2011.06.22 - Breaking News Folks! George and Cindy Anthony think Casey is guilty!!!

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I posted this originally on the accident or intentional merged thread. So I'll repost it here to this thread dedicated to Lipman's disclosure.

"Last night, Mark Lippman, the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony, told Gary Tuchman on CNN's AC 360, that George and Cindy do not believe that Casey is innocent. However, they still love her and if she is convicted, they do not want her to get the death penalty.

I think most of us would agree that after Baez opening statment implicating them, there was no chance for them to hang on to any shred of denial. Baez claimed Cindy negligently left the pool ladder up and George moved the body.

What do all you think? I wonder if the timing of the interview is a push back from the defense's relestless attack on George especially an alleged mistress that is on the defense witness list.

Link to CNN article and video at the link below:

The words not innocent do not mean guilty. I'll be dammed if I know what it means. I've been pondering what exactly it means. Not innocent vs. guilty. ?????????????????????

Words were chosen wisely in this case. Lawyerspeak. :banghead:

BBM- agreed. I think the key is they won't state she murdered Caylee, but are admitting in their minds at least that she is not innocent in Caylee's demise (possibly still hoping it was some kind of accident gone bad)...Don't slam me for that , we all know 3 pieces of duct tape does not an accident make, but for CA &GA , no doubt they will never publicly acknowledge that fact.
I feel so bad for her parents. Not only has Casey taken Caylees life away from her Casey has also managed to ruin her entire families lives. Must have taken alot of guts for them to actually announce this to the public.

You give them more credit than I am able to. IMHO, of course, they had Lippman put this out there partially to slide in that GA didn't do anything, and as a reminder to the defense that they won't support that in testimony. Again, just my humble opinion.
Ok I have my protective headgear on....

But I have, at times, wondered if George (and or Lee) did have inappropiate-relations-of-an-unspecified-sort with ICA.

Additionally, have both men, BOTH, been cleared as father of Caylee? Altho, to me that is an entirely separate issue and does not automatically negate the first.


commence throwing veggies at me. :)
Ok I have my protective headgear on....

But I have, at times, wondered if George (and or Lee) did have inappropiate-relations-of-an-unspecified-sort with ICA.

Additionally, have both men, BOTH, been cleared as father? Altho, to me that is an entirely separate issue and does not automatically negate the first.


commence throwing veggies at me. :)

Yes, according to OCSO, neither was the father.
Additionally, have both men, BOTH, been cleared as father? Altho, to me that is an entirely separate issue and does not automatically negate the first.
Yes, they have both been cleared.
You give them more credit than I am able to. IMHO, of course, they had Lippman put this out there partially to slide in that GA didn't do anything, and as a reminder to the defense that they won't support that in testimony. Again, just my humble opinion.

Agree Capri, it is an indirect way to tell them we know you are using Krystal Holloway - do not expect that we will do anything that will implicate George or Lee in this matter in any way. We will back KC, but we do not believe she is innocent any longer.

Also, I read that a lawyer by the name of (Fielding sp) commented on the Lippman interview saying it was inappropriate for the Anthonys to make this statement during this trial.

However, it is not inappropriate, I assume, for KC to tell the world the worst thing you can say about a man and that he is a pedofile in some way - especially with his 8 year old child. I guess the Anthonys are just supposed to take that. Riggggggggggggggggght.
Ok I have my protective headgear on....

But I have, at times, wondered if George (and or Lee) did have inappropiate-relations-of-an-unspecified-sort with ICA.

Additionally, have both men, BOTH, been cleared as father of Caylee? Altho, to me that is an entirely separate issue and does not automatically negate the first.


commence throwing veggies at me. :)
Yes, they have.

I too think the sexual abuse is possible. When George wrote KC addressing the accusation, he didn't ask her why she was lying about such a thing. He was clearly angry at her, but, IMO, it could be read that he was angry at being exposed.

Now, I don't actually think George molested KC, but if it came to light that he did, I wouldn't exactly be stunned to hear it.
To you.

To me, being the bigger person ='s not standing idly by and silent while innocent people (Amy H. Jesse Grund, Tim Miller) are getting sh--t on.

The Anthony's have crapped on innocent people, people who are victims of KC.

You're g-damned right I'm gonna be the bigger person and tell them that isn't right.

Grief is not an excuse to run all over people and insinuate they kidnapped a child.

It's just not.
Thank you. :blowkiss:
CNN saying that Lippman may have violated attorney-client privilege. :confused:

Just sayin........
Not being familiar with "lawyerspeak" I will be awaiting hearing what both our "board lawyers" and the experienced lawyers on the TV shows have to say about the Lippman/Tuckman brouhaha.

Being very familiar with "doctorspeak" I can say that oftentimes when a doctor speaks to a patient/family members about a serious condition, it is often extremely significant what the doctor DOESN'T say.

Ex: When the CAT scan indicates what appears to be a cancerous tumor, if the doctor says "This is a highly treatable cancer. We will begin treatment immediately" that is different than the doctor saying "This is a cancerous tumor. We will begin treatment immediately". See the subtle difference?

If you have not been standing there listening to doctors making these kind of statements to patients/families for a long time you are not going to pick up on the difference.

I think lawyerspeak is similar and we will need to have another experienced attorney or two or three to decipher Mr. Lippman's latest statement.

What I suspect is going on is that Mr. Lippman went very, very close to the line in his conversation with Reporter Tuckman and now does not want to be accused of betraying client confidentiality.

