CA up again. She's smiling.
JB: Did you have a dog named Mandy in Ohio.
Yes I did.
20+ years ago.
I got her in 1981.
And did there come a time when you took Mandy to the vets to have her put down?
How was she buried?
Yes, they told me to bring something to put her with. Like a stuffed animal, or a blanket. She was my first baby before I had the kids. I was holding Mandy when they gave her the injection. They wrapped her in the blanket and black plastic. with tape.
It wasn't duct tape?
When did Beau pass away?
Summer 1990.
How was Beau buried? With black plastic bag and duct tape?
He went to the vets. The vet secured him and I picked him up to be buried.
How old were the kids?
Lee in 1st grade, ICA had just had 4th b-day.
He was buried in a bag with duct tape?
I believe so.
And your other pets?
We buried them on their own. If we didn't have a blanket we'd use a towel. We put one of the toys with one of the cocker spaniels, and then put them in plastic bags and wrap them with packing tape.
Did you ever tell ME you wrapped them with duct tape?
JB: I'll withdraw the question.
Another pet was in Casey's bath towel. Then wrapped with packing tape.
You did not euthanize your own pets with chloroform?
No I did not.
Did you put duct tape on the animals faces prior to burial?
Two dogs passed away within six months of each other?
Casey would have been a senior in HS then?
And ICA helped you wrap the dogs?
The reason for putting the tape around the bag was to make the bag compact for burial?
This was a family tradition?
I started this in Ohio, when we moved to FL we designated a spot at our home if any animals died we would put them there.
And was ICA present when the dogs were buried?
I'm not sure. I know she was present for Beau, not Mandy.
That was the late 80s?
Yes. I buried the dogs by myself.
When she was a senior in HS she was aware of the method of burial in the yard.
Did you secure the top of the bag so it wouldn't open?
The top AND the bottom.
No further questions both sides.