2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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A clean house is a sign the Casey Anthony trial is in recess.
I think the pet burial was what LA went to tell the DT about...
IS keeps saying the DT looks sloppy for calling and recalling witnesses as they did and it was effective and understandable for the SA since they were using the linear timeline. I think the DT did this for two reasons:
1. JB copycats the DT ALL the time- he does it with their objections (like with the let the witness finish the answer) and then did it with their out of order witness calling
2. They were building their defense as they went along.. like ooh let's talk about this now...
It gives a little scary view of how JB's mind works. Very ineffective tactic and I think the jury will see it as unorganized and sloppy.
Can anyone, in a nutshell without going to too much trouble, recall how many pets died?

Approx what ages the pets were?

If a cause of death was given (via actual vet)? (Or "provable" accident like hit by car etc)

And the age of ICA at the time of the pets' deaths?


I know the jury can't see this, but I sure wish they could! Oh, wait, I'm sorry. This is obviously just "reluctant grieving." :innocent:
Casey Anthony ~ Norman Rockwell style . . . .​
thanks JB for all the animal burial question and informaiton, it made RC's testimony this am so irrelevant.
The fact that there were no pieces of black trash bag stuck to the duct tape when little Caylee's remains were found indicates to me that the tape was NOT used to secure the opening of the bag.

Also, as others have pointed out - the strips of duct tape were much too short to have wrapped the bag(s) with.

I've had my doubts as to whether or not the duct tape was on Caylee's face premortem, but I'm leaning in the direction that it probably was, since it was tangled in her hair when she was found. Still haven't made up my mind, though.

Circumstantial cases must be very difficult for juries to deliberate, especially in a death penalty case, and most especially in a case involving the death of a sweet little baby.
The DT totally reads here. . .don't give them ideas. . .:floorlaugh:

They do??

Well then let me say job well done. After the State's case, I honestly would have voted that Caylee was killed accidentally, and I would have voted life without parole because I normally do not believe in the death penalty. The DEFENSE convinced me she's absolutely guilty of first degree murder and should get death. The Defense.
When the afternoon session starts, quickly move to the afternoon thread and hang on. There are about 1700 on WS and 1200 viewing the Caylee Anthony threads. It might be very difficult to sign in when others come back at 1:30 p.m.

Mods, please consider opening the afternoon thread early with a warning not to post until the session starts. Otherwise, everyone trying to move at once and sign on could crash WS. MOO Just sayin'.
Duct tape is very sticky and if I was wanting to wrap it around a bag I would not rip off pieces. I would wind the roll around the bag once or a couple times then rip or cut it. It would stick to itself or on the bag.

Those pieces found on Caylee's skull were layered and were in very short sections..........IMO she put them on Caylee's face, not around the bag.

ITA- the jury just has to look at the picture of the black garbage bag that had the ties end intact and all together- not too many holes by the knot and know that there was no duct tape around the bag and if this comes up in deliberations, I would bet the farm that they will look at the picture.
Not gonna fly.
Am I the only person who has mixed emotions about Casey testifying? I want her to, but she is such an effective liar, and I don't want her planting the least hint of reasonable doubt into the minds of these jurors. Especially the all important Juror#4.

When she spoke in court yesterday, I was really taken aback. And I really don't know why. I believe wholeheartedly that Casey Anthony is 100% guilty (and have for 3 years), but when she spoke yesterday, she didn't sound like I thought she "should". She didn't sound like how I thought a murderous mother would sound if that makes sense. She sounded a little more humanized to me, and I don't want the jury to feel that way too.

with all the evidence and all the LIES, with the months that passed and all the resources devoted to finding the little girl she insisted was not dead though all the time she knew damn well she was dead, with the phone call from jail and the jail visit showing kc as she could really be (ugly as all hell), all of that and more, i would not worry at all. as the prosecution repeatedly asked during the opening, "Where's Caylee?" who always knew the answer to that and spent a month partying like there was no tomorrow?

she can't make it pretty, she cannot hide from her guilt. yes she's an excellent liar but she will not be able to make her lies make sense in the light of all the evidence, and her daughter's dead body.
Someone posted here about the guidelines that define ineffective counsel and I don't think this case meets the requirements. JB really IS ineffective imo, however he is her attorney of choice...the state has allowed her at least 3 other competent attorneys who are more experienced but honestly not more effective than JB.

I'm sure she will appeal and probably go through this whole circus again. But public interest in KC Anthony is waning....it's clear she is a murdering little mother and her drama is old and hohum. It's clear there is no bombshell, no great mystery, no psychosis inducing trauma....she's just an ordinary little unmarried babymama, who wanted to go out with her newest hottie.
My take on JB and his "mastery" of direct/cross examination:
JB: So, it's all about the money for you, cha-ching...bahbling...
Witness: What?
JB: Blah blah blah blah
JA: Objection
JB: FU Ashton.
HHJP: Sustained.
JB: Approach the bench?
HHJP: No...okay fine dang it.

Two hours later...

JB: Blah blah blah blah?
Witness: What?
JA: Objection.
HHJP: Mr. BAEEEEZZZ we already discussed this at the sidebar...no blah blah blah question...
CM: Where I am? Why am I here?
JB: JUDGE!!!!! This is not fair. It is just not. It ain't fair. Surplusages!!!! I demand a mistrial!!!! I look terrible on national television...
HHJP: All attorneys in my chambers now

two hours later

JB: Blah blah blah Blah?
Witness: What?
JA: Objection...
JB: PLEASE may I approach the bench...JUDGE????

post of the DAY!!!!!!!!!!


but you forgot "you're not a chemist?"
Snipped from coastalpilot's siggy:

Jose Baez: “I sincerely believe that when we have finally spoken, everyone, and I mean everyone, will sit back and say, ‘Now, I understand. That explains it.’”

Remember this???? Well, he was right!!!!! NOW I understand!! I understand why ICA used duct tape and wrapped Caylee in blankets and black plastic bags. That last round of questioning cleared it all up for me!!!!

Thanks, Jose!!!!
Who was that young man she was getting her flirt on with? I apologize if it was in the trial threads, it's been another fun (NOT!!!) work day so far for me.

DT - ends with not a bang, but a whimper.
@ Bullwinkle
The last photo you posted w/ Casey motioning at someone to come here
O MY!!
scared the Bee GEE sus outta me for some reason
I missed the part about CA. What was that about? LDB is bringing in evidence to refute CA's statements about doing the chloroform searches? They can and will prove she was at work? That is huge imo! The defense is complaining about what? Not prepared? :floorlaugh:

I think it's on Page 5 of the Morning thread. JB is whining because the State turned over 231 pages of timecard, etc. and he thinks it's a discovery violatation because they should have given it to him sooner knowing what CA would testify, etc. Apparently they should have known she would commit perjury.

He might need a continuance to depose people waa waa waa. JP basically told him he could depose from 5pm until midnight tonight and that as DT he would also know what CA was to say and should have gotten the info and prepared. SCORE!!

JP did mention something about a Richardson hearing but I don't think it will go far. State has the right to get additional info for their rebuttal case and did. JB knew she was going to lie and it would come back to bite him and it did.

OSCaseyAnthony Second #CaseyAnthony pix w/guy she beckoned over to defense table.

I asked who he was when he shook hands with the Inmate on June 20th, she gushed over him then...
he is obviously on the Defense team ... maybe he is a jury consultant, or someone who helps prep the Defendant for giving testimony?
I saw him make a gesture like adjusting a jacket when talking to the Inmate today.
I believe she will have a jacket/blazer on when she comes back after lunch, and she will take the stand.


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