2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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I have to admit I'll be disappointed if ICA does not take the stand.

I think i would enjoy the cross... but listening to her and JB spew their cooked up lies for who knows how long would be excruciating. Of course I would have to listen to every word of it though.....:crazy:
Anyone one else get a creepy feeling when Lee added on his own the pet he picked up for his grandma had been refrigerated?

Why did he add that?

I know right?

Ok, granted, keeping the deceased in a cool environment seems normal to me.

What creeped me to the max was Lee's phrasing, "It was on ice" as if were writing for the Sopranos show or speaking of a shrimp cocktail or something. sheesh. creepola... the wording. (imo)
Well,. we will know soon enough if ICA is taking the stand....I think the DT has GAMBLED huge on everything so far, and we all know that Baez doesn't know when to walk away or when to fold, so....I am feeling they are going to take this all the way....everything about this defense has reeked of sensationalism...why stop now?

Credits to an earlier poster (I can't find it now) for bringing in the lyrics to Kenny Roger's The Gambler...
could they both? that would be sweet

I Would imagine having two gang up on her would be a bad thing...Linda makes sense..they dont want it to appear a man is ganging up on her either...it may lead for the jury to feel sorry for her...having a woman question her like Linda will take away that equation...JMHO
Am I the only person who has mixed emotions about Casey testifying? I want her to, but she is such an effective liar, and I don't want her planting the least hint of reasonable doubt into the minds of these jurors. Especially the all important Juror#4.

When she spoke in court yesterday, I was really taken aback. And I really don't know why. I believe wholeheartedly that Casey Anthony is 100% guilty (and have for 3 years), but when she spoke yesterday, she didn't sound like I thought she "should". She didn't sound like how I thought a murderous mother would sound if that makes sense. She sounded a little more humanized to me, and I don't want the jury to feel that way too.

Nope youre not the only one...I said the same thing a few pages back! I will feel much better if she doesnt.
I think it's a sociopath thing. One sign of being a sociopath is killing animals from a young age. I would be curious if other pets in the neighborhood died mysteriously, dead rabbits, birds, etc. were found.

I do understand your point but the animal cruelty is part of a triad that is sometimes seen in sociopathy. Some serial killers have exhibited the triad of symptoms. They are: cruelty to animals, obession with setting fires, and bedwetting past the age of five.

We haven't seen any of these reported as behavoirs of KC's. This triad was developed back in the early 60's.

She may very well suffer from ASPD or more than one PD but I just wanted to make sure to say that what we see as possible behavior that fulfills one prong of that triad doesn't mean that the person definately is showing the triad.

She a deeply troubled and disturbed woman. She not legally insane and she's not incompetent at this time. She is just what she is.

I'd pay good money to read the report of any forensic psychiatrist that ever got to talk to her. JMHO.
I am waiting for the HHJP to say...

MS. Anthony...Do you wish to testify...the decision is yours and yours alone

can't wait....can't wait
Any bets on KC taking the stand? I am guessing the DT is so desperate they have to put her on????

I don't think she will unless she pulls a fast one on her attorneys and tells the judge she wants to. I'm sure Baez doesn't want her anywhere near the witness stand. Mark NeJame thinks she must testify and thinks she will. I personally don't think she will but would love to see Jeff Ashton tear her apart on cross!
So yesterday they brought in a grief expert who never had a conversation with Casey, who has published "peer reviewed" materials in Parents Magazine, Barnes & Noble, and some random online journals. She told us we can do any outrageous thing and chalk it up to "grief". They brought in the bitter son of the meter reader (hasn't seen his dad since he was 8, now he's a grown man). Today they brought in the Anthony family describing how they buried the family pets. Plus, in came the hostile, alleged former mistress of GA, woman of multiple identities who took money for her "story", the woman who inserted herself into the lives of the Anthonys. :cow:

I don't know. I can't say it made any dents in my mind that Casey murdered her daughter. I can't see the jurors thinking any of these wild stories are credible. I do know I wouldn't want those prosecutors going up against me! The way they go after the jugular of the defense witnesses is something to watch. It's fascinating watching how they turn defense witnesses into prosecutions witnesses. Wow.

Does JB think the jurors will acquit Casey because the family lovingly wrapped their deceased pets in blankets, plastic bags sealed with tape? Come on! Did the family lovingly wrap their pets faces with duct tape? Really! Did they toss their pets into the woods? What was the point, JB? Who told JB about the family pet burials? Cahoots! Cahoots!


No doubt, though, Casey learned her lying from her family. :liar:

How does all this prove Caylee drowned in the pool, George covered it up, and the meter reader moved the body around waiting for an increase in the reward money?
Why would they call lunch early.. I think that ICA may take the stand and didnt want her on for 30 minutes and then break for lunch.. or perhaps defense will rest after lunch.. however that makes no sence due to they NEED to go out with a bang...

there has GOT to be a big suprise somewhere today.. I think it is ICA. Keeping my fingers crossed I want to hear her lies and more lies.. just one more time.

I am betting somthing suprising will happen.
The rebuttal I want to see CA work records and testimony from her employers. I Cant wait...
I wonder if ICA had been successful in digging that hole in the backyard, if perhaps the Yorkie was going to the sweet by and bye as well.
Mom. Tinky died. Don't worry, I buried her for ya."
This last bit of testimony is everything I have come to expect from JB. When he brought up the dog, Mandy, it was his GOTCHA moment.
Unfortunately, JB can't think too far ahead and probably never saw the big picture.
All he saw was blanket, black garbage bag, duct tape and George. He forgot the impression this would leave, pets receiving a proper burial or the 5x12 indention in the backyard with a borrowed shovel. Yet, he wants the jury to believe the same man who bought a doggie stone for the pet cemetery would not even try CPR or call 911 for his granddaughter??
Yep, JB and his GOTCHA. I hope he enjoyed his GOTCHA moment. All he managed to do was load the needle.

Thanks wasn't enough. You eloquently posted exactly what I was thinking.
If you think we have seen KC rage, what do you think she would do when any member of the State cross examines her?

I would for-see instant guilty verdict, no deliberation.

You bet ya' the defense does not want KC on the stand.
Nope youre not the only one...I said the same thing a few pages back! I will feel much better if she doesnt.

I agree with both of you- I would be slightly nervous if she takes the stand. I think the case is in the bag for the SA right now. I don't want any variables.
WESH - Hornsby and Deen

They think ICA will not testify, since the defense said they would rest today.

Saying it will take another 31 days if she gets on the stand.

RT @RichardHornsby: @AmandaOberWESH Rumor has it her defense team all went to lunch; no testimony.by amandaoberwesh via twitter at 11:52 AM

#CaseyAnthony For the record, our legal analysts think Casey will NOT take stand. But with this trial surprises are the norm.by amandaoberwesh via twitter at 11:52 AM

Actually Jose said that they would 'finish' today. He did not say 'rest'. Yes, he would finish, because the prosecution would probably not 'be finished' today. Semantics
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