2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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IDK how I feel about the inmate taking the stand. I am sure I will be screaming at the tv which would be bad since that's nap time for baby =/
I know the State will tear her apart if she testifies, but IMO, she has to testify.

Before having kids and becoming a stay-at-home mom, I was a legal secretary. There was one case that for some reason I was a little more involved with. Man on trial testified, he got a hung jury. Second time around attorney decided he should not testify. Same evidence presented nearly the same way. He was convicted.

I am convinced it was because the jury heard from the victim and other witnesses, but not the accused.
Does Casey realize this is not a pickup joint? She seems downright giddy when she was motioning that guy over. Run!!!!!
Please tell me that Lee didn't get up there and bawl about being left out of pet burials.....

OMG this absolutely cracked me up :great: I was sitting here so serious, thinking about what has and could happened this threw me into silly giggles. Thanks for the much needed break.
I was listening to the talking heads earlier who say that it is a possibility if Casey is called to the stand that the defense will only ask her one or two questions which would highly limit the prosecution from crossing her.

Wouldn't that be maddening?:banghead:
In my mind it really doesn't. In what they just presented I would think that then will go on to say that after Casey buried her by the playhouse that she told GA about it and he then dug poor little Caylee up - then the rest comes into play. Understand that I DO NOT for one minute believe this - but I think that is the story that they were trying to tell with that testimony.

I see where you are coming from. I still think the whole think is a bit ridiculous personally, but I understand your POV. You make a good point. :)
I also want to say, at first, I thought ICA accidently killed Caylee but not after JB brought up all the pets that died...I think she is guilty of 1st degree murder. JMO
this disposal manner is evident of someone in a big hurry, Mr Anthony is experienced enough to know how to dispose of body so it would never be found and it would be buried.
Logically thinking, from the jurors point of view, I think that if JB had NOT declared in opening statements that Caylee had drowned, then there MAY be just enough reasonable doubt.

However, since he was so very detailed in the events of that day, yet he couldn't provide an ounce of proof to back up those detailed declarations, then ICA is screwed.

Big mistake to give so many details...IMHO
Just had one of the worst scares of my life and had to run out real quick...son had a very important job training this morning, he was running late and left out in a hurry. Almost 2 hours after he was suppose to have been there, the company calls and reports to me that he never showed. This was so out of character for him so naturally I was terrified and took off down the road to look for him, thinking maybe he had been in a accident, called his cell every 10 seconds and it went straight to vm....I was freakin' terrified.
Finally he called me on my cell...he had already been to the company and the trainers were not expected to be in for at least an hour so he went to get a haircut!
Thanking God he is okay but me...I won't be worth a carp the rest of the day. :giggle: Legs still shaking....I'm glad there is a 2 hour lunch, it'll give me time to recover.

How terrifying! Glad he's okay!
the defense has created such a maze its like a mouse stuck in a cage with compartments to confuse the way out- a real mess of confusion. a mirror in a carnival with obstacle illusions. tricks of the eye and mind.

by now we have so many ways of lies to consider in a jurys decision. i do not believe river cruz had a big love affair with george. perhaps a few kisses or lil more than a comforting hug. just proves a man does not choose a lady prettier than his wife to get close too when in need of compassion or more. river seems sincere but still feel she inflated her importance in his life. i have male friends my husband knows about-platonic-lol-- and i can see how george may have visited her home for lunch or more. at time cindy and him were dealing with lots of things. hope casey talks and yells out- ok i did it !! now that natl enquirer news !!! in the end casey non reactions remain to amaze me still
Good Morning WS Family!

Of course I woke up several times during the night (West Coast - 5:41 here now) and I couldn't help but think.....
Since we all know Casey lies whenever she opens her mouth, what's to say she didn't lie yesterday when asked the question by His Honor.......and the people heard her voice.
Can't she come back and say that she didn't agree with DT but was told she 'had' to say she did?
I mean, I've seen soooo many instances where later on she can say she 'wasn't told' about something, 'wasn't given an explanation' about something..... so many ways she can find reason for ineffective counsel just by denying she was properly informed.

Am I making any sense? Maybe another large soup mug of coffee will help. :)

I wonder if Cindy was suspicious of KC when her dogs were so tired that she actually mentioned she was concerned about them.

Maybe Cindy was aware they were losing a lot of animals for no reason and suspected her daughter, maybe she knows on some level this could be true.

Maybe KC was just practicing or maybe this is just a trait of a serial killer, starting with animals and working up to more exciting targets.

Or could it be this is how KC punished her mother, by killing anything Cindy loved as payback for some infraction by mommy.

Whatever it is, it doesn't hep the DT at all...

Honestly, I think I remember Jeffrey Dahmer killing family pets and maybe neighbors pets.

She sure did. She also testified that it was her opinion that the duct tape held the mandible to the skull which would have been disarticulated, iirc.

which im sure SA will bring up at closing and the jury will 100% believe this... no way the duct tape was placed around the bags or animal disturbance... the duct tape was placed on Caylee's face and stayed there, I am 100% certain!

I know the jury can't see this, but I sure wish they could! Oh, wait, I'm sorry. This is obviously just "reluctant grieving." :innocent:

maybe it's "magical" flirting :crazy:

to alleviate her grief that is. :waitasec:
VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
Get ready for Casey Anthony to speak NOW regarding right to testify! #CaseyAnthony #HLN
35 minutes ago

Oops. Saved too quick or something. lol.

Is she definitely going to speak?

I'm trying to figure out what he means. Now???
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