2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Afternoon Session)

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ICA had better not cause court to recess for the day with her antics again! I want to hear from RC (and see JA's cross).
ICA crying now over the loss of Zanny the Nanny.
I am so astonished and shouldn't be..how can ICA cry when someone talks about her and not when her father falls apart and her child's skeleton is discussed?? She is, I think, the most evil person I've seen. ^i^
RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby
Risk Taking? So is that how you explain #CaseyAnthony hiring Jose Baez to represent her in a death penalty case?
OMG this grief Dr is too funny. Turn your volume down and just look at her hand and facial movements....A great comedy skit.
grief Dr. says young adults are "reluctant grieversl" and "party sometimes on the edge of hysteria"
by abcashleigh via twitter at 3:43 PM

Karioth says person may look like they are having a good time, get into trouble, or spend money they don't have. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 3:43 PM

Karioth: It's called bereavement overload. #caseyanthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 3:43 PM

Karioth: I see often risk taking, repeating things that happened to the person, having a great time, spending money...#caseyanthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 3:43 PM
Only post tweets......... from the person in MSM, a talking head, a lawyer tweets. As well as the one from the Hinky Meter........ no random persons tweets..........noooooo tweet no matter from who if it doesn't meet our TOS.

Hornsby is OK people tweeting with him is not OK.
"How long can this type of behavior last?"

hmmmmm..... until they get caught.
According to Dr. Spitz you must cut the top of the skull off to do a good exam every time.
Assume your expert hugs a lot of trees and consumes a lot of granola.

Assume we all have fallen off the turnup truck yesterday.

Assume it is the 11th hour and there are no more straws left in the box to grasp.

Assume the "mother" grieves by drinkin', screwin' and tatoo'in for 31 days with a smile on her face and a spring in her step.

Because after all the blatant lying, ripping other innocent peoples' lives to shreds, obstructing true justice for a dead baby... I assume you either will end up choosing a shiny, new, crisply packaged needle, or a lovely oak throne with some fashionable leather restraints.
So tell me, what other, "loss, after loss, after loss" has ICA experienced? This is ridiculous. I want to stick needles in my eyes.

This is totally unreal. ICA is putting on quite the show.

WHAT ABOUT CAYLEE??????????????? Why do you only cry when it concerns only you??? And you sit cold as stone when Caylee is mentioned??????
HHJP will not allow JA to ask hypotheticals, I bet.
That is such an over generalization...is this lady repeating herself? Has she gone from the loss of a child to the loss of a friend?
I was in a support group with many of these "young adults" and they in no way showed this type of behavior...at least not within the first 6 weeks of the death of a baby.
the behaviour last till the cops get called
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