2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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I did'nt get into this case until I heard the OS from JB....I remember it from 2008 and then I forgot about it..The OS caught my interest and since then I've read everything about this case. I am now addicted.

Bless your heart!!! There is a wealth of knowledge here and thread after thread that was researched and dissected even about ICA's cell phone pings as well as the rest of the family...there was even a camera set up in front of the A's home to which most of us here lost part of our lives (HA) watching the antics that went on!
Oh and that the duct tape wouldn't stick to the skull because it's the same as skin...Cuz you know skulls have natural oils and slough of cells and all

And let's not forget that he put duct tape on himself, and then ripped it off. And he even got some hair with roots!! Not only was that a dumb thing to do, but he forgot to leave his arm out in the elements, and soak his arm in water for about 2 months.
Thank you everyone for responding to my post about the State's actions / behaviors today wrt HHJBP's scolding in open court.

It was my thoughts also, that this "scolding" was directed to the DT. I was (and still am a little) confused as to these statements from the judge:

1. "Yes, there has been gamesmanship in this case and it's quite evident that there is a friction between the attorneys. That is something that I guess the Florida Bar will deal with,"

2. "If y'all don't want to act professional then I'll work y'all real full days".

3. Was the judge implying that JA should have went forward with the depo of Eick....? when he showed up at his office although all he had was a 1/2 page report absent any opinions? If so, I don't understand that...

Thanks again for your replies...I think I'm caught up now!

No he was pissed at JA for not bringing this up during his 8:30 period of availability and instead waiting until after 9 when the jury is supposed to be seated, thereby wasting the courts time. That is what had him coming down on JA and the SA today. For that sin they get to work longer hours and come in early every day.

JB's sins however are much deeper and he will be facing contempt or worse.
No he was pissed at JA for not bringing this up during his 8:30 period of availability and instead waiting until after 9 when the jury is supposed to be seated, thereby wasting the courts time. That is what had him coming down on JA and the SA today. For that sin they get to work longer hours and come in early every day.

JB's sins however are much deeper and he will be facing contempt or worse.

Thanks for this Faefrost...but immediately after the judge sat down, CM asked for a sidebar so that led me to believe that is what started the downhill flight,lol.
Today's current news says Levi Page is saying it's River Cruz.

Will RC be called as a DT witness since GA suppose to tell her Caylee's death was an accident that go out of hand?
IIRC she gave an early deposition because she has cancer.
Testesterone found with cloraform in syringe........does she know if GA
took testesterone? KC probablt stole it from house if she used it, JMO
NG showing old videos of ICA in her little shorts and her cap as she runs to avoid all the media as her 'bodyguards' whisk her into waiting cars...I had forgotten how mad this has made me and this reminded me....gag.

Did she show the best one of ICA tripping as she ran into JB's office? It had a really great shot of her latest fashion accessory at the time...

Did the state of FL have to pay for the bodyguards that escorted her to her full time job at JB's office?
Thank you for making this point, Leila! :tyou:

This is one of those things that I see others concerned about all the time and I never seem to have time to address it.

Judge Perry is keenly aware that every. single. word. he utters is being recorded by the court reporter and is a part of the official record. When this case does go up for appeal, ALL the appellate court looks at is this record. The appellate court does not hear witness testimony, they simply look at the official record and see if decisions were made according to the law.

So, when you hear HHJP include both sides when he is admonishing, it is to protect the record so it does not appear he is biased. Can you even imagine someone reading it 3 years from now if HHJP specifically stated only, "Mr. Baez!" everytime he was irritated? He makes a special point to not do that. He realizes how important it is to make sure the official record reads as neutral.

No matter how it appears to the viewer, I can assure you everyone - Baez, included - knows exactly who Judge Perry is addressing in his admonishments. ;)

Will CM and DS be included in any sanctions?
Have you got a link to this? It is not that I doubt you but I just saw Vasco and his attorney interviewed on JVM tonight and they said they had not yet made a decision about seeking punitive damages. (His attorney was not affliliated with Morgan & Morgan.)

I'm confused.

Vasco's attorney is Matt Morgan--I believe he is John Morgan's son, 'Beach. He just joined the Morgan & Morgan law firm recently.
Did she show the best one of ICA tripping as she ran into JB's office? It had a really great shot of her latest fashion accessory at the time...

