2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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I think this is an imaginary problem. CJBP won't be happy.

I can't get over how many times JB tries to play tit for tat. He thinks since he got in trouble, everyone should be in trouble!

Yep! Exacccctly!
I dunno.. perhaps an "anthropologist" is not qualified to rebut a "pathologist" but does that resonate any less than a non-peer-reviewed self-titled "griefologist" who speaks in hypothetical dynamics instead of actually interviewing the accused or her family? Get real

The anthropologist is going to testify it was unnecessary to saw Caylee's skull. It is not protocol for an anthropological exam - which this was since the remains were skeletal.

That's all he is testifying to as far as I can tell and he is more than qualified to do so. JMO
Thank you... Ashton can get away with anything, the DT can't sneeze. moo

This is in direct rebuttal to Dr Spitz testimony it is not new or regarding the SA CIC it is what the DT brought out in their CIC
I dunno.. perhaps an "anthropologist" is not qualified to rebut a "pathologist" but does that resonate any less than a non-peer-reviewed self-titled "griefologist" who speaks in hypothetical dynamics instead of actually interviewing the accused or her family? Get real


I'm tired, and for just a second I read the bolded above as 'hypothetical dramatics', and it cracked me up.
When the guards testified the other day about Casey is always happy happy happy...
and has a 6 by 8 cell size, I actually got out my tape measure to see how big that really is, holy smokes I have seen dog crates that large.

She sure did not want to go back to the holding cell..can you imagine just sitting for hours with nothing to do, nothing to read.. for me it would be shear torture but I suppose she is used to just sitting hours at a time.
Can someone please state what the ultimate sanctions would be if this is an imaginary problem? I know disbarment is one, but can Jose be arrested, jailed, and fined heavily? And will HHJP actually do it?
Watching the wesh tweets guesstimate at most a couple of hours cloud9

Whew. Thank you! I just got back, I thought we were done until next week!!!

Thanks to the transcribers in trial thread too, couldn't of figured it out without everyone!
As Casey stood to leave courtroom, I was again flabbergasted and mystified at the fact that Casey has once again TIED her blouse off at the small of her back! This was a button down shirt...NOT a blousy shirt...

I just find it curious from a psychological standpoint....WTH could she be thinking as tying shirts at the small of the back isn't really making her chest appear larger...SO WHY???

To make her chest appear larger,IMO:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Just heard Bill Schafer say that Jose should have known and been prepared for the Gentiva work record testimony when CA CHANGED testimony about being at work on that day. He said did Jose expect that the state was just going to lie down and take their word for it and NOT go back and get those records...Baez knew that when he put CA up there to lie that he would have to back it up.
This is an "imaginary problem."
Wish I could get inside Juror #4's head right about now...wonder if she's still pro-ICA?

All respect, I don't think we have any evidence or reason to believe #4 is or ever was "pro-ICA". Can't go by HLN/In Session reporting, it often engages in magical thinking and sensationalism. :cow:
Personally, I think that may be part of his tactic - pushing this jury against the wall and hoping for a 'rushed' verdict.

I think the jurors could have been tempted to try and finish by July 4th but if we get past that holiday they will have no such temptations and will want to take their time.
Exactly! He is trying to dilute that by poorly attempting to pile others in under that umbrella. But like a small child or true sociopath he fails to recognize that the judge is well onto his game and is not going to give him an inch anymore unless it has a direct appellate impact. "Take your depositions Mr Baez, but it is not stopping this train.

Plus I think he is really fearful of exactly what the state can pull up regarding CA. JB knows what he did there. HHJP very clearly knows what JB did there. JB put a witness before the judge and jury knowing full well that the witness would lie under oath, and simply placing a flimsy screen of deniability around himself.

Could the state request a mistrial over the CA matter?

Thanks for the comments but IMO - at this point there is no way the State wants a do over and ask for a mistrial. It might mean putting up with Baez for another two years. Not. A. Hope. Of. That.

IMO - the state can't wait to see the back of Baez's ....erumm...head - leaving the courtroom for the last time..
I really like HHJP, but can someone please explain to me why he is constantly putting up with this crap from the DT?:banghead:

So he can go home after upholding the juries recommendation for the death penalty, enjoy a wonderful home cooked meal and then fall into the deep sleep of one with a clear conscience.
Be patient grasshopper :)
Beth K. says that Jose has to do this, this is a capital case, he can't take any chances, although she also says that the concensus among lawyers around the courtroom is that the verdict will be something less than the ultimate...
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