2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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To watch that woman get back on the stand and LIE! How did Baez accomplish this? Does Cindy know what she's say? Did she rehearse this beforehand? Is she on a new medication? Will George get on the stand and admit he molested ICA and found Caylee's body and is involved every way that the Defense says he is?
Looking at Cindy today, IMO, she was lying through her teeth.
I just hope that the State can come back and clean up this mess.
I actually felt sorry for her after the last time she testified. NO MORE!
If she gets off on this, she can still have other children and that SHE DOES NOT DESERVE, NOR DO CINDY AND GEORGE EVER DESERVE ANOTHER GRAND CHILD!
Not meant to pick on you in any way, but I'm curious. You say there were 84 searches for chloroform. What would your reaction be if you learned that there was only 1 search and that any information you've heard otherwise is false?

I would have to ask you to prove it. If the defense wants to raise reasonable doubt, they would have to show me. So far they haven't and I'll have to go with the testimony and evidence presented by the prosecution as true.
well, another BIG day for CA's ego, whose appetite is boundless. it's like a shark which doesn't register having consumed a meal and is constantly ravenous

the previous BIG/BIG day was when she was writhing in agony on the stand during the playing of the 911 calls

betcha GA won't be able to get near the remote tonight 'cause CA will be doing all the channel surfing, looking for her "cameos", listening to all the THs who are calling this the BIGGEST day of the trial

this mother and daughter are constantly jockeying for position

Right On! I've said it again and again and again here... two narcissists, only one sociopath.

Actually the A's are stuck between a rock and a hard place and the DT has them like deers stuck in front of the bus' headlights.

The A's have told so many lies when they were in 'Protect ICA Mode' at all costs. The DT has recently focused the bus on the A's so now they are damned either way.

If the A's go back on their lies then they will be called out due to the depo's, so both the SA and DT are holding their feet to the fire to give them what they want/need.

If the A's favor the SA then the DT will cry foul and use the seachange to illustrate how they are trying to blame ICA and let her take the fall ... implying their involvement. Either way the DT are going to target GA and he is stuck.

The DT smell blood in the water and the A's need to walk a fine line, NOT to tell the truth but to remain faithful to their previous lies while trying to defend and save themselves. They made that bed and now they need to sleep in it.

Damned if you do and ... they did!
Because she already said most of her work was done with patients and others via e-mail and if that's the case, Gentiva will not be deleting all these records since they are a medical association. ALSO, I'm sure the SA ha already gotten back ups of CAs e-mails in that time period when this all went down.
Trust me, there WILL be something.. even if its an authorization for a patient OR the testimony of her co-workers.

I hope your right and everyone involved goes down hard. That being said, it goes to the heart of the argument that this family is seriously dysfunctional, and nobody knows what they are/were capable of and what is coming next!! Good Lord... if Cindy did this today, just wait until GA and LA are on the stand... are they "lined up" to CA and ICA her as well??
I think it is a mistake that this was not explored in cross.

I disagree. In cross, she should have asked: "So, Ms. Anthony, you state you looked up chloroform because you were looking up chlorophyll? And you were looking up chlorophyll because your dog ate bamboo? Yet you did not look up bamboo, correct? And you did not look up dogs? You did not look up bamboo poisoning? Or bamboo poisoning and dogs, right? In fact, you didn't look for anything related to a sick dog except for "chloroform" or "chlorophyll", right? You just swept right to chlorophyll? And that somehow lead to 84 searches for chloroform? For how to make chloroform?"

It would not matter what CA's answers would be. I just matters that the state is outlining the ridiculousness of what CA is stating. And in this case, we all know the answers to the questions LDB is asking. There were no searches for chlorophyll and there were no searches for anything related to dogs or ill dogs.

How do you know that "it would not matter what CA's answers would be"?? That's the whole point of never asking a question you don't know the answer to--especially of a hostile witness. The woman is capable of saying anything and opening up many a can of worms. Just ask the DT. In her ramblings today, she mentioned KC's arrest on check charges--negating many a hearing and side bar to keep that info out-and which, by the way, was in response to a simple question as to the date she met with YM about the computer searches. My point, exactly.
Ok, first of all - I AM JUST ILL because I have to DRIVE from NC to NY tomorrow and this iphone BETTER KEEP THE SKYFIRE CONNECTION THE WHOLE DA*M WAY TO NY !!!!!!

Second of all, are you telliing me we are to believe that BIG MOUTH, NON-STOP TALKING, GUM-CHEWING CYNTHIA listened to ALLLLLLLL the HUNDREDSSSS of news reports that there were searches about chloroform on her computer and NEVER SAID ANYTHING FOR 3 YEARS????? I guess that MATCHES good 'ol George not saying anything and letting his daughter face the DEATH PENALTY for an accidental drowning ???

I CANNOT BELIEVE the moral character of these people.

I need a tranquilizer.

THATS what I want to know! And now she said she did say it in a 2009 deposition? huh?

IF she searched for chlorophyll then why can't the state find that? I would love linda to say NOWHERE in here is a search for Chlorophyll

AND why not ask her the name of the friend with head and chest injuries, the good friend,, what is that persons name.. I would re evaluate how mad i am if in March 2008 Cindy Anthony had some friend that got banged up in an accident and suffered injuries and then days later Cindy searched on the computer

I bet they are searching the hard drive tonight...
I don't understand why the DA, knowing back then that Cindy claimed to have searched the two chloro's, didn't have the computer people search chlorophyll as a keyword to see if or how those searches corresponded to the chloroform searches. I think it's very possible Cindy did do exactly what she testified to today, but not on the date in question. I think that was all Casey and that Cindy, once again, has her date wrong.