Agreeed...would love to hear Richard Hornsby or AZ's take on this.

ETA:[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6740768&postcount=111"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Legal Questions for our Verified Lawyers #4[/ame]
You have got to be kidding! Well, it doesn't surprise me coming from the Anthony's...Everyone seems to tell mis-truths or half-truths when dealing with them.:waitasec:
Havent caught up on the details yet, but it smacks of a can't-UNring-the-bell situation. IDK
Ok I have my protective headgear on....

But I have, at times, wondered if George (and or Lee) did have inappropiate-relations-of-an-unspecified-sort with ICA.

Additionally, have both men, BOTH, been cleared as father of Caylee? Altho, to me that is an entirely separate issue and does not automatically negate the first.


commence throwing veggies at me. :)

when the allegations came out in the OS i allowed myself to ponder that it's possible that she could have been molested by one or both. but thinking about it i don't think she would have waited 3 years to come out with this tidbit. i don't think she would have allowed her father to watch/take care of caylee. i don't think she would have not told a good friend (prior to caylee's death).

so for me it's just a last-ditch effort to place blame on somebody else like she's always done. she can't take responsibility for anything and will throw anybody and everybody under the bus to save her own skin and doesn't care who she hurts. a self-absorbed narcissist.

ETA: and neither GA or LA are the father of caylee
Y'know, I read or heard "somewhere" that Tracy wasn't interviewed. I certainly don't know whether she was or not, though I find it odd if she wasn't, and I cannot trust my own memory that far back. If you saw the brief interview NG did with Ms. Dimond, then you heard how if someone spoke of how cute Caylee's photos were, then KC would come along with photos of her (KC) and mention how cute they were. Weird, being jealous of your own kid...or any kid 20 years younger than yourself. Anyway, I cannot wait to read this interview, I hope it delivers.

Here is the audio:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLfqKz1TQOE"]YouTube - ‪p1/8 - Tracy Mclaughlin Police Interview - Worked with Leonard Padilla (Casey Anthony)‬‏[/ame]

Warning, it is full of giggling. Rathert than link all parts, you can proceed at YouTube.
Forgive me if this has been asked and answered already, I haven't read through this entire thread. But is it possible that ICA has heard the statement or news of the statement from Lippman re: GA and CA don't think she's innocent.
I guess I am different. If my child murdered my grandchild, I would be finished with them. I couldn't love them anymore. Sometimes, love ends. It would have been killed, as much as the child was killed. I would always hold it against them.

My little sister whom I adored from the moment she was born, betrayed me in a horrible way and I found my love for her was gone. I wanted it back but I couldn't find it anymore.

I remember the family of the man in Utah who had killed his wife and threw her in a dumpster. I can't recall the name. But his family realized that he was guilty and they supported his prosecution and the death penalty.


Mark Lippman, Anthony family attorney, will hold press conference after court today.

#CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 10:01 AM
I feel so bad for her parents. Not only has Casey taken Caylees life away from her Casey has also managed to ruin her entire families lives. Must have taken alot of guts for them to actually announce this to the public.

I feel awful that they lost Caylee and I do not believe that anyone should have to suffer the way they have suffered from that loss. However, they chose to continue to be Casey's victims.

When the abuse allegations first surfaced in 2008 by way of Jesse Grund, Cindy and George stated Jesse was lying and accused him and his family of some vile things. Saying Jesse and his father had something to do with Caylee's dissappearance.

When they letters written by Casey to Robyn came out, accusing Lee of sexual abuse and George of potential abuse, Cindy and George both went on National television and stated that Casey only wrote those things to make Robyn feel better about her own abuse. That Casey was the "mother" to everyone... blah... blah... blah.

There was plenty of warning shots fired towards the Anthony's by the defense and therefore by their daughter, Casey, that they were going after them. They chose to lay down.

Now that the defense has claimed, by way of Casey, for the world to hear, that George was molesting Casey since she was eight-years-old... they want to react. Better late than never... but the fact remains that there was ample evidence prior to these claims that Casey was 100% responsible for whatever happened to Caylee and they continued to victimize the many innocent people involved in this case.

I agree with Turnadot... their loss is in no way an excuse for their behavior these past few years. They chose to be Casey's victim. There is massive amounts of evidence to suggest that Casey was trouble a long time ago and they did nothing to put a stop to her destructive behavior. They allowed it to continue.

Caylee on the other hand didn't have a choice. She was just a baby and looked to those who loved her to protect her. I blame no one but Casey for what happened to Caylee. I do not blame George or Cindy for Caylee no longer being alive. But Caylee is the only real victim with the last name Anthony in this case.
I've always felt extremely sorry for GA and CA. At times I've also felt extremely angry at them, CA in particular. I think they've always known Casey murdered Caylee but held on to hope that it wasn't true or there may be something they were missing and they were searching for that missing piece of the puzzle when in reality it was staring them in the face. I will never, ever, blame them for that, Casey is their daughter after all.

I'm so sad for them, they've had to deal with an immense amount of pressure and stress over the last 3 years, some people will say they deserve it but I wouldn't wish any of that on my worst enemy.

Casey is responsible for everything that she did to Caylee, it is not CA or GA fault. I'm glad they have spoken now, before the end of the trial. If she is found guilty and they come out and say it people will accuse them of only admitting to her guilt because a jury found her guilty.
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