2011.06.17 TRIAL Day Twenty-one (Morning Session)

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MagpieFromHinky Pamela
The juror's look sick. It must be gruesome

MagpieFromHinky Pamela
LDB is laughing a little. The juror's look upset for the first time

I hope the realize this is what happened to Caylee...this is exactly what happened to her! It's the same process.
OMG Please tell me the good people of FLorida are not paying for this "expert"! I am beyond disgusted. Is this all they have??????? OMG I am speechless and if you ask my DH, that never happens. NEVER:banghead::banghead:
I find this nonsensical.

They're trying to show that Caylee was not dead in that trunk by saying there were not enough bugs in there.

Which would be fine if it was a sealed vacuum but it's not. It's a trunk and Casey could have opened it at any time and attempted to get rid of the bugs. She would have if she had any sense. (Debatable.)

Cindy said she removed some debris as well. Which, I assume included some dead insect remains.

I am really disappointed that the state hasn't pointed it out more forcefully.
Trying to be objective here. JB said 'live human beings' and the witness said ' well you said live human cadavers'.

That said, live pig cadavers will fly before this witness discredits the state's expert or the Body Farm.


Honestly, I'm not sure I can deal with this today, lol.
Oh, this is not worth being late to work for, so I'm signing off. Caylee Anthony never was missing, right? Caylee Anthony died on June 16 when she died in her family's pool. And this witness proves it. Um, what?
Witness says - The ground where there's been a decomposing body is very noticeably different.

I'm thinking - Too bad, the jurors don't know about the child-like outline stain in the trunk of the car.
MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
Entomologist is discussing bugs eating Caylee's remains. Casey doesn't shed a tear or grimace. Hope the jury notices. #caylee #caseyanthony

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jurors are asking deputy if she can take poster down. I thought they were serious but then they laughed w/ deputy. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
JA on cross will ask for a pre 3 day pic of the pig.

He'll go to town on that stain since they found one even after the cleaning of ICAs trunk.

This witness is toast.

JA is trying to prevent the DT from opening the door with their objections ---- and JB in his indignation may just make the States case here.

The more this guy talks of that stin ---- the more I see that stain in ICAs trunk.
The car was driven and aired. The trunk was then opened at the tow yard. It was taken home and the trunk and car was vented for over 24 hours. Cindy cleaned the car. And there is also the speculation that George cleaned the trunk. If there were flies in the car they would have been removed by the cleaning Cindy and George did but now play down their role in.

And, even after ALL the cleaning, decomp odor was still recognized and testified to. Stop with this nonsense already.

Sorry, I'll go back to sleep.
OMG Please tell me the good people of FLorida are not paying for this "expert"! I am beyond disgusted. Is this all they have??????? OMG I am speechless and if you ask my DH, that never happens. NEVER:banghead::banghead:

Makes me want to be cremeated...right now!
Okay, let me get this straight -

Pigs were placed in the trunk of this car, in Nebraska, in September, for 11 days.

Caylee was placed in the trunk of her mother's car, triple bagged, in Florida, in June, for 3-5 days.

How do these even compare??
I can not WAIT until Jeff Ashton gets a hold of this guy!!
And what exactly does his testimony have to do with this case? If anything, yet another witness is scoring points for the State.
O/T - "demonstrative" is :) I actually like the sound of this word. It describes something that demonstates, i.e., "this is a demonstrative pronoun" meaing the pronoun demonstrates whatever :)

How's that before my second cup of coffee and not even using google LOL


right but Jose didn't say THAT word - he tried though.
Good job JB! You just showed the whole world what Caylee's little body went through...
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