2011.06.17 TRIAL Day Twenty-one (Morning Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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HJBP: were you told sir that the court expected all opins you would give to be in report - ---------my report stated it was prelim
who on defense team did you tell this 2008 info to
-Mr Baez
HJBP: why permit testimony if defense knew about this in 2008 and did not disclose ---
quite evident to give opin about stain and defense knew this in 2008
Hmmm... Interesting HHJP a mind change. Trying to trap the Defense? :D you evil devil.

I think Perry is in a difficult position here. Let the evidence in and hope the prosecution can overcome this issue. or succumb to the prosecution's demands and leave the issue open for ineffective assistance of counsel on appeal?

Let's see how Perry's Dillema plays out.
Bwwwahhhaaa - Good thing I just baked up that huge batch of Thwartcakes.

A HUGE Smackdown for the Defense! Tighten your shoelaces Mr. Baez...HHJP is feeling a bit cross and you are getting the evil eye....
My opinion only on HHJP showing 'favoritism' towards JB.

I understand the frustration, and I'm feeling it, too. However, this is the way
our judicial system is set up. The defense is always going to get more leeway
than the prosecution, not just in this case.

The state comes into court with the burden to prove guilt, the defense doesn't have to prove anything.

If ICA is convicted, she can file an appeal. For years and years, every time any little thing comes up. If ICA is aquitted, then stands on the courthouse steps and confesses to 20 media outlets, the state can do nothing.

HHJP has to go by the rules of the court, which is not tit for tat. JA, as much as I love him, is not on his first trip around the block. He's had 3 years to acclimatize himself to JB and his ways, and he needs to just save it for an after courthouse hours rant.

Looks to me like the student did not do his homework!!!
Geez, Baez now questioning witness to cover his own butt about asking for the report. Who cares Baez? If the expert's opinion is not any discovery docs filed with the court then it's out.
This Dr. is going to ruin any reputation he may have had over this.

CJBP was so correct last week, when he specifcally said that the DT cannot be trusted.
JB, this witness is here as an ENTOMOLOGIST! BUGS, remember? I don't give a rat's you know what as to his opinion that this was not decomp fluid. Unless, of course it's decomp fluid FROM A BUG!
You can have a body in a suitcase in a trunk, in bags in a trunk, in a steel drum in a trunk...the stain or lack of stain would differ.
C'mon now...you guys can't have it both ways. You cheer when Baez gets the smack down from HHJP, but when JA gets the smack down, suddenly he's biased.

The defense IS going to win a few. If they didn't I would seriously wonder about the fairness of HHJP. Try to take it all in stride. :)


Please point me to a smack down of JB by HHJP?? I can't take in stride when justice for Caylee is involved. After all of these years, and all of the tears for this little one....it's personal. I'll leave it at that and leave it to others who can be less emotionally attached.
Things are getting snarky in here. Let's get back on track please.
The witness said he hasn't even turned in his final report or seen "all" the evidence! Isn't this going to a big problem for the DT?
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