2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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Maybe this nurse you mentioned noticed something unusual about your husband's BP and wanted a second opinion. This happened to me a couple years ago in the doctor's office, the first nurse got two more nurses to take my BP, and the doctor even checked it himself, as it was unusually high for some reason. I could not imagine any nurse not knowing how to operate a manual cuff, since they learn that very early on in their training. A 10-y.o. can be taught how to take a BP, it's not rocket science.

No, she never got a reading at all so no second opinion needed. My husband is a retired fire chief and first responder. He recognized her befuddlement right away. :)

I really don't think JB even knows that he is messing up. I also don't think JB would ever try to step down, he is working on that position with Telemundo after all, lol! With that said, he cannot just resign. There would have to be some really great reasons for the Judge to sign off on that Court Order. Not just that JB realizes his is incompetent.

Someone on HLN - Judge Alex Ferrera, I believe - said that at this point in the case, JB could murder someone himself and still have to try the trial.
They are not supposed to be discussing the case between themselves at all. If they were and laughing it up about the case it would be violation of JP's admonitions and be cause for a mistrial (which I guess would be a good siggn for the DT) So if they were laughing it up it probably had nothing to do with the case at all.

Hopefully, you are correct. However, there have been many times when jurors thought they could do something and not get caught, that's human nature.
I would hope that they are all honest and don't break any rules, but you never know, they could be whispering to each other during a meal and hoping the guards don't catch them. I would think that the temptation would be huge to just casually bring up something that they thought was totally innocent and then the conversation could get into things that they don't need to be talking about right now.
Justin what's-his-name was dismissed from the jury during Scott P.s trial because while coming into the courthouse one morning, he made an off-hand remark to Brent, Laci's brother and when it got reported to the judge it was totally different than what he actually said. IIRC, he also said he did not even know who he was, but the judge said he had no choice because Brent was a witness and the witnesses and jurors were to have NO contact whatsoever. Little things can spiral completely out of control sometimes.
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

:rocker: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Thank You I needed that
Retired Judge R on HLN just said that in his opinion, he could be wrong, but it would not be a plea deal. He said that as a judge, if they come to you with a deal, you say OK, get it on paper and get the deal done. You don't give the Defendant the weekend to think it over and possibly change her mind.

that is also another possibility...CM told the judge JB is being unethical/witness tampering...to force JB to step down...JMHO

I'm sure ICA would be totally on board with CM taking the reins and is trying to persuade JB to step down. JB's head is too big to ever step down of his own free will. This would explain ICA's obvious anger toward JB.
OK- about 19.00 into this video JB is trying to slap HHJP across the face. He tries to dictate to HHJP what they will or won't do as far as evidence from Dr Furton.
He is being petulant, accusing HHJP of siding with JA all the time.
The look on HHJP's face at 19:02 is priceless. He is amazed at JB's arrogance.
I would not want to be in JB shoes at the end of this trial...

Yeah, JB definitely lost it with HJJP. Then CM lost it in the hallway. Whatever is going on, the DT is feeling heat.

Motion for judge recusal -- because it is not fair they get overruled? Hah hahah... i hope HJJP tells them he would like noting more than to be off this case, but sorry, they are stuck with him.
I haven't read up yet so I'm not sure what the general speculation is, but I just watched the tape and I'm inclined to think it's that CM is getting out. I have local sources that say that CM may be pretty ill and he certainly didn't look good at the beginning of the session. He was the one that initated the meeting and the first group to meet was the judge and the entire DT including ICA. Then they all came out and CM stood and talked to the SA team in a circle. ICA looked upset when she sat down and briefly wiped her eyes (as if she was frushtrated?) and then they all went back in to meet together, DT and SA together. Then the attorneys stayed in while ICA sat outside with DS. She did not look upset, but she didn't look happy. After the meeting, JB and DS were talking to each other over ICA and ICA leaned back to talk to CM. When court was adjourned, DS went over to talk to JA and LDB right before the footage fades. After the meetings, CM basically looked disengaged in other words. If indeed he is ill and the pace of this trial is proving too much or his doctor told him he cannot continue, it may have thrown a wrench in how the DT will close or even perhaps if and how they maintain their DP qualified status. (On a side note, some TH's were talking this morning about how odd it was that JB, who is not DP qualified, had put in so much mug time when he has perfectly DP qualified attorneys on his team. At the time I thought it was perhaps yet another sleazy ploy for an appeal for a mistrial or could be set by the defendant as an appealable issue later in that the bulk of direct and cross had been done by someone eminently inexperienced. But perhaps it was simply because CM has not felt very well for the last few weeks.) Just a thought. I really didn't get the picture that ICA was entering a plea. And if she were, would she have really sat outside looking mildly upset and bored for the meeting between HHJP and the state and her DT?

