2011.06.17 TRIAL Day Twenty-one (Morning Session)

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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* sigh * this testimony bears no relevance to what happened to Caylee in one single respect.

He is comparing how people like their food cooked (rare, med rare, etc..) to how blowflies like to eat!
JB thinks his "Can everyone hear me okay?" is so charming.

He loves to hear himself talk and fancies himself as a performer on stage, thus the need for the mike.

This is making me feel ill, and not much does.
The Sunfire will never be used again, it's a death car that will be junked! You can't get the smell of death out of the car even to this day with the trunk liner ripped out... 'splain that Huntington & JB!
#CaseyAnthony drowsy juror six has head down but not sleeping-so far.
by bobkealing via twitter at 10:49 AM
mombomb and wenwe4: :yourock:

thanks for the transcriptions! keeps me from running around in circles asking questions when i miss something!
see to me if I was a juror I would be tuned out and a bit lost with what JB is trying to pull but I understand the SA case more so I would give that more weight in my deliberations.
OMG, the judge telling JB what question to ask, JB parrots it to the witness verbatim.
Yes, so obvious that he does not know what questions to ask the witness, nor does he know the answers either. Pitiful.
As bad as I hate to admit it, I don't think it's been wasted. I think the jury is going to understand SOMEONE cleaned that trunk...............now IMO, GA and CA helped.
I know! Thank you JB for bringing in this witness for that reason alone.

Can't grow grass...

CA was asked several times about the pavers they laid down because they mysteriously could not grow grass in that one area of the yard. MYSTERY SOLVED.

Unfortunately jury will not know/hear that
Even Casey seemed shocked this witness did not believe there was evidence of a decompositional event in her trunk.
#CaseyAnthony drowsy juror six has head down but not sleeping-so far.
by bobkealing via twitter at 9:49 AM
I am appalled this morning by the behavior of the prosecution attornies: rolling their eyes, smirking/laughing behind their hands, shaking their heads and uttering, "Unbelievable!" I expected more class from them.
I know! Thank you JB for bringing in this witness for that reason alone.

Can't grow grass...

CA was asked several times about the pavers they laid down because they mysteriously could not grow grass in that one area of the yard. MYSTERY SOLVED.

But that points to GA involvement....not good
Maybe I am a hard*ss but I do not feel sorry for him.....welcome to the big time Dr scientist!

Exactly...maybe next time he gets called by a DT, he will think about whether the defendent is innocent, rather than how much moolah he will make, and how much publicity he will get...:maddening:
I thought that a few minutes ago but not now. I don't trust this witness.


Don't forget that carpet still stinks! I doubt very much the good Dr. could keep a disgusted look off his face as he smells the decomp coming off that carpet. What I wouldn't give for the jury to see that.

This is a train wreck...

Poor witness.
I agree. I feel sorry for this young doctor, and feel the defense should not have called him. In any case, this will ultimately help the state, as he cannot seem to really prove that a decompositional stain could not be removed by some super-cleaning method. He cannot say he actually tried, and it did not work.
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