2011.06.21 TRIAL Day Twenty-four (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Not sure jury picked up on that. Guy speaks quickly w/ accent.
by bobkealing via twitter at 1:19 PM
RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby

It's not good when the #CaseyAnthony DNA expert gives #JeffAshton props for being the first prosecutor to get DNA admitted in a court of law
oh yeah, let's all move there. they are beaten to death with baseball bats not evil American guns....I never knew they were into baseball...small world
I feel bad for him. He's at least honest and not lying or trying to stick to his guns or anything shady. I have the feeling a lot of lies about this case were fed to him, and then to have Baez blame him and his wife earlier about the reports is just harsh. And now he still has to testify. He's actually decent and JB managed to screw that up too.

I was thinking the exact same things. This seems like a nice guy who just wants to do his job. So, yet another Baez victim here? :maddening:
BTW, y'all, I dunno if anyone said this, but IMO, the 'mom & pop' was only mentioned to explain how this guy is "The Director" of such'n'such lab.....The fact that there are 3 employees, and the guy's not a PhD relates to credibility.
I have a friend whose home was originally a 100 year old Amish dairy barn. It's amazing and not "barnish"

Eikelenboom w/JB discussing how to look for chromosomes in dna....very little dna we amplify fragments normally done by 28-30 cycling - in end if dna present dna is amplified...one cell theorectically enough to obtain profile....cannot see on slide...see cells more than enough to obtain dna....aware 2 partial profiles on this ducttape? Q-63
2 partial profiles one on non-sticky and one on sticky....hypothetical if non-sticky side was contaminated could non-stick contaminate sticky? if you have a lot dna...

contamination around 50 rfu's measurement - amount of dna....not very high.....possible lower dna masked by that or ruled out? never ruled out ....disbalance of some peaks can indicate dna from some other person or low amounts of dna......opinion? he would have investigated it further (object- sustaine)
sticky side - 17 alleal marker - tested for dna - 17 alleal ....you can be described as certain locations on chromosome use....where you and I differ....different memoires? markers?

show how much dna in the 17 alleal- I have it in presentation - bring it up....

looking @ heart monitor?
picture of peaks of number - number of origin sex chromosome.....donor of dna...assing this data....17 is X location....such low amounts limited info - try to obtain as much info as possible....low info much more peaks lower .....much more infor that one or 2 alleals....artifact or human dna? small amount but it is caused by human dna....experience extract dna from maggots or flies....explain how that is done

maggots feed on human material possible to digestive they feed on human blood cell material contain dna.....consume in their system....not completely digested in their system....complete insect or larvae possible to obtain on dna profile...
chloroform degrade dna? one of the methods of dna extract is chloroform ethanol extraction...chloroform never distract dna...but would help? never say never apply a bit a chlroform dna would be ...like cut down with chloride

JA - do you have PhD? No presently student @ U of Denver seeking PhD under supervision of 2 other experts on touch dna....not touch dna.....they are in biology dept...one does forensic dna = mitochondrial dna....under them to earn PhD....you director of in Holland....Mom and Pop ....the two of you the entire company? no there are 3 of us....converted barn ....bought a farm ...converted barn into dna facility accredited as well...in 2008 expand business to US - more work potential in US vs Holland - more homicides here....exposure your company haven't started yet - extremely
helpful to get business...not sure about that....we are not waiting on cases....cases are waiting on us....your lab not even open yet - not in US =do work from Netherlands...when open in US be nice to have a lot of work? already have a lot of work - want to downscale it a bit...more work you and wife get more money that is why
you opened it....some work we have done for free....want do work the way we want to ...problem difficult to scientists dna...

