2011.06.28 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty)

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I just saw RK on WFTV. He's just outside the courthouse.
ok so i baked a carrot cake an hour ago and being obsessed with this case forgot to put the grated carrots in the batter, tried to fix that problem and finally ended up with an undercooked cake. Thanks, casey.

that made my day.
Is Kronk supposed to be called to the stand today? TIA

IF I was on the Jury and had to listen to those two "PI's" yesterday, I would have been laughing my butt off :floorlaugh: ... just another FAILURE from the defense !

First, there is no way in the world I would believe the PI's bull about a "psychic". Common sense tells you this so-called psychic got info from the news ...

The way in which they "searched" just looked to me like it was 'STAGED' ! And why would RH FILM DC when he was looking for the body ? Again, completely STAGED ...

And WHO -- WHO -- really asked these PI's to search near the home ?

Also, they seemed to be looking specifically for "trash bags" ... well who gave them this little "tidbit" ?

Just like everything else from ICA and the DT ... it stinks !
I hope RK's testimony conveys to the jury that he was just one of many thousands of people (who don't have Anthony for a surname) who were searching for Caylee, and that he just happened to be the one out of those many who found her. There is nothing remotely strange or sinister about a person who lived in Orlando in 2008 thinking and wondering and looking for her, what is sinister is that there were people who did not want her to be found.

Thanks is just not enough. I wish the sa would put that in their closing.
Ok so I baked a Carrot cake an hour ago and being obsessed with this case forgot to put the grated carrots in the batter, tried to fix that problem and finally ended up with an undercooked cake. Thanks, Casey.

I understand - I made my dinner quite late last night after being on site for most of the day :innocent: and when I was draining the spaghetti, I seriously stood there for a while wondering looking at the strainer, wondering what would happen if I threw it at the wall....
Did Sgt Allen say on the stand they had a falling out about Mr Casey not being paid? I thought he did but I'm not sure now.

I heard it said a couple of times that they had a falling out but as far as I heard, it was never said why.
No mention of the movies rented in trial. But then, I guess that is a pretty vague piece of evidence, so I can understand the state choosing to leave that out.

It was speculated that mere hours after killing Caylee, she was in the video store all lovey dovey with Tony.........there's a video. I was hoping they would play it, it shows how cold she is.
Respectfully snipped!

Let's just hope JB doesn't have another "memory lapse" or experience more bouts of "confusion" and let some of that "slip". :/ They are really lower than a snake's ankles sometimes.

Good morning, All!

Sometimes I think JB asks questions he knows is going to be objected to just to get the question out in front of the jury.
Jumping in here without reading everything leading up to the recent comments. I remember that they had ICA and Tone on tape renting the movies and he testified that he skipped school to spend the whole day in bed with her. I always felt that Caylee might have slowly died in the trunk while they picked the movies and she spent the day avoiding checking to see if it was done.
It was speculated that mere hours after killing Caylee, she was in the video store all lovey dovey with Tony.........there's a video. I was hoping they would play it, it shows how cold she is.

They did play the video of her and Tony in the video store.
Juror 4 doesnt like to judge people. She leaves that to a higher being.

You know, I have never been worried about her, if she is religious, she also believes in right and wrong, good and evil, the 10 commandments (thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shall not kill, dishonor your parents, et al) and in the scriptures in the Bible with verses such as this....
Mt 18:6 - Whoever harms one of these little ones that believes in me, it would be better for him if a millstone where tied around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the ocean.
No mention of the movies rented in trial. But then, I guess that is a pretty vague piece of evidence, so I can understand the state choosing to leave that out.

They showed the video or the pictures of her at Blockbuster with Tony on the night of the 16th, but I don't think they mentioned what movies they rented...unless they asked Tony and I missed it.
Listening to FoxOrlando...State added two new witnesses from Gentiva...

I guess this is where they show CA was incredible when she said she searched the net for chloroform..:woohoo:

Time for the State to wrap this up in a huge, tidy bow...I suppose this will be with the States rebuttal case.JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I'm really disgusted that RK is getting raked over the coals. I know he's not the "nicest" man around, or maybe not squeaky clean as far as character goes, but who is? How sick that someone might now have to think twice about calling LE or helping someone in any way because maybe "back in the day" they were picked up for a DUI or a bar fight (for example). From what I understand, the DT is going to bring up the reward being his motivator in some way, but I'm pretty sure the reward was for a LIVE Caylee.
Okay, I need some guidance here. I am new. Yesterday, I posted in the "Afternoon Session" thread, but all my posts were deleted. I asked why, never got an answer. Are those threads "live coverage" discussion threads, or what? Where can I post stuff about the trial that won't get deleted? BTW, nothing I posted was offensive or anything, I was just asking a question about that abandoned house near the remains site.

If your posts were deleted, you violated the rules somehow. When the morning trial thread comes up, take a second to read the first mod post in that thread. It will clearly state the guidelines for posting in the trial thread.

Basically, you can't call any witness, attorney, or the defendant names. You also have to stay on the topic of the trial itself. Sidebar thread is chattier, but the trial thread is kept pretty tight and on the topic so that WSer's who just want to read about the trial testimony, don't have to wade through alot of chatter.

Hope that helps. :)
Morning sleuthers!!!

I am wanting an egg mcmuffin this morning but noone to go get it. Wonder if they'd deliver if I told them I absolutely can't leave my house? Guess I'll have a croissant instead. poor me, having to eat croissants.

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