2011.06.16 TRIAL Day Twenty (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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JA is doing a great job. It almost feels like the witness is starting to come around and be more...impartial? I don't know.
Okay do we have any DNA specialists here @ WS that can answer questions later?
UGHHH I hate when she tries to interject more information!!!!!!!!!!!

Clarifying her testimony so many times and feeling the need to offer additional information decreases her credibility and professional demeanor. IMO
MagpieFromHinky Pamela
Juror that looks like Clooney seems like he wants to be anywhere but here.
I think the dinner was for HER to help HIM use the big words because I don't think he has any idea what he's talking about...

I don't know why she would, but I would swear LKB laid this out,word by word,phrase by phrase,for JB today. This is pure LKB. Maybe this witness now has a connection to her.
Why wouldn't LKB stay on the team and take credit for this?

HHJBP, JA and JB are at the court reporter's computer looking back on the prior testimony

Now back at Sidebar

WFTV claiming 60,000 all time record of 60,000 people on their blog

SIDEBAR #7 over

SIDEBAR #8 or maybe SIDEBAR 7.1

JB asking witness regarding the 17 allele at the D-3 marker on the sticky side of the tape, when she saw that, she attempted to eliminate others - she would have compared it to all of the lab personnel samples and known samples. There was only one marker. On the top side there were 6. On the other side there was only 1. She looked at the 5 known family samples, known lab personnel samples and 5 others in lab she did samples of. She did not draw any conclusions - her report indicated inconclusive.

Was there another individual who had a 17 at the D-3 marker. They had a 16-17. Was there a 16 on the duct tape?


She thinks there was just a 17 on the tape at the level to create a peak.

This could be 2 things? A person could have 1 peak or 2 peaks. The lab person had 2 peaks. Only 1 peak was detected on the tape. This was inconclusive for reporting purposes based on the FBI lab thressholds.


The results for this were inconclusive. At those low thresholds you can drop alleles out. That's why the scientific responsible response is that it is inconclusive. At that location, GA did not have a 17.

Caylee at D-3 is a 14-15 and ICA is a 15-19. This is a correction of her prior testimony.

She tests for blood.


She tests for blood but can't testify as to why it would be there. Absence of blood does not....

OBJECTION BY JB - outside witness's expertise - OVERRULED.

She agreed the absence of blood does not speak to whether a crime happened or not.

Regarding the duct tape - she was not involved in the order of examination of the tape. The possible area she would expect to find DNA on the tape would be on the sticky side. For DNA to survive in swampy area.......


LOL I love it. Just saw the bailiff get after someone for talking. She mouthed "no talking"
Tape under water and exposed to the elements for 6 months ... thank you JA!
why is this witness so unwilling to answer JA in any way that goes against JB? its bizarre considering she is am impartial witness. the way she hemmed and hawed over the DNA possible not surviving the elements on the duct tape was odd to me
Is it just me or does it appear ICA did her makeup a little better today? not trying to be snarky or against TOS. To me she just appears to have more color in her face and doesn't look as pasty/pale as she had.

Maybe she's using the prison tanning bed.
O/T - The court reporter is also wearing purple (grayish lavender). Wonder if that was planned? LBD is in black with may a purple beaded necklace. Can't tell about Mr. George.
I now know why the SA did not call this person as a witness in their CIC..wow
The other FBI lady said she did not expect to find any fingerprints or DNA (I believe on the tape) but she tested anyway because that's their protocol. No matter what they think the outcome may be, they have to treat it the same way as if it could contain evidence.

This witness won't admit that she did not expect to find DNA in such a degraded piece of evidence.

You can hear JA sighing real big as he straightens up each area that JB confused up. Poor guy...I don't know how he and LDB have stood the DT for 3 years.

That's why JA gets so offended by JB's slimy ways of asking questions and making insinuations.
JA is so obviously an honorable man, and he doesn't even like being around him. Considering this is all about finding what happened to a helpless little child he has the moral high ground as far as I am concerned.
Oh, Casey is a 15-19... not a 14-15 like Caylee. So what does that mean?? I am so flipping confused.

I don't understand how in the world this woman could sit there and say that this excluded Caylee and Casey when she just admitted that she could not exclude anyone??? What a freaking waste of a day!!

Well, well. Looky there! KC is a 17.........isn't that right in the middle of 15 and 19???? :rocker:
I may not be understanding this witness, but it seems she knows what JA is trying to get, the points he's trying to make and she knows they are valid ones but seems to dance. Am I misunderstanding?

exactly correct...she appears to be playing devils advocate here.

She also reminds me a lot of Pamela Smart...anyone else see that resemblance?
why is this witness so unwilling to answer JA in any way that goes against JB? its bizarre considering she is am impartial witness. the way she hemmed and hawed over the DNA possible not surviving the elements on the duct tape was odd to me

Maybe Baez actually payed her, and of course, the cozy dinner last night. jmo
MagpieFromHinky Pamela
Juror that looks like Clooney seems like he wants to be anywhere but here.

well he's not alone....just debating when I will plant the tomato :maddening:
WFTV FREEZES whenever something is about to happen. The witness said ' Judge, may I ask a question?' and it froze... WHat did she ask?
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