2011.06.17 TRIAL Day Twenty-one (Morning Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I had to do some work for a while, and then glanced back at the laptop screen. Seeing that dead animal with all the maggots was quite the shock.

What feed are you watching? Haven't seen anything on fox or I missed it.
The pig wasn't wrapped in bags and bags! DUH! Why would a stain matter in this case?
decomposed pig image on day 11.

These whiteish- i dont know what to call them..

These white items are maggots.

Decompositional ring

extensive tissue lose

fly colonization starts in the head

dis-articulation of the body from the maggots moving around in the body

JB asking what is the black material?

Decompositional fluids, body fluids, maggot fluids, nasty nasty!

JB asking if that stain is distiquishable?

JA is objecting

Voire dire JA questiong his expertise on the stain, has it been chemically analyzed.


JBP overrules JA objection
So, it does leave a stain, not consistent with a pizza.
MagpieFromHinky Pamela
The juror's look sick. It must be gruesome
35 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply
MagpieFromHinky Pamela
How stupid is the defense. The State said that Caylee was in the trunk for days. Why would the defense ever give the jury this visual. OMG!
I think this young scientist will end up crying and calling for his mama after the cross with JA!

Huntington w/JB - place pigs into trunks of old vehicles from junk yard....used a Ford Probe and used 6 veh. - donated by tow company.....this is most intact vehicle...no obvious holes in it.....ever inspect Pontiac Sunfire ? yes 7/2010 (object - overrule) liner had been removed ....space or gaps unsealed spaces for insects to pass thru...

this car match in the category....factory condition well sealed - no body damage -.. obtain pigs - place in trunk veh. Sept. in Nebraska - no flies on pig when close trunk - waited watch observe for insect colony....check it daily....watch for insects - weather was cool and rainy @ time....insects cold blooded...when cool down cold - we don't have bugs fly around...hot and sunny lots insects fly....rain greatly surpresses insect activity = cool weather also......

pig in trunk - photo thru back windshield of that car with pig in trunk - live and dead flies lining back window ledge - blow flies most common insects colonize ....(object-?)
when photo taken? day 10 in sept.....correlate that with FL weather in summer.....best estimate? are you qualified to say ....cooler in Nebraska than FL in Sept....

blowflies - most important family of flies for forensic entomologist- green blue flies buzzing around road kill, most important show up very soon minutes to hours after death....you can be sleep in hammock in backyard - they are around you but if you have heart attack and die they will be on you in seconds - seen it 13 seconds after death after death of animal.......car sealed -car doors closed, windows up......

flies dead in the car - of importance - fly gains access to sealed environment - person dies in a home - those adult flies don't find way out....attraction to stay with food is bigger than the force to flea the area....trap for them....fly traps work same the way....can't get out.....

3rd pic - decompse remains of pig when open trunk on day 11 - decomp pig - these whitish spots are maggots fed on pig - actively crawl away and looking for a place to pupae - decomp fluid ring from pig as it decomps - fly colony starts in the head....disarticulate skeleton - maggot act.....flies attracked as he opened the trunk....black material decomp fluid - combo of body fluid, bacteria, waste, maggot waste secretions, that fluid leaches from body as decomp happens....stain distinguishable? object -

Dr. do you know what stain is - Overrule

Decomp fluid stain - most studies conducted have been in outdoor environment - this same stain reaches the ground .....cases like this with a mat or carpet very noticable - Object- sidebar!

MagpieFromHinky Pamela
The juror's look sick. It must be gruesome

MagpieFromHinky Pamela
LDB is laughing a little. The juror's look upset for the first time
I thought Baez told HHJP it would only take 30 minutes for this witness? We are way over that time!

Because he loooooooooooooves the spotlight, no matter how foolish he looks.
JA gets shot down on objection.

ETA: Sidebar...halleluja!!!!!!
deferring to his colleages at the Body Farm...lol
Guess this judge has decided KC is innocent. He seems to bend over backwards for JB but is always against JA.
i just missed the cross....which is great that I was able to miss it in just a potty break...lol
JURY BACK (10:09)


Witness goes back to easel.

