2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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As others have written and I wanted to put in my :twocents:...
I'd like to know how CA's testimony about her searches raises reasonable doubt when the computer analytics show that these searches were all done fairly consecutively.
How was CA searching for chloroform at the same time that someone else was searching for shovel?
Was there a ghost in the room?
Was KC standing there saying, 'OK, you search for chloroform, then I'll search for shovel, then you look at a neck-breaking thingy, then I'll look for household weapons"
These searches were done at the same time because they were done by one person. If CA denied one, she should have denied all. If she acknowledged one, she should have acknowledged all.
Why would CA need to look up dangerous household items, like chems, to make sure Caylee could not be harmed, on the computer? Couldn't she just pick up the bottles and read the labels where the big fat "WARNING" is?
I was wondering the exact same thing, and discovered that the word CHLOROPHYL (or any variant) was NEVER searched for on the Anthony computer. This information was kindly provided by JWG in a terrific article entitled "The Google Searches and Cindy’s Judas Moment" which can be read here:


(Thank you so much JWG :great: !)


This might be the BEST article I have read in a very long time. SERIOUSLY.

JWG, I bow down to your thorough, well researched wisdom.

Yes, but to this day he believes everything his sister tells him, or so he said in his depo a while back. That, I believe, has never changed. Wonder what happened to the "I love you" blowy kiss kiss he practically gave her when he got on the stand at the hearings last year. Give me a break....once an Anthony always an Anthony.

He clarified that statement with John Morgan, I posted it verbatim here somewhere. He said that he was trying to get info from KC and that he found that calling her a liar was not gonna help him find out where Caylee was. If nothing else, I believe 1000% that Lee wanted to find Caylee dead or alive and put an end to this now three-year long nightmare way back then.

He told John Morgan that he believed what she said and did not dispute with her because that was the only tactic he could use to 1. Get her to talk at all and 2. Gather some information about what could have happened. Ya know how we all notice that there is a bit of truth in KC's lies? Well, her brother knows that, too.
Lee is the least offensive of the bunch, IMO. In that same interview, when John Morgan asked him if he considered that KC might have been the cause of Caylee's disappearance, he doth not protest too loudly, or at all...his lawyer objected and started to yammer, but Lee said quietly that he just didn't think that was relevant. If he truly believed KC was an honest angel, he would have told his lawyer "No problemo, I'll answer-No I do not think she had anything to do with it"...not a meek "I don't think that's relevant."

Lee and George both gave themselves away early on. They just weren't the liars that Mama Bear was.

This might be the BEST article I have read in a very long time. SERIOUSLY.

JWG, I bow down to your thorough, well researched wisdom.


O/T, but Katy, we are here late every night...like, the last ones sometimes...we ought to get a prize for that!

pages 10-11

Cindy lied big time today:
she cant record more than 8 hours
she's not allowed to have overtime
took time off during the week of 17th

HUGE lies about her not being able to work or record overtime! 100CindyTimecard.JPG

The week ending 3/21/08 had more overtime than any of the previous weeks! I sure hope the prosecution catches her on this one. :twocents:
Originally Posted by gitana1
"I can back you up. I remember that and remember thinking that's when she began seriously plotting to get rid of Caylee. She couldn't take it anymore.

I'm sorry, I disagree. If my precious child murdered my precious grandchild, they would not become a monster in my mind. I would not want my daughter, who I carried and nursed and loved and who clasped her little arms around me, to "pay".

I hear people say this and it astonishes me. I don't believe one of you would happily sit and watch your child put to death, "paying" for even a crime as heinous as this."


You presume that we would be "happily sitting and watching our children being put to death". Inaccurate, and also insulting.

I would be agonizing, not watching, and dying inside.

And I would still not lie for my son if he did that to someone else, because that someone else is also someone's child. If my child hurt or murdered someone else's child, everyone hurts, as parents we both would lose our children. Trying to save my son from the death penalty would not ease the pain and bring their child back.

If my child committed a crime worthy of the death penalty, he would not be the same as the innocent child I raised as a baby, and I could not, nor should not coddle and save him from his consequences. It really only does cause more hurt. It's selfish.
Of course, that's exactly what she did is take away the "premeditation"...that's why their attorney said, "They don't want her to die."...looking back there was a message for us there.

Remember that premeditation can happen in just mere seconds. There does not have to be some long drawn-out plan. In the time it took for ICA to place three pieces of duct tape over Caylee's mouth and nose, the murder could have been premeditated.
I haven't read through this entire thread, so I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this. DH and I are watching NG and talked about CA's appearance today. DH noted that Cindy's hair is masculine-looking and that her sleeveless dress shows off well-toned upper arm muscles. During the SA's CiC questioning, Cindy sported more feminine attire and coiffure. jmo

Hmmm... her upper arms looked all sorts of flabby, to me. Looked like she had bat wings. JMO, though.
But those are only the google searches, right? I guess it's possible CA could have used yahoo for the search if there was one for Chlorophyl at all.

Hopefully the SA will let us know soon.

