2011.06.21 TRIAL Day Twenty-four (Morning Session)

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The defense finally came up with a believable story. I think it is now logical to believe that Gerus and Bones are more involved in this case than we thought. They are obviously trying to set up the defendant.
Possible suspects:
But NOT Casey! :banghead:
Just as an FYI...there are indeed coyotes in Central Florida and the Orlando area:

"ORLANDO, Fla. -- Several coyotes that were roaming near downtown Orlando have been captured, but the hunt is not over."



I think JA made a mistake when he mentioned there are no coyotes in that area. Coyotes are just about everywhere including urban area's.
To me, this is rather a strange thread with people who may or not, understand the finer points of plant growth, root growth. I feel, when any of us have her education and knowledge, then we can mock her - not until

It wasn't her professional insight or opinion that stripped away her "expertise" rather her manipulation of what is common sense which each of us have and use to form our opinion on this matter..In my opinion of course
IMHO, the ONLY reason the DT has even put most of their "Experts" on the stand is so they can say "we put on a defense". These "Experts"have done nothing to bolster their case. CM was right, they "did not have to put on a defense", and they should not have.

It seems most of these so called expert witnesses have been called to try and verify part of what Baez said in his opening statement. That Caylees body was placed at the scene by the meter reader shortly before he called 911 to report finding the body. So far though much of what he's tried to show has been out of the realm of reality and just makes his efforts look rediculas.
South Florida native here. I have seen alligators, pythons, foxes, bears, Florida Panthers and many other critters here all my life - never seen a coyote nor do I recall any of my family members seeing one.

In fact, I was surprised to hear we have any coyotes in Florida!

Also SF resident for 10 years on the Gulf side and just recently the newspapers have been talking about coyote attacks on small animals.
Hi All,
Only my second post - but I have been reading since the trial started and you all are all very interesting. In watching the last testimony, as someone who hasn't read all the background info, it raised a slight doubt with me. In fact, the most doubt raised was why was only one bone in four inch muck? Wouldn't more than one be in the muck? With only one bone in the muck it makes more sense to me that something unusual happened to that one bone. Also we DO have coyotes in Florida - have seen one myself in Sarasota county. lol - that being said - I do believe she is guilty - but thought the last testimony was the best the DT has had.

Welcome Linda!

Thank you for sharing your opinion!
I'm willing to give Ashton a pass on the coyote comment. If it were me in his place, I'd have been speechless after hearing her say a dog could have buried the bone.

I can't help but wonder if he said it out of snark. Trying to help the defense understand his pain of how nothing they are saying makes sense. So, if he stands up and tells people that they don't have coyotes in Fla, he gets the very same looks that the defense has the whole time, Me thinks he just wanted to know what it felt like for a change.:crazy:
To me, this is rather a strange thread with people who may or not, understand the finer points of plant growth, root growth. I feel, when any of us have her education and knowledge, then we can mock her - not until

She's saying things that are counter to what people with no special knowledge know. She's saying things against common sense. She also contradicted herself. This woman is selling her testimony, not her education and knowledge. Why should anyone respect that?
wftv just said George Anthony's girlfriend may testify next? ?

Are George and Cindy in court?

Is this his girlfriend like that Vasco gentleman was his bff? So maybe someone he once asked direction or what time is it on a random street years ago?
I don't understand why everyone thinks that a dog possibly burying a bone is so outragious???? It is the SA theory that this was a trash dump site. Dogs do hunt out such site and dogs do bury bones. It is also the SA theory and evidence that the bones were scattered BY ANIMALS. What is so outragious?
OMG Dr Bock states in response to a question by JA about a bone being found 4 inches under muck, that a dog may have buried that hip bone of little Caylee? Unbelievable!
and the dog would have most likely buried the skull as well had someone not taken it home to duct tape the jaw bone anatomically in place... yep, the dt's take on the sitch is making more and more reasonable sense each passing day...
Don't you just love how ICA sits there with her head down trying to appear somber and can't bear the morbid testimony and pics yet when JA told Dr. Bock she didn't get to ask him questions she laughs. Who does she think she's fooling?
The problem is that she has all that education and knowledge, and it didn't count for squat. I could have looked at leaf litter and made an opinion. She was laughable. And a dog maybe buried a bone? This woman has no idea what she is supposed to be so educated and knowledgable about.

I'm doing a study on this topic right now, and believe me, it is far more complicated than any of us realize. You know the old saying, everyone has an ...opinion
I have to say this trial is making me sick, not only because of a dead Caylee, but because I see how many people are ready to mock people with learning and knowledge. It saddens me almost as much as Caylee's death.

I approach EVERY witness with an open mind, Trident. Ask anyone here and they will tell you that.

But when a witness is handing me a big old load of horse muck, I'm going to call it horse muck.

I have a great one-liner that involves LS, an objection and no evidence of lead counsel being in those woods, but I just better hold off on that one, huh?

Anywhoooo - so possession of Caylee's body goes something like -- George>Casey>George>Kronk>George>dog>coyote....>?Turtles?>Vasco....?

and Vasco was last because they couldn't get him to answer the phone with the number they had for him.....lol
I am thankful that Dr. Bock's testimony did not take the hours it would have had Baez done the questioning. It appears that Sims, at least, has taken heed of HHJP's warnings.

This can all change, however, if Yuri Melich is called next. Both Baez and Mason have been itching to score points off of him for years.

My prediction. They get nowhere with Yuri. He's got their number.
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