THIS. And I'm also wondering why the DA didn't have the employment records (time cards, emails, meeting notes, whatever) to substantiate that CA was at work (if she was) during the time these searches were done. The two chlor's information was in the deposition, they should have known this would be an issue. Maybe it's coming in the rebuttal case?

: Cindy gives everyone something to talk about

Just what is up with Cindy Anthony? Her testimony in her daughter’s murder trial left TV analysts asking.

“At the beginning of the case I wondered if this family was colluding,” WOFL-Channel 35 Diana Tennis said. “George and Cindy did not help her during the state’s case, so I’m really confused about what is going on with this family. Again. Right now.”

WOFL anchor Bob Frier added, “It is a soap opera.”

so if i posted a new thread and it was Moved by a moderator, how do i find it? i've spent 5 minutes looking for it and i don't know where it went.

I'm sure Gentiva is not very please about this. :nono: They can be in alot of trouble if it were true. I am pretty sure it is illegal to falsify these records. If anything, I hope Gentiva can at least go after her.

I hope they do go after her! The lies she is getting away with deserve some consequences and punishment. This whole family has been getting away with so much for so long it's just unbelievable!:maddening:
I hope your right and everyone involved goes down hard. That being said, it goes to the heart of the argument that this family is seriously dysfunctional, and nobody knows what they are/were capable of and what is coming next!! Good Lord... if Cindy did this today, just wait until GA and LA are on the stand... are they "lined up" to CA and ICA her as well??

I agree. I am feeling sad they are all pushed to the wall, they are in a nightmare and probably not thinking clearly.
Any info from people in the courtroom as to how jurors reacted to CA perjuring herself? Any smirks, looks of disgust, etc?
I think it is a mistake that this was not explored in cross.

I disagree. In cross, she should have asked: "So, Ms. Anthony, you state you looked up chloroform because you were looking up chlorophyll? And you were looking up chlorophyll because your dog ate bamboo? Yet you did not look up bamboo, correct? And you did not look up dogs? You did not look up bamboo poisoning? Or bamboo poisoning and dogs, right? In fact, you didn't look for anything related to a sick dog except for "chloroform" or "chlorophyll", right? You just swept right to chlorophyll? And that somehow lead to 84 searches for chloroform? For how to make chloroform?"

It would not matter what CA's answers would be. I just matters that the state is outlining the ridiculousness of what CA is stating. And in this case, we all know the answers to the questions LDB is asking. There were no searches for chlorophyll and there were no searches for anything related to dogs or ill dogs.
Dang girl this good stuff you should be a lawyer..
It just occurred to me that your timecard records are part of your HR files. You are entitled to a copy of them as it is the law. CA lied when she said she could not get those records. Her employer has to have them. I remember asking for mine when I left a company after working for them for over 20 years. All my timecard records were in there from the very first year. jmo
Not meant to pick on you in any way, but I'm curious. You say there were 84 searches for chloroform. What would your reaction be if you learned that there was only 1 search and that any information you've heard otherwise is false?

It would change my opinion big time. I totally believed in my heart this was a negligence case that exploded with her coverup UNTIL the chloroform searches. If they could remove the chloroform from the case entirely for me - this would be a manslaughter and lying to LE and possible corpse tampering (whatever its called) case...no where near a DP case for me.
Went back through Cindy's deposition with the State which took place in July of 2009 to confirm my opinion that Cindy lied on the stand today. So,did Cindy lie? IMO, Yes. Which time? Both. About? Several key issues related to the chloroform.

1. Cindy told LDB that she had searched for chlorophyl but not sure if she looked up chloroform as well.

2. Cindy said that she looked up alcohol and several other things like at that-like ethyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.

LDB asks Cindy if she ever searched Neck breaking

3. Cindy said No.

LDB goes on to ask Cindy if she searched Bamboo.

4. Cindy said she had no idea x2 followed with I don't think so.

When LDB asked Cindy when did she become aware of the searches for these things.

5. Cindy said she learned indirectly when YM and JA came to their home that week that Casey was home the first time. When YM and JA asked Cindy if she was aware that searches for chloroform had been done on her computer she said
NO. Then Cindy backs up and asks YM was it done on her desktop or laptop and Cindy said no. "And I said, no, is what I told him. He didn't ask me if I did it.

LDB asks Cindy again, "did you ever try to make chloroform?

6. Cindy said No.(twice) Cindy said "I couldn't even tell you what the ingredients are for chloroform

LDB asks if Cindy knew who searched for how to make chloroform,

7. Cindy said No.

LDB then asks Cindy if she ever asked Casey if she did,

8. Cindy said "No. I never have."


Because I couldn't copy the actual transcript over I typed out the key issues that IMO Cindy lied about on the stand today after comparing her testimony today with her deposition in July of 2009.
Right after the defense rests. The prosecution has rebuttal and can call witnesses. This will be their way of getting in all the loose ends and quash whatever doubt the jurors may have.

The defense do NOT get rebuttal. After the rebuttal, we go to closing arguments. The pros will tie it all up for this jury and then the jury deliberates until a verdict is reached.

After a rebuttal, doesn't the defence get to present a surrebuttal?

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