2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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OK so help me out with this one. Cindy didn't notice ICA was pregos at the wedding. But she testified today that ICA was due in Sept? Right? Then she had to move the shower to an earlier date was it before or after Caylee was born? Either way, that would make ICA look even more prego at the wedding right? I will admit I didn't look very pregnant in July and I gave birth in late Sept. Just thinking out loud and trying to sort out that part of the testimony. What month did her brother get married?

After Caylee's birth. They had to postpone the shower due to the "early birth" of Caylee.

RA's wedding was in June 05. hth
I agree with those guys about Lee. I thought there was a lot contained in Lee's "no" response when Baez asked him if there was anything else (beyond just being left out of the pregnancy experience) making him so emotional. Lee's "no" seemed to me like he was just saying...let's end this, I don't want to talk about it anymore...he didn't really mean there was nothing else making him emotional. Hornsby and the other guy saying that Baez expected Lee to testify to something about abuse, but backing away at the last moment, is a very logical conclusion. There was obviously more going on with Lee today.

I also agree after watching that youtube vid with hornsby....it makes the most sense in a very confusing and odd testimony from Lee today. So let's say that it is true...that Lee had made some kind of "deal" with Baez to where he would testify to GA's supposed "abuse" but then felt bad for throwing GA under the bus and couldn't bring himself to lie that far for KC. So what was it I wonder that he was "supposed" to say but didn't??
That's exactly what I said without watching Hornsby. Now, I'm not always agreeing with Hornsby, but I think he's spot on here. I also wonder if Lee's disowned after today...

Tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow........
My grandmother had an old saying.

The first child can come at "any time".

It's the second child that normally takes 9 months.

But, yes, that was a bombshell moment wasn't it !!!
And, she weighed how much??

Ain't g/ma's something? Mine always said first babies come late, thereafter, births are early .......... go figure. :crazy:

I've looked everywhere, can't find Caylee's birth weight. The birth certificate does not have the birth weight listed ........ :banghead:
I agree. I have three sisters and 11 nephews and nieces between them. I was never invited to the hospital to see any of those kids born.SO WHAT!
I didn't whine and cry about it because it didn't matter.I really didn't wont to be involved to that degree with my sisters childbirth. If Lee thought he should have, then fine. But crying about later looks really bad.IMO.

My personal feelings on the birth of my children was that other than the required medical personnel, the only people who should be present in the delivery room were the people who were present at the conception. :crazy:

But I honestly don't think that's what he was 'crying' about. I tend to agree with what Richard Hornsby said--LA was supposed to follow the molestation script today, choked, and had to come up with something quick. And what he ended up saying just made him sound (to me) just as whiney and self absorbed as his sister. :maddening:
Richard Hornsby believes he was about to step off the ledge for his sister today,and backed out at the last minute.That's when the tears started.
I just bumped darcedarce's post with the video of his interview.
Eyeopening when you look at it that way.

It occurred to me that Cindy may have tried to persuade Lee to lie on the stand that his dad molested ICA, then when push came to shove he couldn't go through with it. I can see him breaking down because he couldn't obey Mama (remember he said he was a "mama's boy" in one of his depositions) and feeling disloyal to Casey because he couldn't bring himself to throw George under the bus after all.
I worry about LA's mental stability (what's left of it, anyhow) and after thoughts today IF he was supposed to follow through with the "molestation bombshell" and really didn't. Did they REALLY make him eat lunch by himself today? Or was that just a ploy too. Ugh. Who can tell anymore.

It's like watching a twisted movie or reading a book that keeps changing course,only this is real.
I don't think Lee would help dispose ALTHOUUUUUUUGGGHHHHh, you may be changing my mind as thinking about it... she could put the lil heart sticker on her mouth, but Lee would be more able to chuck her in the swamp. ICA prolly tried to bury her and wahhh'd and he did the dirty deed. However. DID HE bury pets at this spot??? Did HE hang out there with his peeps??

CMA. I will keep your promise forever. CMA. I'm proud of you and I hope you're proud of me. CMA.

