photos From Remains Released
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Old Yesterday, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by ynotdivein View Post
Hey Pink Panther. Today, there was not any discussion about this. IIRC, Dr. Garavaglia indicated in the autopsy report that the duct tape was placed "peri-mortem"--meaning either shortly before or shortly after death.

IMO the SA is being fairly methodical about presenting information to the jury, and so I expect to see Dr. Garavaglia testify sometime tomorrow.
Here is a link to the WS thread where Huck vs. Florida has been previously discussed, addressing the issue of duct tape being applied before or after death, and the affirmed assumption by the expert witness that it was applied antemortem, based on the concept of what is reasonable versus unreasonable.

Implications of Huck Case Ruling RE: duct tape on nose and mouth - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

In Huck, it is stated that in a circumstantial case, the State may assert reasonable assumptions as to the evidence, and has no obligation to refute unreasonable claims by the Defense. In this case, the unreasonable claim was that duct tape had been applied to the victim's eyes and mouth AFTER death. The appeals court decision stated that it was NOT reasonable to assume duct tape had been applied to someone already deceased, but that the State was right to contend that the duct tape had been applied during the commission of the murder.

Page 13

P.S. The Huck ruling, citing Buenoano v. State and Butts v. State, also says:

The Florida Supreme Court has held that "expert medical testimony as to the cause of death need not be stated with reasonable certainty in a homicide prosecution and is competent if the expert can show that, in his opinion, the occurrence could cause death or that the occurrence might have or probably did cause death."

Same document as above, see pages 19-21.
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But, reading the autopsy report, no traces of chloroform were found in Caylee's hair, and hair tests are very reliable. I cannot get past this. Can someone help?

Hair would only show LONG term use.
Ack - watching the tweets as we work our way up to the trial - the most emotional time was when they showed the bones of Caylee's little hands....

I also heard it was very emotional when her bones were all put together on the table from head to toe..I don't mean to sound unemotional when I say that,but its the reality of the situation- I could never be one of those people running and arguing to get a seat-to see that!!!!
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138983"]2011.06.10 TRIAL Day Fifteen (Afternoon Session) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

trial thread
I wonder when the heart sticker will be brought up? Or has it already and I missed it?
remember how much and fast Cindy lost weight? Casey looks none for the worse ...even if she came out of her imaginary world 6weeks ago as the defnse wants us to beleive. Huge difference between Cindy's grieving and Casey's
She is behaving like Casey without jury present but she looks like she's been knocked down a couple pegs ;)

Many pegs left to go!
Casey is speaking with DS and not blocking her mouth!!! Need lipreaders!
I'm catching up on some of the video from this morning - too busy with kids to get to watch more than a peek here & there.

The testimony about the dragging of the remains, the separation, where different parts were found . . . . it hurts to hear. I'm so sad. So very sad. Poor Caylee.

I have to constantly remind myself when listening to this testimony Caylee's soul was soaring and no one or anything could ever cause her any harm ever again...Those thoughts keep me sane.JMHO..
How terribly sad this whole thing is. Poor little Caylee, her tiny little body, tossed into the trunk for 2.6 days, triple bagged, thrown into the woods, submerged under water, scattered by animals and then finally found (by the grace of God) to be able to tell her story! :(

I pray none o this is lost on the jury! I hope Caylee is speaking loud and clear to them all and they realize that ICA is a cold blodded murderer!

Vinnie's drive through ICA's old neighborhood was just on, and just out of curiosity I looked up the dump site to see if it was still for sale because I could see a for sale sign in the background while he was walking into the woods... it is. Only $88,500, picture 2 you can see the light pole & no trespassing sign that is right by the entry into where Caylee was found.


I really wish some good-hearted person with some money to burn would buy it, clear it, and create some sort of beautiful area there. A memorial park, a play park, something with lots of flowers and not just endless trees, weeds, and muck. I realize it becomes a swampy area, but clear the first 50 plus feet, fill it and make it beautiful for Caylee.
Let's all make a note of the fact that ICA is talking and smiling and laughing with the DT right now. Watch as it all changes as soon as the jury is called in.
hate to quote myself...but IIRC the tox reports also shoots down Lenard Padilla's tale that Casey routine drugged Caylee with xanax.

Good grief, can that 10 gallon hat he wears have room for another bad tale arrow ..... :floorlaugh:
But, reading the autopsy report, no traces of chloroform were found in Caylee's hair, and hair tests are very reliable. I cannot get past this. Can someone help?

IIRC only chronic use will show up in the hair.
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