2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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Can I ask an OT question?
Why do attys prefer blackberries to iphones? I would think they would want an iphone for internet access that is greater but there has to be some reason...

I came to this question after the JB is a gentleman in court comment and thinking what gentleman texts all day long during testimony??
I understand that there are life circumstances that don't allow young children to interact, with other kids their age, and I understand that many of them turn out fine. In this case, the mother had no job, no restrictions to bar her from taking Caylee to the park, or other places where small children would play. Every picture, every video of Caylee, shows her in the house or in the back yard of the Anthony home (minus one at Ricardo's and one in her car seat). Most mothers (who can) will find a way to arrange play time with other children...we do whatever it takes for our children to have that.

And how do we know she didn't. CA was two and 1/2 years old and very percocious for her age. She obviously did not sit in a room alone day after day. And these are just a few of the pictures we have seen. I am sure she had every toy available and most 2 year olds do not have a playhouse like that. I am so sad her little life was shortened, but I don't want to think in the life she did have she was deprived. jmo
I woke up late today ,and missed half of sat tried to catch up ,watched part of this mornings battle of the bulge and still I am very lost.

So I read some of the trial thread from the 18th (over 2,000 post)and saw people mentioning Dr Bass (not Vass) did he testify?

Is anyone doing wake up calls for the trial? I worked nights and wow..This 4 hour sleep then wake for court is getting difficult.
Everyone expected this trial to be a circus. I just don't think any of us expected it to be to the great extent it has.

As to the BBM. It's always been this way, Bon. And it always will be. No matter how far victim's rights have come, IMO. I remember being denied access to certain vital documents and information concerning my daughters case because I was not a party to the case (State vs - not me vs). I was her mother, FGS, and I couldn't even have access to her autopsy report until the case was over.

We can cry foul all we want. It is what it is.

I am deeply sorry for the loss of your dear daughter,suzihawk.
And you are right, it is what it is...... :(
OK I know I don't always trust this show but on IS Sonny is saying that perhaps the attorneys met in judges quarters, offered up the olive branch and decided to take this time for the State to come up to speed on the material just now given to them. That they agreed they would start fresh tomorrow.

I can see that happening. I can also see Baez totally off his game (pun intended) after what happened today. He got caught... he got burned. He may have some clean up to do with other witnesses also today.

It is very possible there were more lightening strikes to clean up. That is why I wonder about Dr. Bach and whether that discovery was indeed shared.

Okay, but IF there was any "olive branch" present, I don't think it was extended as a show of good gesture. Maybe it was in the room but I have a feeling HHJP was holding it tightly has he gave a good butt whippin' to the DT.

At this point, I think even Judge Perry realizes that he is not going to be able to make Baez play nice with the other kids.
I thought this was interesting because it only says Dr. bass founded but has the date 1981 which is the year Bill R said on the stand.

I believe the program was started in 1971, but the actual outdoor laboratory, which has become the Body Farm, was not started until 1981 when they were given the piece of land behind the Medical Hospital.
I understand that there are life circumstances that don't allow young children to interact, with other kids their age, and I understand that many of them turn out fine. In this case, the mother had no job, no restrictions to bar her from taking Caylee to the park, or other places where small children would play. Every picture, every video of Caylee, shows her in the house or in the back yard of the Anthony home (minus one at Ricardo's and one in her car seat). Most mothers (who can) will find a way to arrange play time with other children...we do whatever it takes for our children to have that.

This further instills my thoughts that Casey only wanted to go through life single and care free = motive to me.

I believe that all of us mothers can agree that we either entered our children in a swimming, gymboree, singing, the list is endless of classes that fall under the category "Mom AND Tot". WHY did we do this because we are moms and wanted to surround ourselves with other mothers and toddlers.
Can I ask an OT question?
Why do attys prefer blackberries to iphones? I would think they would want an iphone for internet access that is greater but there has to be some reason...

I came to this question after the JB is a gentleman in court comment and thinking what gentleman texts all day long during testimony??

Many people prefer the Blackberry or a droid to the Iphone. Actually the droid OS does much more than the Apple. I am surprised however that the attorneys prefer BB because they are so pompous and the Iphone has more prestige among phone snobs. lol jmo
We are all entitled to our opinions. I fought for that concept in Vietnam in the 101ST Airborne. So I respect your opinion. But please explain what is "fair" about this. In this case endless money is being spent on the prosecution and defense cases. In all areas. Yet the most minimal amount is spent on "ordinary" indigent people's" cases. Most $$$broke people go to jail because of a lack of proper lawyers representation. Or do you think the jails incredible imbalance of very small numbers of white rich people being in jail is just a flute. In relation to poor ethnic minorities. A statically abnormality of sorts.

Oh I agree with you there. The poor do suffer because they can't afford a good lawyer and the rich get off because they can. No argument there. I agree with you that Casey Anthony is NOT special and that she should have a state appointed attorney at this rate I think a state attorney would be doing a better job, she didn't win a prize by securing Jose. Cheney Mason is doing this pro bono, so who is to say he is doing this for free for media attention or because he really believes his client?

But in the end KC is just as poor as others and can't afford a good lawyer, she benefits only because her case was picked up by the media and lawyers like cheney mason are doing this for free to get in on ths spotlight.