CHIT!! Now you got me thinking about Lee disposal!!!! How STOOPID to pick George for the DT!!![/QUOTE]

It's the A's, as in ANYTHING is possible!
I worry about LA's mental stability (what's left of it, anyhow) and after thoughts today IF he was supposed to follow through with the "molestation bombshell" and really didn't. Did they REALLY make him eat lunch by himself today? Or was that just a ploy too. Ugh. Who can tell anymore.

i think lee might have just wanted to be alone at lunch, jmo.
Cindy used the excuse that Caylee was a premie, because ICA had her convinced that JG was the daddy......knowing they did not even start dating til Jan....so Caylee would have to be due in Sept....kwim?? JG's mom was at that shower...up til this time JG thought he was the daddy...
Thanks to you all for making me feel a little better. Or maybe it was the Bailey's Irish Creme. I know, not hard core, but it was open in the fridge.

I'm calling it a night....big day tomorrow YKWIM?
So until then............good night, friends.
OK so help me out with this one. Cindy didn't notice ICA was pregos at the wedding. But she testified today that ICA was due in Sept? Right? Then she had to move the shower to an earlier date was it before or after Caylee was born? Either way, that would make ICA look even more prego at the wedding right? I will admit I didn't look very pregnant in July and I gave birth in late Sept. Just thinking out loud and trying to sort out that part of the testimony. What month did her brother get married?

okayokayokay. Bare with me here but I think CINDY knew ICA was preggos long before George or Lee did. Now... hold on while I ponder more but I think ICA lied about due dates to change it to maybe work with whom she thought the father was and WHOOOPSIES, Caylee was a preemie (okay "preemie"... i need air quotes) because according to Cindy she had x date of delivery. I think ICA lied about that to fit Jesse Grund into the scenario but boooyahhh didn't work when Caylee came when she was supposed to. On time, on date, healthy, not preemie.

Just throwing thoughts and hypotheses in the wind to those who may wish to ponder with me. :)
Thanks to you all for making me feel a little better. Or maybe it was the Bailey's Irish Creme. I know, not hard core, but it was open in the fridge.

I'm calling it a night....big day tomorrow YKWIM?
So until then............good night, friends.

:seeya: Good Night ! We all need to rest up!
okayokayokay. Bare with me here but I think CINDY knew ICA was preggos long before George or Lee did. Now... hold on while I ponder more but I think ICA lied about due dates to change it to maybe work with whom she thought the father was and WHOOOPSIES, Caylee was a preemie (okay "preemie"... i need air quotes) because according to Cindy she had x date of delivery. I think ICA lied about that to fit Jesse Grund into the scenario but boooyahhh didn't work when Caylee came when she was supposed to. On time, on date, healthy, not preemie.

Just throwing thoughts and hypotheses in the wind to those who may wish to ponder with me. :)

Good thinking. Pass the nachcos por favor.
It's like watching a twisted movie or reading a book that keeps changing course,only this is real.

That's a pretty good description. I am so glad that I have kept my emotions out of the outcome of this trial, otherwise I think I would have lost it by now.
I love that kind of music, it relaxes the sole!

Teh and I were talking about staying at your place when we went to FL for vacay. We decided we wanted beer, cold pizza, and that music. lol :) You in?
of the "best of" from the videos the SA has. Seeing those again, having ICA "testifying" about who she really is will be important to leave the jurors with. The DT can confuse, conflate, distract all they want the SA will make it clear who she is and what happened to Caylee. There WAS a body in the damn trunk and it was ICA who put her murdered daughter there with duct tape on her airways and then triple bagged her and threw her in a trash dump and then went and partied for 31 days and then lied for three years about fake nannies and kidnappings.

I agree that the state's rebuttal is going to be major! I think we're going to see Dr. Garavaglia brought back to the witness stand to refute Dr. Spitz's allegations of a shoddy autopsy.

I think we'll also see Cindy back on the witness stand and this time the state will present more records, likely phone records that will show that Cindy was at work at the time of the computer searches, particularly the search of March 21st. Several of Cindy's co-workers at Gentivia are on the state's witness list and they haven't been called yet. They might be called during the rebuttal regarding when Cindy was at work.

I also think the state will go through the time line of June 16th and show that Caylee didn't drown in the family pool that day. With the defense's theory of an accidental drowning in serious doubt, the jury will be left with the state's theory of premeditated murder.
Today's notes courtesy of Juror #4

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