2011.06.17 TRIAL Day Twenty-one (Morning Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
#CaseyAnthony defense brought credible & qualified forensic entomologist. Life cycle & type of insects mark timeline of Caylee's death.
I have broken CA and GA's gesture code.

When GA puts his finger up to his mouth, in a "shush" gesture, he REALLY wants the WITNESS or JB to stop droning on.

When CA holds her finger horizontally under her nose, she really means "something here stinks.".
ITA!! I spent 42 years as an ER nurse and critical care nurse. I have seen lots of dead bodies and I have never seen a fly of any type. We have had to keep a body for 8 hrs in the bed so family can view.

Um I have to disagree. I have seen maggots before on a gangrene foot so Yeah if a fly can get to it to lay a egg then you will get flies/maggots. It depends on the controlled climate where a body is kept verses being outside or with a window open on a hot day. So I can see where he can be right and you can be right. Depends on the situation.

P.S. I too am a RN. I have seen patients come into a place and not realize the maggots because they couldn't feel it and are elderly and unable to care for themself - hence why they come to get help.

ETA - [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decomposition"]Decomposition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Dead_rat(poisonned)and_naturally_mummifiedFungus.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cb/Dead_rat%28poisonned%29and_naturally_mummifiedFungus.jpg/220px-Dead_rat%28poisonned%29and_naturally_mummifiedFungus.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/c/cb/Dead_rat%28poisonned%29and_naturally_mummifiedFungus.jpg/220px-Dead_rat%28poisonned%29and_naturally_mummifiedFungus.jpg[/ame]

If insects have access, maggots hatch and begin to feed on the body&#8217;s tissues
Guess this judge has decided KC is innocent. He seems to bend over backwards for JB but is always against JA.

No, I don't think it's that. I think the judge really really REALLY doesn't want to do this all over again. It's irritating, but if he doesn't help JB the way he is, there could be a do over. I think the very last thing HHJP wants is a do over in this case. It's painful to watch, but in the end, Casey will get convicted no matter how much HHJP helps JB.
Bill S pointing out 5 people the Defense has thrown mud at - he needs to point out that in ALL scenarios, they want NO MUD to land near poor widdle Casey. Therein lies the problemo. imo
The car was driven and aired. The trunk was then opened at the tow yard. It was taken home and the trunk and car was vented for over 24 hours. Cindy cleaned the car. And there is also the speculation that George cleaned the trunk. If there were flies in the car they would have been removed by the cleaning Cindy and George did but now play down their role in.

edited to add George said flies flew out. Caylee was not left exposed she was triple bagged. She was only in the car 3 to 5 days. When the car was towed she was no longer in the car and when the car was finally discovered and seized by LE several weeks had gone by. That is not what this scientist has reconstructed.

I don't understand why in court of law, this simple and very good statement cannot just be said in cross. :banghead:
If anyone watches Mythbusters they've done experiments testing dead human myths by using pig carcasses. Pig carcasses are the closest thing to human beings for scientific experiments.
And what exactly does his testimony have to do with this case? If anything, yet another witness is scoring points for the State.

Not a damned thing. The DT is just trying to obfuscate the issues, imo. And honestly, I think at some point HHJP should force Baez to get to his point, because this is just a monumental waste of EVERYONE'S time.
Oh yeah? We're having hamburgers. And yes, we will be eating them with bags over our heads. :floorlaugh:

I sincerely hope ICA has a big ole HAM sandwich for lunch today! :floorlaugh:
KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Most are now looking away. Casey sighed heavily during testimony about crawling maggots in the experimental car trunk
I wonder if KC feels she needs to start doing "something" because she sees how bad JB is doing. She seems to be spending a lot of time with all those big binders.
Let me guess, Cherry. "Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair"? :D

Oddly enough...and Happy Talk too!

I must defend Nebraska. There are times when the heat and humidity in the Midwest and Great Plains makes you walk nekkid thru the soybeans. No kidding. However, the type of humidity is way different than what you get in Florida. I sure hope the SA brings up the weather reports in FL for that time period, there were two hurricane leftovers in the area during that time I believe.

I'm thinking JB got the idea that if he brings his witnesses up to the drawing board that it would engage the jury more than if they were just sitting on the stand. Kind of an 'in your face' style. It's not working for me, we'll have to see how it works on the jury.
BBM. This is a bad move by the DT to show these pictures. The jurors will now only be thinking of what happened to Caylee.

...and that's EXACTLY what I want the jury to think about....
This bug guy's experiment is nothing like the conditions the anthony case is. The judge has no business letting this testimony in. Why is the judge allowing this to confuse jurors???

It seems that the judges answer is "the state can clear it up".....JB is a pet project for HHJP IMO
Is JB still up or have they moved on to cross? I'm honestly terrified to put the feed on.
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