Did the state of FL have to pay for the bodyguards that escorted her to her full time job at JB's office?

No,ICA was out on bail . Not the State's problem.
Will CM and DS be included in any sanctions?

That is left to Judge Perry's discretion. I tend to believe he will start with just Baez...then if the shenanigans keep rolling along, he might punish more of them.
From the News thread...

From Local 6's Facebook:

Tony Pipitone is two hours away from breaking another big exclusive in the Casey Anthony Trial. Who do you think just contacted Local 6 and what do you think they're saying about Caylee's death?

Oh. My. Word.

Do I really want to know what bit of garbage is going to be spewed now?

Isn't Baez the one who has been pretty much in Pipitone's back pocket for a while?

Doesn't Baez have more important things to be worrying about right now?

I firmly believe that Baez is trying to somehow taint the jury--he is hoping that somehow his little media hounding is going to get back to someone on the jury.

I keep seeing references to Eikenbloom being addressed as "Dr. Eikenbloom."

If I recall correctly, this man is not a Dr.--he does not have an MD, nor a PhD. Therefore, he should be addressed as "Mister Eikenbloom."

To continue, he also does not have a degree in forensics, yet he is planning to testify about DNA, or rather, the absence of DNA.

I have been trying to find where all of this was discussed a while back, but apparently my search efforts are not what they should be as I am unable to locate the appropriate thread(s).

Here is the thread I think you are talking about, cleo.

The Eikelenbooms and Touch DNA
Did she show the best one of ICA tripping as she ran into JB's office? It had a really great shot of her latest fashion accessory at the time...

Did the state of FL have to pay for the bodyguards that escorted her to her full time job at JB's office?

I think she still had 'money at that time,roflmbo
I don't think it showed the one of her tripping so I need to find that and have a good laugh,lol....nah, I have seen her mug enough to last a lifetime.:rocker:
sorry friends - a bit O/T but "Chicago" is playing on one of the movie channels - Razzle Dazzle - as I type. I must say, Billy Flynn appeared to me to be a far more honest lawyer than the DT. Perhaps they've only seen clips.
If you are missing a post, I had to remove a couple that quoted from another site that is not permitted to be linked here. :)

(FYI - If you ever try to add a link and it comes up with a string of ******, that means the site is not currently permitted to be linked.)
Will RC be called as a DT witness since GA suppose to tell her Caylee's death was an accident that go out of hand?
IIRC she gave an early deposition because she has cancer.
Testesterone found with cloraform in syringe........does she know if GA
took testesterone? KC probablt stole it from house if she used it, JMO

OMG. I AM SO STUPID SOMETIMES. Lightbulb just came on. ding ding ding.

All of these little 'clues' that the DT is going to use against George. CASEY SET HIM UP. Think about it.

-She told Amy that her dad borrowed the car and hit a dead animal she thinks.
-She told TL that her dad picked up the car from Amscott when she ditched it.
-SHE put the duct tape on the gas cans!
-And she was the one who put the duct tape back in the garage.
-She says on camera " don't worry, I didnt tell them anything.'

All of this time i thought she was just stupid for using things from the home. But she was framing her father all along. And here we are.
Can't think of many things that would start my Tuesday off with a better laugh. :great:
Something about watching JB get a whippin' is just good for my heart!

Watching JB getting whipped is ok for a really good laugh you need Dr. Spitz I now have decided. Please someone tell me he's coming back!

"All cases are high profile....that's why I always open the head!"

Dr. Spitz
Ok, I am giving myself a personal time out. It breaks my heart to think that I might have hurt some one's feelings today. You guys are my second family and my Rock of Gibraltar and I love you all dearly. Although I don't THINK I did. No one complained any ways. ;) ynot can I put in an order for a good ole country breakfast in the am? I will bring the home made sausage gravy. :blowkiss:


Sweetie, as far as I have seen, haven't seen you post in any bad way...quit beating yourself up...we love ya and I know, I go to your profile every day, to find a post by you, so I can bring up CNN...for some reason, when I try to just type it in, it won't work, but going from your siggie, it works just fine.

No need to time yourself out, girlie! :blowkiss:
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