2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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Without informing the mock juror. Methinks NOT. ;)

Hmmmm, have you been causing trouble, Mock Juror? Is this about YOU? LOL. I wouldn't put it past the defense to read here and get upset that there's a mock juror.
I don't think there is a plea deal at all........however, I do think there is something going on besides JB not having his witnesses ready.

Jean C. on Tru TV just saying what she knows. She said that everyone believes something else happened. She said all she knows is there was an elderly lady outside sitting where the witnesses sit. She doesn't know if she was the witness only that there was a woman sitting there. So if she was the witness she was threre.

Said speculation is something else happened.

Could it be that they attempted to call yet another witness with no discovery shared? The third lightening strike?
Man oh man oh man, that man is just beyond belief. The total disregard and lack of respect for the process, the jurors, the court and his team. Before this ever went to trial we wondered how any defense could be made in light of the overwhelming evidence against his client. I'm sure Baez had to beat the bushes to try and find experts. One has to wonder if the ones he has found have been following the circus and decided that they want no part of it. Also wonder if after seeing Jeff Ashton in action, they figure there is no way they want to subject themselves to that. Sooo ..... perhaps what minimal list of experts he had are jumping off the Titanic.

Also wonder if Casey dudded herself up today because she was supposed to be called?
Interesting that you mention that Caylee would have had friends...just last week, upon viewing all the photos I could find of Caylee, I saw nary a single picture of her with any other children. That, in an of itself, is heart breaking.

I don't recall seeing any children in the birthday video either...that is sad.
Jean on IS seems to think something is going on other than the fact that the DT didn't have their witnesses. She says there was an elderly woman sitting in the witness area and thought it was the person they were referring to when they said they needed to "go get her". She definitely thinks something is up.

Elderly woman? Huh?
If you understand the process of a criminal proceeding, as well as the appeals process, you will see what HHJP is doing with that in mind. It is not his fault that JB did not have his witnesses lined up and ready to testify. Any seasoned attorney would know that there are hiccups in trial, and you have to be ready for virtually anything. IMHO he lied to the judge saying his witness was on the way.

The Judge cannot chastise one party openly in court, with them then screaming bias on appeal. Now in chambers, at sidebar (as evidenced by that little “you lied to me, oh hell yes you did” leak we saw law week) that is entirely different. He has done the right thing holding contempt until after the trial...and I do believe he will follow up with just that. The law he read in court today stated that when there is egregious behavior by the defense, the supreme court has said that EVEN THOUGH barring a piece of evidence or testimony by a witness would prejudice the defendant’s right to a fair trial, the judge’s hands aren’t tied. There has to be a remedy, or a tool that the judge can use. I believe if this happens again, he will bar the witness from testifying. He laid predicate...so to speak.

As far as the Eikenberg (or whatever) testimony goes, the judge set out very clearly in his order way back when was was to be done by both sides. JB did not submit any type of report, and IIRC the judge said “if it ain’t there, it won’t be at trial either” or something to that effect. But here we have JB (after Saturday’s azz whippin’) trying to be smart and sending his witness over to the SA’s office to offer himself up for deposition. THAT AIN’T HOW IT’S DONE, COWBOY. AND THIS AIN’T THE JUDGE’S FIRST RODEO.

Thank was not enough. You said everything I have been trying to say. As much as I want to see JB get punished, and believe me I want that badly, I don't want it at the expense of justice for Caylee.
Beth K on IS said that there was an elderly woman sitting in the witness box just before they went to recess and she doesn't think it has to do with not having a witness available. She said no one knew who the elderly woman was but it made sense that the DT said they had to pick her up due to her age, etc.

JC on IS said there was a witness in the witness area this morning after the first recess when the DT said they had to go get their witness.

Apparently someone said they saw Dr Jane Bock - plant/root lady but I don't know if this is true or not.
I missed most of it myself this morning...but I do know this, Baez is in big, big, really big trouble, HHJP is madder than we've ever seen him, CM can't keep his hands off of ICA (maybe because she looks cute with her shirt tied in a little knot in the back), no witness for today due to Jose NOT doing as ordered by the court and providing reports, some kind of order has been filed and I don't think anyone knows what that is all about and Caylee is still without justice. That's all I know. :doh:

UGH!!! You know I knew JB was going to pull something like this!!! I absolutely KNEW he was going to try trial by ambush. No matter how hard HHJP was on JB i knew he would ignore his order. I hope a bar complaint by a chief judge might finally make the bar take all his complaints seriously.
if i could only describe the frisson of revulsion that washed over me when reading that....

What? Does JB and team want to release the names of the jurors? Is this so he can research them on Wiki and Facebook? Just kidding about Wiki and Facebook, but not about researching them. Just another way for Jose to try desperately to get a mistrial.:maddening:
Jean on IS seems to think something is going on other than the fact that the DT didn't have their witnesses. She says there was an elderly woman sitting in the witness area and thought it was the person they were referring to when they said they needed to "go get her". She definitely thinks something is up.

Sounds like the grief expert.
The "shirt-back-knot" has been the in thing with the teeny-bopper crowd for a couple of years. When I was growing up (in the 80's) we did it in the front or on the side. It's commonly done with t-shirts--I've never seen it done with a sweater. I think it's just another example of ICA demonstrating how immature she is. Seriously, who would care about appearing to be on-trend while on trial for your child's murder?!

My 13 yr old dd does it when she layers those ultra thin aero or hollister t-shirts over camis- I've never thought of it being anything other than a fad- she does it a bit less now that she's 'developing'. ICA is showing her immaturity once again.
Hmmmm, have you been causing trouble, Mock Juror? Is this about YOU? LOL. I wouldn't put it past the defense to read here and get upset that there's a mock juror.

Hello?! You are not supposed to disclose my name!! :maddening:
Who could this be for? Dr Vass? One of Kronk's ex's or spawn?

I suspect it's for the guy - the kidnapper (can't remember his name) who George supposedly called back in 2008. It was learned that the guy wasn't assigned that telephone number until February 2009.
Jean on IS seems to think something is going on other than the fact that the DT didn't have their witnesses. She says there was an elderly woman sitting in the witness area and thought it was the person they were referring to when they said they needed to "go get her". She definitely thinks something is up.

No insult to Dr Boch but she could be described as elderly. :)
1) walked into court - CM requested immediate sidebar
2) Jurors were never brought in
3) JA objected to witness Rodriguiz being on stand so quickly after depo taken on Sat. and no opportunity to review transcripts.
4) JA objected to witnesses testify things not in report
5) HHBP asked for next witness....JB said he had one in 30 min.....court recessed about 45 min....came back - in judges chambers - court recessed until tomorrow.

HHBP was fuming today and scolded Atty's - must see!

jA also said that witness was going to testify to something out of his scope of his knowledge. Something along the lines of witness says a regular person would not be able to specifically tell if a stench is human decomposition. JA said this was not backed up by anything but the witnesses opinion in the report.
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