NOPE. He answers that question in the excellent article. There was a look at Yahoo and everything on the Firefox and Internet Browsers apparently. From the looks of things, Linda DB already knew the answers but needed to have these records at her fingertips before she confronted Cindy's lies on record.
I'm hoping her supervisor, Debbie Polisano will be on the hot line phone to the SA tonight..


This topic has brought up thoughts I had at the begining about the Anthony's behavior and tendancy to act as if they are superior and untouchable.

My first clue was when the tow company had their car. CA was pissed off because "We only live a few miles away, they could have called as a courtesy". Did they really think that they are special and should have recieved a courtesy call ? How about your daughter calls you as a courtesy and TELLS YOU WHERE THE CAR IS!

My second clue was the most heartbreaking. The Anthony's treated the people that were trying with all their heart soul and sweat with disdain. Tim Miller, the volunteer's...

When John Morgan took their deposition concerning ZFG they acted as if SHE was taking time out of their day and wasn't worth their time or effort. I think CA gum chewing was just another F*#k you to the whole process.

Oh and the " Don't mess with the Anthony Family, Tim <sic> That just goes to show ya how delusional they are. I am from the south. Three people aren't scary.

TC, Robin
Casey lies, Cindy lies...George and Lee? Maybe they all lie and are all involved in covering up what happened to Caylee...that is what I am thinking, anyway, at least as a possibility. If I am a juror, after seeing George and Lee acting so oddly with Casey on the jail tapes, and now this with Cindy, I think it would not be out of the question to believe the whole defense theory...and then Casey made a hash of getting rid of Caylee's body.

I couldn't agree with you more!
Just my thought this evening...Perhaps the jury listening to CA tell of her searches on the computer and the reaction of LDB while doing her cross just may have caused the jury to realize that she was being untruthful. Whatever sympathy she may have received because of her breakdown the week before is now gone. Just maybe this lie will do a lot of harm for KC.
My first post after lurking for many moons. Please forgive any protocol errors or any rookie-itis. I don't know how to clip, snip, or clip and I am on a Blackberry to boot. So if I did something improper, I apologize. But here goes:

Originally Posted by MissJames ?

Cindy said they had staff meetings EVERY Monday. That's why she was so sure about what happened THAT Monday.
Of course ,Cindy lies ,so who knows if even that was true


Originally Posted by ladylurker ?

so to clarify... here is what i think you mean, tell me if i am right.

cindy testified today to doing the searches on march 17 for the following: google search for "chloraform" "alcohol" "acetone" "peroxide"
wikipedia search for "inhalation" "chloroform" "alcohol" "acetone" "peroxide" "hydrogen peroxide" and "death"

So CA testified that she was in or preparing to be in the (seemingly not to be missed) afternoon staff meetings at work EVERY Monday ( in reference to the furry of calls by ICA on Monday June 16). Then she testifies to doing computer searches on March 17 around 2-3 in the afternoon on the home computer.

Interestingly, my 2008 calendar shows March 17 was a MONDAY, the day of the not-to-be-forgotten important weekly Monday staff meeting at work. So she cut out early and missed the meeting, apparently to check up on possible chloroformed puppies and neck breaking surfers? Just sayin'. IMO.

Wonder if the SA knows March 17 is a Monday?

BTW, you guys at Websleuths are so smart and are the absolte best with regard to brainpower and insights. It is an absolute pleasure to lurk here.
My first post after lurking for many moons. Please forgive any protocol errors or any rookie-itis. I don't know how to clip, snip, or clip and I am on a Blackberry to boot. So if I did something improper, I apologize. But here goes:

Originally Posted by MissJames ?

Cindy said they had staff meetings EVERY Monday. That's why she was so sure about what happened THAT Monday.
Of course ,Cindy lies ,so who knows if even that was true


Originally Posted by ladylurker ?

so to clarify... here is what i think you mean, tell me if i am right.

cindy testified today to doing the searches on march 17 for the following: google search for "chloraform" "alcohol" "acetone" "peroxide"
wikipedia search for "inhalation" "chloroform" "alcohol" "acetone" "peroxide" "hydrogen peroxide" and "death"

So CA testified that she was in or preparing to be in the (seemingly not to be missed) afternoon staff meetings at work EVERY Monday ( in reference to the furry of calls by ICA on Monday June 16). Then she testifies to doing computer searches on March 17 around 2-3 in the afternoon on the home computer.

Interestingly, my 2008 calendar shows March 17 was a MONDAY, the day of the not-to-be-forgotten important weekly Monday staff meeting at work. So she cut out early and missed the meeting, apparently to check up on possible chloroformed puppies and neck breaking surfers? Just sayin'. IMO.

Wonder if the SA knows March 17 is a Monday?

BTW, you guys at Websleuths are so smart and are the absolte best with regard to brainpower and insights. It is an absolute pleasure to lurk here.


I really hope they go through all of GEntiva's records. It is a Hospice so they must have very detailed records for legal purposes.

