2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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Honestly I saw what I saw, the guard, casey and the lawyer with the olive oil haircut were jokingly bantering. If you saw the context of the 'push' the guard gave her it would make sense. There was no friction at all from the angle I saw it at as the guard was laughing. I know you must think me mad but as my kids used to say "honest to God, wish to die, stick a needle through my eye"

Its now my main purpose in life to find this at the camera angle I saw it


Oh heck I believe you! The same thing has happened to me. There are 3 cameras the stations can choose from. I saw part of the scene from a head on view and you could not tell in it that Casey was smiling at all.
I think it was because CM asked for an acquittal because he said the state had no cause of death proven.

And the judge said 'Remember that case---Did they ever find his body?"

Inference was that no cause of death need be proven. imo

I agree. I just had this argument with my cousin, who is pretty high up in LE. When he first started his job he did work murder investigations. And he thinks Casey did it but will not be found guilty b/c the state didn't prove that she died from the chloroform.

I told him that the state doesn't have to prove HOW she died, and he kept arguing that they do. I said, "What about Scott Peterson? No one ever proved how he killed Laci and Conner, but look where he is." And my cousin kept saying there was blood in the house...which was about the point that my DH and oldest son started laughing that someone would argue with me about Laci! :innocent:

It is amazing to me that someone who is very well educated about criminal justice and has worked murder cases doesn't get this. He also made a comment about "blogs" with a disparaging sneer, and I thought I was going to have to smack him.

Aren't family reunions fun??? :great:
Regarding casey getting mad at the end of court ----- she didn't

I was watching her on casey cam on wtftv and she throws up arms up in the air while grinning/smiling. The blonde lady guard behind her is smiling at her as if they share a little banter between them. Just before that the guard speaks to one of the lawyers (I'm assuming it's about reading/signing a document)

I can honestly say Casey didnt get mad at all - tbh it seemed like a very relieved group of people (inc guard) that were making light of a long long day

If I can find it later at the angle i saw it from I'll post it x

That wasn't a happy grin. That was a 'sinister' grin if I've ever seen one!!

CA WAS probably honestly horrified because she knew that there was NO nanny, just like she knew there was NO job, which she basically said in the Myspace posting.

I think you said upthread that this family has known for a very long time what ICA is. (At least I think it was you...sorry if it wasn't!) I agree with this. I think that the whole family had been covering for ICA for probably most of her life. This is just what they had to do, in their minds...

I think that in some weird way CA thought that having Caylee would somehow change Casey...that she would FINALLY be able to take responsibility for once in her life. What a tall order for an innocent baby. As this trial has unfolded (particularly in just the last few days) the picture of this family is coming into focus, IMO. I have come to believe that the 'Anthony Family Secret' IS Casey, and what they knew, in their collective hearts that she was.

THEY KNEW...before the car was even found. But felt compelled to continue to do what they have done for years, and that's clean up Casey's mess. LITERALLY. I am not excusing them in any way, and I honestly feel that CA needs to be held accountable for all that I believe that she has done to obstruct justice for Caylee, but on some level I do feel some sympathy for them, having lived with a monster in their midst for so long. But I wonder if the 'coverup' was something that was almost AUTOMATIC for CA, and once it was started, well...the die had been cast, KWIM?

Another thing that I would really love to know is...what exactly was LA referring to in the jailhouse vid when he asks, 'is this like the LAST TIME'? :eek:

:goodpost: Great post. I think you're right on here.
Or lord, Lippman says, CA maintains she made the searches but didn't make them on those days. She never said she did it in March.

He needs to sit down and watch her testimony again. NG is playing it now,
she is answering LBD about the 17th and 21st..
Thanks so much to you all for posting all the daily trial info for those of us who aren't able to check in during the day!

I've searched but can't seem to find transcripts of any courtroom sidebars, other than for 6/24 (http://www.wftv.com/pdf/28418405/detail.html) ... are you aware of PDF's of any others? Thanks again!
Does anyone know if the Closing Statements have to reflect the OS?

Reading the instructions for closing arguments, I don't know where the DT can go, except for the fact that the SA lawyers cannot roll around on the courtroom floor laughing their butts off.

ETA, everything else has do pertain to evidence on facts introduced during the trial.
I am surrounded by people who think she will be found Not Guilty. Ugh.

My DH, my Mom, even the doctor I work with. They all say about the same thing, not enough evidence of murder and/or cause of death.

Am I in the Twilight Zone?

Thank goodness for this forum.

Yep, if they all feel that way, sounds like Twlight Zone to me...
I have only been able to catch bits and pieces today. What is the ladder lie? Something new today, or just how she switched from the 17th to the 16th on the ladder being in place?

And no phone call shows up on Cindy's phone records for either of those days for when she says she called George to ask him about the ladder being left up.

That is what Melich was brought back to the stand for today. To testify about there not being a phone record of this supposed call.


I keep my video on the computer running with the audio so I dont miss anything for commercials and TV muted at the same time so when this happened only those watching computer feeds would see it, InSession/HLN cut to commercial right then. Anyone who missed it should watch because to me, it was one of the most spectacular moments of the trial, IMHO.

I was like WOW! - Jeff Ashton is like the 'honey badger'!

Hate what it was a picture of, poor child, but my opinion, they should wallpaper her cell with it.
Or lord, Lippman says, CA maintains she made the searches but didn't make them on those days. She never said she did it in March.

News flash for CA: No one cares what you say about this anymore. Your 15 minutes are up, and your 15 years may soon begin.
IIRC on the stand,Cindy kept answering "if that's when the searches were ,then yes". Things along that vain,so she never actually said March 17 and 21 specifically. It was clear she was covering her butt ,then and even more obvious now.

Would that not still be a lie? CA is saying whatever day they were searched that would have been me doing the search. A lie is still a lie.

Then we do have her testimony about her company's policies about someone else signing your timecard information....another lie according to her supervisor.

Also the lied about calling GA. I'm sure LE verified every call CA made through her cell phone records.
Can the State use the videotape of Caylee singing "You are my sunshine" in their closing?

That would be perfect. Have her singing the ending "Please don't take my sunshine away" and then do a fade out.
Oh, I know. She is a piece of work, for sure. The jury leaves. Blink your eyes and she's completely different. That's just how fast she changes.

I'm sitting here wondering what kind of reaction Casey will have when the verdict is read, particularly if it is 1st degree murder. I wonder if they (the jury) will then finally see the real Casey.
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