2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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You know, I'm sure this has been addressed already, but after Lee's testimony today and revealing his anger about not being included in Caylee's birth. I believe now it was Caylee he was referring to when his said CMA.
Just thinkin outloud
March 17, 2008 was the 77th day of the year. March 21st, 2008 was the 81st day of the year. That's when Chloroform was searched on the Anthony computer. Thus, the number 84 has nothing to do with the date of the searches, it has to do with how many times the site was visited. Here's a calendar for anyone interested in doing the math themselves: http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/?year=2008

I hope the state clears this up.

Thank you so much Gitana, I was really worried that this might be the undoing of an otherwise strong case.
Only good thing about CA's testimony is she doesn't believe she drowned. She wasn't told she drowned by Casey either. She told her she was with the imaginary Nanny. So that blows a big huge hole in the Defenses drowning theory.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make light of real molestation victims. I only used sarcasm because she's clearly lying about being a victim, and her behavior doesn't match even the ugliest of coping mechanisms I've ever heard of. I don't mean to take away from actual victims' experiences.

I agree she's a sociopath. I don't know if she was born that way or became one, but from what I've witnessed in this trial it looks to be genetic, from Cindy, but perhaps magnified by entitlement and bad parenting. JMO

Oh, I wasn't offended at all. :) I was just giving my opinion on your post.

I'm definitely not one of those "victims" who feels like a victim. Honestly, it impacted my life very little. My mom was instrumental in that, and in making sure that I grew up knowing that I was a strong, intelligent person, and that it wasn't my fault at all. My mom raised a strong woman, not a victim.
Oh.... Baez is fwustwated.... :innocent:

Today, Geraldo had lunch with Baez...

YouTube - ‪Who Is the Father of Caylee Anthony?‬‏

Oh Geraldo. Used to like his trial coverage back on CNBC. He is soooooooo slanted to JB. If you're going to buy JB's story that Casey is as she is now because of sexual molestation at the hands of George and/or Lee....then after seeing Cindy and Lee's testimony this week - who sexually molested the two of them to make them the way they are?

It ain't gonna work.
OK every family's different yadda yadda, but arent there SOME "general" universals?

I would croak if my adult brother were in the delivery room and freak even further he made it known that he WANTED to be there.... for his sister giving birth.....
......UNLess it was his child being born.

jus sayin

boundaries anyone?

not defending anyone, but i had a home birth & almost all my family was there. they can be in the room for support or be near your head & to hold your hand or whatever, they dont nessarily have to be staring at your you know what the whole time!! :twocents:
Yep, Lovely Linda slipped it right in at the end amongst the defense's usual objections.

NOW!!! Big news, did you all see ICA's reaction when Jeff said to Baez "Bring it on"? I only partly caught it but it looked like she was saying something like "oh yeah we'll bring it on baby"

Please, I hope to goodness someone caught this on video somewhere and will post it.

What's so amusing about Casey is that she acts like their little defense team will just continue on including her in their group once the trial is over. If there are post trial filings involving the state and defense, it will have nothing to do with her. It will only involve allegations/filings between the attorneys with no consequence to her so why would she even be in court for those. IMO She Won't.
Interesting. I'm starting to think accidental drowning. What do we know about any shoes found close to the remains?

Cindy said they never let Caylee out of the house without shoes. ????????? Even if she was going swimming?
If there is pavement anywhere it would burn her feet...jellies are perfect for outside/pool wear.

ETA: I used put my kids in these other kind of shoes...ballet slipper-like...but for the life of me, I can't remember the name!
LKB says the defense is bringing a motion against the dept of defense for intimidating a witness. Probably ask for a mistrial because of that. How will the judge handle that? That does seem wrong wrong wrong.

yes, especially, since it was THEIR witness. Shouldn't they have checked all aspects of a witness. Security clearance would tell you right there that there will be an issue with testifying.

I don't understand why their own laxness should punish the state. Buehler? Anyone?
Wow... This could be over in one week!!!! I can't believe it!!! We're almost there, sweet Caylee!!!!! And on fourth of July weekend. For some reason, that just seems awesome to me!!!

A little fireworks celebration in Caylee's honor sounds good to me. Don't even care if we have to wait and do it after the 4th is over. She missed her 3rd birthday party - it will be a nice way to end Casey's trial.
How fortunate to find this picture...just in time. One point that struck me was that she had her back to the photographer. How many pictures to you take of your child's back?, I usually make a noise or say smile or something just so I would have that child's face in the shot.
One would hardly say this is a picture of my grandbaby's back...would never make it into the family album.

Funny because I am a professional photographer and take pics like that quite often. Sometimes, a photo from the back can be compelling. Now, the one of Caylee opening the door isn't but, I'm just saying that there is a world of a people out there who do take photos from that perspective.

Who knows what other pics were taken at this same time, that would help put it into context for sure. By itself, it's not album-worthy but as a series, it may have meant something to the person taking the photo.
I counted and did not get 84...try it and tell me what number you get.

actually I was just going by a tweet from RH and never really counted.

Gitana showed me that all is ok too.

Thanks everyone....sleeping better tonight.
Anybody else notice this? At the end of the court day, right before ICA is led away, she looks to her DT to say goodbye, they don't even acknowledge her.

I noticed it a few days ago. They seem to be ignoring her even when they are sitting right next to her and she is talking.
Can't say I blame them, she does get on my nerves.
Good point, also a possibility. It's unlikely to take as long to go back to trial a second time, as most of the groundwork is already done but it's still a huge expense and could end up in a hung jury again.

I really feel manslaughter is where all this heading, one way or another.[/QUOTE]

I think this is exactly where this case is headed. If it does end up that way I hope she gets the max. She needs to sit there for a lot longer than the 3 years shes been in already.

There are other items on my wish list for CA and JB, but I won't get into it now.
Why is it laughable?? Whats the story about that defense dept guy? Rodriguez, right?

see my post under yours (about baez trying to call the DoD under fire).. it is laughable because it will never work. it is dod policy.
this guy was an expert not a material witness. His testimony was voluntary and he could have quit at any time. I'm sure they'll find the DOD guilty...NOT. If anything Dr R is likely to lose his job. I don;t know what he was thinking. You work at DOD and volunteer to testify in a high profile child murder case. He has to have the common sense of a rock. I don't know any employer who work like to be associated with voluntary testimony by an employee in a case like this never mind the federal government-yeah, we like to help murderers get off....

LKB says the defense is bringing a motion against the dept of defense for intimidating a witness. Probably ask for a mistrial because of that. How will the judge handle that? That does seem wrong wrong wrong.
HHJP was just reminding the attorneys that the following Monday is a holiday. The jurors will have to remain separate and sequestered from Saturday noon to Tuesday morning. They will not be able to deliberate. That is not okay.

I did not hear that... I heard that JP might wait for Saturday morning before giving jury instructions because they would have to be separated until the next morning since deliberations will follow clock hours. The court officer said on JVM, the one who is in charge of the jurors in this case as well as security in the courthouse, that the jurors WILL deliberate on the 4th. So, I think this means that JP is looking at Next Sat, the 2nd, as the beginning of deliberations.

I can see Jb dragging this out b/c I personally think the jurors will rush their decision to get out by the 4th if this is the case and that is never good for the defense unless it is a slam dunk for them, which this is not. If he can drag it out and have them not be done with testimony UNTIL the 2nd (Sat.) JP might recess everyone until the 5th. Or he might not, but I think the DT might try and take that risk.
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