How does the bug activity tell you how long a person has been deceased? It all has to do with temperature. Cold blood insect's rate is dependent on temperature, if you know the stage, temperature and rate of development, it becomes a mathematical formulation. i.e. - farmer and degree day concept.

Size of larva has everything to do with what they have eaten, not age. Temperature is important. 1st stage maggot, at 70 degrees it takes about 8 hours for it to hatch, then one knows it has been at least 8 hours since the eggs were laid.

In a legal setting, they will take the daily temps, average daily temp or hourly temp, add them up towards a number of accumulated degree days that is necessary for the stage transitions. Mathematical computation between the days and the stages.

3 things needed to estimate insect age - 1. stage and species of sample (every species has different developmental rate). 2. Developmental rates - experimentally constructed using known temps and insects - growth curve or chart), 3. temperatures - temps the insects experienced during development - they look for a weather data recording station nearby - then compare to the scene.

JB - live human cadavers (what?)

Witness then referred to info that comes from the Body Farm for data. Also, he finds it impractical to use human body research facilities because the bodies are donated and have been dead for some period of time long before they get to the site of decomp. Pigs are used because they are readily available, cheap and very similar to human's both physically as well as their digestive processes and they can do a lot of research with a pig that they can't do with humans.

JB - showing the jury Defense Exhibit A-V - (JA - no objection as demonstrative only).

Witness - a photo of a car. He was conducting research in 09/10 in S.E. Nebraska. He received some cars from a junk yard. He was looking at what kind of barrier a trunk will form on colonizing insects.


Goal of study was to place pig bodies in the trunks and allow them to decompose to see what insect activity happens. He used a Ford Probe, not a Sunfire. The vehicle in the photo is the most intact of those he used.

He inspected the Pontiac Sunfire in 07/10. He looked at the trunk to see what kind of barrier

OBJECTION BY JA - expertise in trunk condition - OVERRULED.

The trunk of the Sunfire when he inspected it had the liner removed. He was looking for spaces or gaps or unsealed places that could allow an insect to pass through.

The car in his study is well sealed and in factory condition. He had pigs killed and placed them in the trunk of the vehicle in September and closed the trunk. He then waited, watched for insect colonization. He checked it daily. Weather was cool and rainy. The cooler it is, the more it suppresses insect activity. Rain also suppresses.

Next photo - taken through the back windshield (Exhibit D-AX). What you see is dead flies lining the back window ledge - blow flies - most common flies that colonize at a dead body

OBJECTION BY JA - time frame?

This photo was taken on Day 10 of the study.

How does this relate to FL weather?

OBJECTION BY JA - not qualified to make estimate - HHJBP - lets move on

If the temp is hotter, there is more bug activity. It is cooler in Nebraska.

The flies are blow flies - the most important flies to a forensic entomologist. Blow flies key in on dead animals. They show up in minutes to hours from death. They are outside and you don't notice them, but if you have a heart attack and die, they will be on you in a second. Fastest he's seen is 13 seconds.

Flies trapped in car were not there initially. Car was closed, windows up. The fact the flies are dead in the car is important. A fly that gains access to a sealed environment - the adult flies don't fight their way out.

Photo - Exhibit D-AW. This shows decomposed remains of pig when he opened the trunk on Day 11. White spots are maggots that have fed on pig and are actively crawling away from the pig and looking for a place to pupate. Decompositional fluid ring showing, extensive tissue loss - fly colonization starts in head and moves it way down. The maggot activity has caused disarticulation of skull. Some flies were attracted to the pig when he opened the trunk. Black material is decomp fluid - combo of body fluid, bacterial waste, maggot waste, maggot secretion. Is the stain distinguishable?

OBJECTION BY JA - stain is not Dr.'s expertise - OVERRULED


What expertise are you bringing to talk about the fluid in the picture. Years and years of observation. He has never analyzed the fluid.


Decomp fluid - most studies and cases have been in outdoor environments. The fluid goes into the ground and is very distinguishable. In cases like this with a mat or carpet, it is very noticeable.

OBJECTION BY JA - another discovery issue

SIDEBAR #4 (10:39)
The SA's should be doing high fives over this. Such nonsense they will have a field day with it.
Someone at the table gave JA some information. "We have a discovery issue."

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