Anyway we agree more than we disagree.
Here is (IMO) the biggest problem for defense experts.

Back in 2008, the DT theory was that Caylee was taken and killed by an imaginanny. They tailored their testimony to support those theories. This was sort of 'set in stone' regarding opinions once the discovery orders of December 2010 and Jan 2011.

Just SIX weeks prior to trial, the DT fashioned a ver different theory, they admit to ICA knowing the baby was dead, they claim it was a drowning and that ICA was not involved in the disposal. This new theory also includes Mr Kronk moving the body.

All of this was unsupported by the majority of the experts, since they were working on bolstering the SODDI theory.

Now experts are being questioned by the DT on issues that were immaterial prior to the new story........and so the web becomes more tangled.

This is the DT fault. Even if ICA fed them this new 'tale', they should have strongly advised her against this. I bet that JB will soon regret that attorney/client meetings are NOT taped at the jail. This will come back to bite him.

Very perceptive and well said! Thank you!

OS reporter @tonycolarossi and @KBelichWFTV tries to get comment from attorney Jose Baez after court cancelled.

Broken link. Did he use horribly vulgar language, grab bags and throw them and then elbow them on purpose like before?
We are all entitled to our opinions. I fought for that concept in Vietnam in the 101ST Airborne. So I respect your opinion. But please explain what is "fair" about this. In this case endless money is being spent on the prosecution and defense cases. In all areas. Yet the most minimal amount is spent on "ordinary" indigent people's" cases. Most $$$broke people go to jail because of a lack of proper lawyers representation. Or do you think the jails incredible imbalance of very small numbers of white rich people being in jail is just a flute. In relation to poor ethnic minorities. A statically abnormality of sorts.

Fortunately this type of high profile case doesn't happen everyday. It is a shame that there are some who intentionally abuse the system for their own gain. The horde of high profile, media attention seeking, bought and paid for experts are partly to blame along with all the talking heads attached to them. I also need to add an underhanded fame and money seeking attorney backed by some more very influencial media persons. And you are correct about most indigent defendants represented by a public defender not receiving the funds like this case has. But, they don't seem to make the news like ICA did. It isn't so much our system, but the misuse of it in high profile cases. And, if the truth be known, money buys the best defense even if you're guilty. I don't know how to change it and I don't think anyone else does either.
Okay, but IF there was any "olive branch" present, I don't think it was extended as a show of good gesture. Maybe it was in the room but I have a feeling HHJP was holding it tightly has he gave a good butt whippin' to the DT.

At this point, I think even Judge Perry realizes that he is not going to be able to make Baez play nice with the other kids.

I just can't fathom that the State allowed that stipulation to end early go through. They got the Court's permission to delay the first 2 witnesses, and had the DT on the run, scrambling to get their next witness on the stand before HHJP got even angrier. Why, all of the sudden, did they let the DT off the hook? The judge clearly stated that both sides agreed to end early. I just don't get it.
Here is (IMO) the biggest problem for defense experts.

Back in 2008, the DT theory was that Caylee was taken and killed by an imaginanny. They tailored their testimony to support those theories. This was sort of 'set in stone' regarding opinions once the discovery orders of December 2010 and Jan 2011.

Just SIX weeks prior to trial, the DT fashioned a ver different theory, they admit to ICA knowing the baby was dead, they claim it was a drowning and that ICA was not involved in the disposal. This new theory also includes Mr Kronk moving the body.

All of this was unsupported by the majority of the experts, since they were working on bolstering the SODDI theory.

Now experts are being questioned by the DT on issues that were immaterial prior to the new story........and so the web becomes more tangled.

This is the DT fault. Even if ICA fed them this new 'tale', they should have strongly advised her against this. I bet that JB will soon regret that attorney/client meetings are NOT taped at the jail. This will come back to bite him.

Excellent post.
HHJP never did let JA respond to the accusations made by JB against him. Some of the mud slinging was personal. HHJP has been coddling JB from the beginning. Why?? Maybe, his good buddy CM?? How close are they??

I'm not sure Ashton WANTED to respond. Ashton may be passionate, but unlike Baez, he knows when it is time to STHU.

Ashton gave Baez enough rope to hang himself and a mighty fine job he did of it.
I believe it has to dowith the Manner of Death...?? In Caylee case Dr. G. Had bones only to look at and could NOT find anything topoint to cause..but manner death requires a ME to review all the evidenciary information surrounding the victim to conclude whether the child did this herself?? or at the hands of another...

As example...Death by gunshot wound to head..COD
Manner of Death needs to rule out possible self infliction of that wound or by hands of another..and the only way to decide that is to look at all the known factors surrounding the death..

At least that is how I see it anyway :waitasec:

EXACTLY. If the victim was found in bed with a bullet in his head, and the gun in his hand and a handwritten suicide note on the desk, that would be important to know. As opposed to a victim found dead in his bed, with no weapon found, and there's a broken window and the room all torn apart.

The ME should be told about the surrounding environment to be able to come to a valid conclusion. It would be up to the investigators and detectives to decide if the environment was staged or real, but the ME would still be informed. imo0
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