do you do something different than other labs/ strike =how many other labs do what you do? one in NY lab starting to do touch dna....one in denver starting to use what we do...bodey lab is large lab - not a barn...number of labs in US could do what you do? not agree we do more than they do....touch dna in 1997 started in 2000 the UK started on low copy dna...more amplification cycles - in US not used until recently...in 2002 we work on high profile case...could not solve....contact with a victim and perpetrator start looking @ low copy dna...need sensitive .....not US ....they used mainly blood, saliva or semen.....lot of info of low copy dna...did you invent it? no where done? forensic science lab in UK which is closing....use a particular kit or protocol purchase in order to low copy dna....message is only amplifiying ....we use different kits ...last couple of years we buy them more sensitive ....from Applied ... inc... an American Company? correct....the only the additional is run...start again...PCR run normall 26-30 runs 20-30 runs...first run takes 1 intact strand dna 1 becomes 2 then 2 becomes 4 then by 20-25 times you make hundreds of copies....ideally ....unfortunately not like in hospital - debris there - profile from 1 cell - theoretically

what is in process that any lab cannot do? whole process....what happens in 1990's a lot of emphasis on dna - you were first to get dna admitted - scrutiny ...a lot of problems to get it admitted....we have cases where we know contact but not enough semen saliva or blood to extract dna...a lot of contact between perp and victim...had to find dna .....

methods validated in 2002? no that was the Nat. Lab...did in 2000 already...accrediation from that time on used in cold cases... a lot of his cases....only additional step he does is take additional runs of pcr method to make additional copies..

no - point want to make - techniques it is possible to get dna, more to find dna...victim was dragged - don't find the location....at 2000 you had to find it where likely to have touch...in normal methods unable to get profile - swab of clothing is common method...in Europe hardly used....we get specific pin point location of dna...problem there is clothing if you dont know where to sample take thousands of samples.....big problem....have to take right...

question is about running the test itself....for low copy number run additional cycles...

Eikelenboom knows Ashton was first prosecutor to Introducing DNA into criminal case. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 1:20 PM
Audience member in second row being taken outside. Unk why.
by bobkealing via twitter at 1:21 PM

Deputy snaps to get someone's attention. Tells them to hush. Juror 11 looked over after the snap. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 1:20 PM
I think so. A kid that was railroaded by a tunnel visioned cop. He was able to after 30 years extract dna that did not match him, but the womans exhusband. He first tries to recreate the how the crime sceen occured, then marks specific places most probable to contain DNA. He's really a nice guy, and from a guy who's been to Holland before, a farm with a barn is a really nice place :)

That was Tim Masters. Very sad case, and these folks helped to prove he was innocent.
Why are we still on DNA lesson to the Jury? Was any found, if so whose was it?
Come on JA...
#CaseyAnthony Defense expert just gave Ashton props for being first to get DNA admitted in criminal case.
by bobkealing via twitter at 1:18 PM

Very few jurors are taking notes. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 1:18 PM

DNA expert in #CaseyAnthony knows the rep of prosecutor Ashton. Notes: u were firs to get DNA in court. That's true.
by kerrynbc via twitter at 1:17 PM


THAT just burned Baez' bum. :floorlaugh:
Levi_Page‎ #caseyanthony
"This trial has more accents than a NATO meeting."
Twitter - 4 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein #caseyanthony
"This proves that boring is an international language."
2 minutes ago
RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby
It's not good when the #CaseyAnthony DNA expert gives #JeffAshton props for being the first prosecutor to get DNA admitted in a court of law
3 minutes ago
Listen everyone, I feel 100% that Casey is guilty so I am not going to show respect or be kind about these witnesses who come to the stand for the Defense trying to keep a baby killer out of jail. I'm not on the jury so I don't have to be impartial on a public message board. JUST MY OPINION AND I'M STICKING TO IT.

I understand your pov there but these witnesses are doing their jobs. Yes, some may not give great testimony or seem to pander to the defense but just because someone is an defense expert witness doesn't mean they are automatically wrong or bad people.

If the defense can't bring in their experts then Casey doesn't get a fair trial. She deserves that so she can be found guilty. Not to get a mistrial or overturned verdict on approval because her DT was up a tree and out to lunch.
Just noticed a few jurors looking around court.. Not looking at prosec..nor witness.. Looking bored
by abcashleigh via twitter at 1:22 PM
Juror 11 is rubbing the back of his neck. Juror 16 just ripped some pages out of his notebook. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 1:22 PM
TrialNotes Trial Notes
JA: If DNA is digested by fly, would be gone? RE: Yes. JA: So even if could get DNA from fruit fly, if month after feeding, ..
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