That's a very interesting theory! Did you see the [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6762299#post6762299"]previous post[/ame] saying that JB reportedly called HLN today to claim that he is DP qualified?
I remember watching a special on the Anthony's and it showed a little girl playing in Caylee's room with her toys. This is a little girl that Cindy was babysitting on a refgular basis.

Does anyone remember that?

I think this may be something! Maybe that photo IS Holly Gagne's daughter!
"At lunch at a restaurant across from the courthouse, I had a friendly chat with Judge Belvin Perry, telling him about my sailboat race to Bermuda and that all anyone there wanted to talk about was Casey Anthony. He laughed and shook my hand and told me he was glad to see me in town.

Finally, as is being reported, I did have lunch in that same restaurant a couple of tables away with defense attorney Jose Baez who expressed deep frustration over what he believes to be rulings from the bench that limit his ability to make the abuse argument, however implausible. He also told me he expects to wrap his case by Wednesday, which with the prosecution’s rebuttal case means this will not be over until after the July 4 holiday."


LOL, I'll just bet that chat was reeeeal friendly, especially after his quip about raising hell and preconceived notions a month ago:

On “Geraldo At Large,” Rivera promised to cover the trial closely. “We’re going to raise some hell down there in Orlando and bust apart some of the preconceived notions that may exist,” he said.


The problem having Jose so upset could be Orlando was the SECOND Florida town his pal, Mr. Geraldo, got his azz booted out of.
1. JP said not Rodruquez issue. Plus, unless it involved a matter of national security, jp could not seal the transcript or exclude the SA.
3 -6. Could not exclude SA or seal transcript.
7. Could not exclude SA.

There are several exceptions to the rule that ex parte communications are prohibited.

Per LexisNexis:

Ex parte communications are allowed for scheduling or administrative matters but the contact may not cover substantive matters or issues in the case.

So this had to be a "administrative matter" which is why I think some is stepping down
Geraldo headed to Florida with the mission to cause trouble, and if all of this is true in that he is the reason behind the issues of today, then I think it was planned... I truly believe the man intended on inserting himself into this trial to benefit his bff Baez.
Hopefully, you are correct. However, there have been many times when jurors thought they could do something and not get caught, that's human nature.
I would hope that they are all honest and don't break any rules, but you never know, they could be whispering to each other during a meal and hoping the guards don't catch them. I would think that the temptation would be huge to just casually bring up something that they thought was totally innocent and then the conversation could get into things that they don't need to be talking about right now.
Justin what's-his-name was dismissed from the jury during Scott P.s trial because while coming into the courthouse one morning, he made an off-hand remark to Brent, Laci's brother and when it got reported to the judge it was totally different than what he actually said. IIRC, he also said he did not even know who he was, but the judge said he had no choice because Brent was a witness and the witnesses and jurors were to have NO contact whatsoever. Little things can spiral completely out of control sometimes.

Eh, I don't believe the jurors were talking. Maybe they saw something funny? Like a picture of the hawk attacking JB?
OK- if CM is stepping down for whatever reason, could court continue as scheduled on Monday, as JP intimated?
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