2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Morning Session)

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I told you here comes JB again
I have to agree with whoever they said that they liked DC. I kinda do, too.
Jury needs to see Vinnie's tour of the area where little darling Caylee's remains had been discovered! :Banane01:
Is it time for Yuri to be called in this revolving door defense?
JB would you agree that orlando is 101 sq miles. HUH??
Can you all believe that the defense hasn't even told us WHAT TIME Caylee drowned?

Jurors are all sitting there thinking of JB's opening statement as he wraps up. They have got to be thinking hey what about the drowning, what about George carrying a deceased Caylee out of the pool and yet no details were given in the DT case in chief.
Who is Luke? Can anyone tell me? That isn't Ginette Lucas, is it??
I know you're not supposed to coach your witnesses but I kind of always assumed at the very least a minimal prep was actually done - why does it seem like none of Baez' witnesses have ever actually SPOKEN to him let alone discussed their testimony to him?!?!?

Would you want to talk to him?

SIDEBAR #7 (10:44-10:49) Requested by FG

Jury present


He was shown Defense Exhibit FV and recognized it as a map attached to an email (Defense Exhibit FU) which he sent on 11/15/08. Does the map fairly depict the locations that you searched?


It would be a fair and accurate representation although it might not be specifically. He agreed it was a Google map. He believes Luke sent him an email with the map and asked him if he could point onto the map where he looked.

Defense FV? OBJECTION OVERRULED and the map was marked Exhibit 73.

Map was prepared in 2008?

OBJECTION - witness did not create the map - OVERRULED

Where you searched was clearer in your mind on 11/15/08 than it is now? Correct. The pinpoints were put on the map by you when you searched?

He searched on 11/15 and 11/16/08. This was emailed the day you actually searched? It was sent to him by Luke and Janette had asked....


He walked around on 11/15/08. He sent the email at 7:51 p.m. on 11/15.

He was then showed Defense 57 and the email and asked to verify that the pins were in the proper locations. He felt they were in the right locations, but something was inaccurate.

The blow up appears to be of the paper map, but on the blown up map the pin marks should be closer to something....

Blow up map (Exhibit 57) is being published to the Jury.

The first pin is the location off Suburban Drive by the abandoned house? Yes.

No further questions.


When you marked the paper map (#73) you weren't being precise? Yes, he felt it was a best estimate of where he went.

Blow up map (#57) where he searched was closer to the bend in the road. If you look at the larger map, it is more in perspective. He recalls that the first pin was - he probably walked maybe 20 or 30 or 40 feet. The pins are not indicative of where he exactly went.

The map showed a very general idea of where he went into the woods


He prepared the pin map three years ago, the day he searched.

Do you agree Orlando is 101 square miles. If you say so. He agreed that the map showed the only place that he went to to look for Caylee.

Witness excused at 11:01
I just had an evil thought. What if CA really hates ICA so much for killing Caylee, that she lied about the most damming evidence of pre-mediation for the defense knowing she would be impeached on rebuttal. Proving the searches were made by Casey and highlighting that so close to deliberations is huge IMO. It's like CA is starting the IV. :)

Hahaha - i'm not laughing at you, just at the fact that all of us who follow this sometimes try to disect things 6 ways from Sunday Ttempting to figure out what the heck these folks are thinking.
Maybe they're just all idiots & liars.
Sometimes things really are that simple
Does anybody else think DC's testimony is the most disjointed so far? I seriously don't know what he is saying or trying to say.
DC takes stand.

JB: I'd like to show you defense exhibit ___.
Give ex. to DC.
JB: Do you recognize the map?
DC: It's what you sent in email, is that correct?
Is that an email you sent 11.15.08?
That would be correct.
Does the map depict the locations where you searched?
Yes, but not specific.
Are there pin marks there?
That's a Google map, is it not?
This map was prepared in Nov. 2008, yes?
Same day you searched this area?


My point is, where you search was much fresher in your mind at that time than now, correct?
And this was a map that you did the actual search, correct?
That would be ...

When did you go out?
Nov. 15.
Nov. 15 you searched? Is that a yes.
Yes, I went to the location and walked down (into the wooded area).
And Nov. 15 you sent this email?
JB: I want to show you a photo of this area ...
Yes. This is a blown up version and I see the pin marks.
JB: Everything you testified so far was further in time than Nov. 15, correct?
Yes sir.
The first pin is the location off Suburban Drive, correct?
JB is showing the jury the enlarged photo.
No further questions.

FG: When you dropped in March this map with a pin, you weren't being precise were you?
No sir. I would say it was a generalization of where I went.
Your search was closer to here, no? (west side of Suburban/HopeSpring)
I do recall it was on the bend, and if it was heading west, it was heading toward you. I walked in 25-40 feet.
This map doesn't really help you out all that much, right?
This is just a general area of where you went into the woods?
Yes, I'd say that.

JB:This was prepared 3 years ago?
The day you searched out there?
And Orlando is 103 square miles?
And there's no way you searched all of Orlando for the deceased?
That was the only place I searched.

DC off stand.
Not subject to recall? Are we really wrapping this up?
I figured out how to say cross examination like Judge Perry.

♪♪♪ cross examination ♪♪♪
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