By the way, Amazing that you typed that on a BlackBerry. I can barely type on mine, the keys are so tiny. lol
Dear God, unbelievable. No wonder Cindy's daughter is so screwed up. Cindy is willing to throw herself on the fire to save her psychopathic offspring.
How many times before this murder has Cindy covered for Casey....and Casey appreciates nothing, justs expects more.
They are all a mess. I don't know what to think of any of it. "CMA, CMA, CMA..." Dear God, where do these people come from?
I haven't been on this site for a long time, but it feels good to come back.
Cindy's assertions today blew my mind.
Cindy must feel horribly guilty making Casey keep a child she didn't want, but why can't Cindy accept she made a mistake ordering Casey to keep the child? Cindy does not have to take the blame. Casey had choices and options, she just made the worst one. Casey was an adult. No excuses.
Just because she hated her mother and her child is not enough to let her off.
Will we ever know who the beautiful child's father was? Probably not. Casey doesn't even know, she just blames her family for all her problems and will throw all of them under the bus to save herself.
Casey has no guilt or sadness about Caylee. She blames the child for causing her so much grief, before and after her death.
Today, CA got up on witness stand and testified to searching for chloroform on the computer,stating that though she was working on the two days in question in March, she might have come home to get on the computer, as she could not use her computer at work. She also testified that the stain in the trunk was there when they bought the car.

Still reeling here...but:
1. CA had already testified to this in her deposition, right? So the State knew what she was going to say?
2. If so, was LDB prepared for this? Or was she rattled?
3. Will the state be able to prove her lies or will will this impeach her as their own witness?
4. If state knew what CA was going to do, is this a part of their bigger plan for rebuttal?

What else must we ask?

Cindy said several times today that she had said all of this in her 2009 depo. I&#8217;ve been reading the depo &#8211; I&#8217;ll be darned &#8211; she did say all of this to the Pros in 2009.

It starts on page 152 of part 1 of the deposition &#8211; she tells Pros that she may have looked up chloroform because of her dogs, but she&#8217;s not sure, and the other items (alcohol, acetone) to be sure Caylee was safe.

On 154 &#8211; she actually goes on to say she may have looked up ingredients for chloroform, but not how to make it.

On 155, she misspells chlorophyll several times and says she&#8217;s not a good speller. (I know lots of nurses&#8230;.spelling isn&#8217;t always their strong suit.)

On 157, they ask her again if she looked up components of chloroform &#8211; &#8220;I may have.&#8221; But goes on to say she wouldn&#8217;t have looked up how to make it.

By 159 &#8211; she says she didn&#8217;t know and didn&#8217;t ask if Casey or Lee looked up how to make chloroform.

They don&#8217;t discuss specific look up dates here (yet, anyway).

For those interested:
Part 1

Part 2

Linda Burdick was doing the questioning in the depo - so this wasn't anything new. The difference here is that in 2009, Cindy said she &#8220;may&#8221; have looked it up &#8211; now she&#8217;s definitely sure she did and what day she did it.

Interesting how memory improves with time. I can&#8217;t remember what I had for lunch.
CA's testimony about hand sanitizer may have some merit. There has been an upswing in abuse of the 130 proof sanitizer . . .

Maybe it was Caylee becoming lethargic (from possibly other substances), not her dogs, which made her do some searches. I think ICA is as guilty as sin, but there is a basis in fact to CA's 'concern' about sanitizers.




"A colleague&#8217;s 8-year-old daughter licked 10 to 20 globs of hand sanitizer while at a supervised play center at a suburban health club, an idea that originally came from a classmate while at school. She ended up in the intensive care unit for two days."

re: the 84 searches stuff:

R. Hornsby said that 17 march (or the other computer search day) was day 84 in the calendar year and that the computer program could have been annotating that vs the number of times it was actually searched...

he further said, iirc, that they have an expert that could be talking about this or that Jose is onto this track?

hope that helps

How is March 17 day 84 in the Calendar year? There are 31 days in January and 28 in February...that would get you to 59, plus 17 = 76. I don't get it.
The SA had no clue.
She said she could not show overtime, not that she could not use her computer at work, so she left early to keep her hours up- funny cuz I looked at her timecards and they sure look like there is overtime all over the place on there. She implicated her boss in saying her employee would tell her to leave and then fill in her timecard for her.
I think they will be able to prove her lies but it will take JP allowing them to enter in some new evidence and witnesses for rebuttal and Bill S. said this might be tricky b/c the SA should have had their ducks in a row and have researched that day fully. i disagree and I think JP will allow it since this witness needs to be impeached and has already said something different than her depo.
I think the cell phone pings alone should do it. I am trying to find out if the cell phone ping records go back to march. So far, I have only seen records of june and july for all parties. the same thing for her sun pass. I wonder if we will see these before the rebuttal testimony, per sunshine laws.

Her cell phone pings for those days won't matter because Cindy remembers now that she forgot her cell phone at work on those two days and had to go back to get it, but she waited until 5:30 or 6:00 PM to pick it up so she wouldn't bump into other employees. Which is why her cell pings will falsely indicate she was at the office during the day and returning home at her usual time at night.

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