2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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Baez doesn't want the trial to end. He has to face some serious matters with the judge and the bar when this is over. It's the end of the hallway for Baez too.

Exactly! He is trying to dilute that by poorly attempting to pile others in under that umbrella. But like a small child or true sociopath he fails to recognize that the judge is well onto his game and is not going to give him an inch anymore unless it has a direct appellate impact. "Take your depositions Mr Baez, but it is not stopping this train.

Plus I think he is really fearful of exactly what the state can pull up regarding CA. JB knows what he did there. HHJP very clearly knows what JB did there. JB put a witness before the judge and jury knowing full well that the witness would lie under oath, and simply placing a flimsy screen of deniability around himself.

Could the state request a mistrial over the CA matter?
Hi all,

First time poster, long time lurker/reader.

Does the jury know why it's being delayed today? Will they know it's a DT issue?

The jury will only know it's a legal issue. No details.
I think the judge should remand all attorneys to be sequestered at the courthouse and working until they get this carp dealt with. Depos done at the courthouse, lunches at courthouse, showers at courthouse. JUST LIKE THE JURY. Perhaps when JB doesn't have the comfort of his own bed, he will realize how quickly he needs to get this over with. And the freaking head ticking when he is being challenged by a REAL man is driving me to....sit on my hands. :loser:
RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby
Zippity do da, zippity yay, I have a feeling this is an imaginary issue for Mr. Jose! #CaseyAnthony
All you avid trial watches, have you ever seen anything like this before? I know I sure haven't. This is just bizarre at this stage of the trial.


Never ever. This is totally off the wall.
I LOVE JUDGE PERRY ! but I would hate to be his child.
This is absolutely ridiculous, I am disgusted with BOTH SIDES!!!
Ashton contradicted himself when the judge asked how long they will need. "Just the new info, should be brief." Baez: "So you are saying there is new info?" Ashton: "NO. I. AM. NOT."
I thought the state's rebuttal had to be new testimony, not covered in their CIC. If this is nothing new, why bring them in? I don't get it.

Thank you... Ashton can get away with anything, the DT can't sneeze. moo
IMO, however long it takes for the DT to dig up some dirt on this guy. Does he cheat on his wife, or can they find someone to claim he did? Has he paid his taxes in a timely fashion? Did he smoke a little weed back in college?

Maybe he disposed of pets in his back yard and used duct tape 30 years ago.
This is absolutely ridiculous, I am disgusted with BOTH SIDES!!!
Ashton contradicted himself when the judge asked how long they will need. "Just the new info, should be brief." Baez: "So you are saying there is new info?" Ashton: "NO. I. AM. NOT."
I thought the state's rebuttal had to be new testimony, not covered in their CIC. If this is nothing new, why bring them in? I don't get it.

It isn't something covered in CIC, but not new because it WAS covered in their reports submitted 2 years ago.
Does JB really think JP is not going to go back to his office and read these reports right now? He knew yesterday who the State was calling and could have taken care of this last night if there really was a problem which I'm 99.9% sure there isn't. This was just their way of trying to delay and get the weekend off. I hope JP keeps them in court until 9pm tonight.

How long should it take JB to take 2 depositions? It shouldn't take more than an hour but I guarantee he'll take all day.

After this morning's little Kabuki Dance and charade, I am 99% certain that,
after this trial/conviction, disbarment proceedings will be initiated against Jose Baez!

TOO FRUSTRATING! :maddening:

Friends, kiddies? Is THIS anything typical of our American Justice System, this whole trial, etc.?
Is it?

Whatever happened to the notion, or principle, of "swift, sure Justice?"
Or, is it just me?

I never have really "gotten" our Justice System. Surely, it's among the worst on Earth. Just STUPID! :banghead:
And, WHY do Channels like Court-TV hire people like Sunny Hostin? Is it just to upset and annoy us? WHY?

I realize that I've asked a lot of questions, for such a brief Post.
ANY response, feedback, perspective, and clarification is WELCOME!

Otherwise, Happy Holiday Weekend!

USN Admiral Farragut: "Damn the torpedoes!"

I know, I know....Blessings and Bounty to Everybody...and JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE.

If this happens to JB,I guess these frustrations will be made worth while!!!

Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadian WSers!:great:
JB seems surprised the State is putting on a rebuttal. Giving the appearance that he has never tried a case before. Curious???

He's playing the same games he's played throughout the trial. Delay and derail. He's probably not ready for closing and needs extra time.
He wanted to judge to disallow the testimony, just like the judge has done MULTIPLE times to the defense. moo
If Baez was a better lawyer, perhaps he'd win more arguments.

Richard Hornsby blogged that the defense is so inept, you can pretty much bet the State will win every motion.

It's not the State or Judge Perry's fault that Baez is an inept lawyer.
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