2011.06.17 TRIAL Day Twenty-one (Morning Session)

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Huntington says the bugs showed up within a day or so - and that was in cooler temperatures. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 10:49 AM
I read something some where that someone had a corvette or some fancy car that someone had died in and decomposed in and the smell was horrible after several attemps to have it cleaned. They tried to sell the car very cheaply, the car was in otherwise excellent condition. They could not sell the car no matter how cheap because the smell could not be removed ever.
Haskell (sp) said the blowflies were excluded. This guy is saying the same thing. Wonder what JB expects to accomplish with this?

HHBP are you going to give us a statement about the stain in the Pontiac Sunfire trunk
Huntington - expect to see stain in the trunk - obvious stain ....lots insect activity, puparila cases and fragments and maggots ....

HHBP -any variation in those type of stains in things you might expect to see obviously because of cleaning and other process...

Dr.H- if you think it is there or have question....then it is not there.....decomp fluid stain is very obvious.....when people decomp in a house - where stain clean floor or carpets - those not cleaned they are removed...

HHBP - have you ever testified on this in courts before?

Dr. H - not on this particular topic - nobody ever asked me...

HHBP - your field is insects

Dr. H - yes those deal with decomp remains..

HHBP - train or experience what makes you qualified to talk about stain and what you expect to find and how relate to this case

dr. H - forensic entomology with decomp body - knowledge of taphony - decomp products process......

professional cleaning -decomp stains do not go away easy.

HHBP - did you share that opinion with the defense?
Dr. H - yes shortly after review photo - 2008 or 2009.

HHBP - what did you share with them

Dr. H - nothing I can see to indicate to me decomp body in this veh.

HHBP did you include that in your report?

Dr. H - no decomp with insects

HHBP - anything with stain

Dr. H - speaking specific to insects

HHBP - were you told court expected all opinions one would give to be memorialized

Dr. H - at some point yes he was -may have been after submitted report- prelim report would submit final report when all insect evidence look @ - haven't looked @ all evidence no final report done

HHBP - when and who on DT you told info about stain in 2008 or 2009

Dr. H - assume Mr. Baez
HHBP - don't assume - wanna know who

Dr. H -Mr. Baez - he is one I talked to....

HHBP - ok - now why should I permit that testimony when the DT knew back in 2008 and did not disclose that even after court order had numerous conversations about disclosure.....it's one thing for him to talk about decomp fluids and that process but quite evident to have him give opinion about stain in trunk according to him he shared ....

JB - did there come a time you were asked to issue a report -because court order....write down and issue report on all of your findings...yes to all
JB didn't ask to leak things out or put in
were you asked to render opinion in this stain in the car? NO....decomp fluids and stains expect to see in trunk of car if there was a dead body

Dr. H - thought speak in generality what he would expect to see or not

JB - never was our intention ....generality is all talking about.....apologise if court thought we would take that to next level....never our intention

JA - identify stain...ask him about it....numerous expert witness about the color of the stain ...I did not because

HHBP - all stains have color - a stain is a discoloration of natural color - no stain no discolor could not tell there was any stain....not permit to testify to since not disclose is his opinion about the stain....he can talk about it in the depo about decomp stains in general one expects to see or not....unless mistakenly open door to drive elephants thru crack...ok all on same page?

bring jury back in

Thank you for this
So, I know this witness is for the defense BUT is he helping? I'm so confused!

Yup........the more he talks, the more he's helping the prosecution. Did you catch ICA's face (fake sniff and pursed lips, slight upward tilt of the chin)when he described how disgusting decomp was to handle? She KNOWSSSSSS......all too well what that's like.
No early colonizers found in trunk of car. Hello?! Dr. Haskell already explained to us why that was! They feed on early decomp then LEAVE!

OMG...I'm leaving.
1 leg of a blowfly doesn't mean anything. He feels they are everywhere.
He's not as credible as Dr Haskell. Not even close IMO.
I'm sorry, but I don't think you're going to just find a leg of a blow fly just laying around anywhere....especially in the courtroom. GEESH!
He studied cars with carpet stains that were not going to be cleaned. Okay. He learned from his study - the car doesn't have a barrier to keep the flies out. The flies are not attracted to just anything. Humans and steaks, like that.

The flies that got in and colonized in the trunk gained access to the trunk within the first few days. Cooler temps even brought so many to the vehicle in a short period of time.

Early colonizers found in the trunk of the car? No. The leg of a blowfly is the only thing this witness can base his opinion on. He feels it means nothing.

I'm tired.

"BREAKING: Orange Co. Courthouse issues new rules for getting tickets to attend #CaseyAnthony hearing. No more camping overnight. Tix day b4"

Twitter - seconds ago
I hope Ashton is focused on his cross. 3 or 4 good direct questions will render this testimony worthless, imo. It only took LDB one good direct question to completely render the "no stain on pants" testimony completely irrelevant yesterday...

I think if he did this the jury would also be VERY greatful for the sake of the their stomachs and being able to eat steak, bacon or use crisco ever again.
I thought that a few minutes ago but not now. I don't trust this witness.


This witness is a disgrace to Caylee's memory. I'm sick of him trying to justify, pontificate and explain to death his answers instead of giving a yes or no. He's an abomination.
From now on I am only going to eats, shoots & leaves. Cause I don't want a little bug to go Ka-Choo!
But what if the blowflies CANNOT GET INTO THE TRUNK???? Coffin flies are way smaller.
We must not be watching the same trial because JB has been getting admonished by the judge throughout the trial for numerous things. His objections have been overruled numerous times compared to the state.

It's about the law.
No, we must not, because I've never seen HHJP yell at Baez or CM to simmer down and sit down. And since CM joined the defense, he can pretty much wander around the courtroom making snide comments all day long and HHJP lets it go...or laughs with him.

The trial itself hasn't been as bad, but the pre-trial stuff was far more obvious, IMO.

LOL, I'm going to stfu about this now, because in the grand scheme it doesn't really matter.
KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Baez just helped state.. Witness says decomp fluid is so disgusting it can't be cleaned.. Could explain why casey abandoned car
assuming they're intact? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww
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