2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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I wonder if they mean Tracy M.:waitasec:
I saw LP and robb Dick are in Orlando now!

Yes, it's Tracy. I just saw the teaser. And Star Jones as a legal analyst?! <insert big eyeroll>
GMA is on
No surprise KC did not testify
Not one single piece evidence KC was molested
NG says state warned if she took the stand they were going to bring in hundreds of checks she wrote.
DF proved nothing.
They put up in surebuttal
The DF has to make up another story for closing arguments
CA could be up for perjury
Work records coming in/focus today on CA
If PT can prove she was at work during searches this is big
DF hopes jury forgets what was said in OS
Focus on cause of death and Kronk is a bad guy and GA wrote note because of guilt
Thats ALL Folks
I'm sad today. yesterday the DT managed to convince me that ICA was responsible for the deaths and or illnesses of some or all of the pets. I guess I thought deep inside that she didnt "mean" to kill caylee although I was sure she had. if she practiced on animals...then who knows what caylee's life was like when ICA was alone with her. :sigh:
btw why do you guys think the State has not shown the jury the jailhouse letters?? Casey says she has a vague memory of George coming into her room at night but nothing more!!
There is other information contained in those letters that the jury might find useful.

At one time Baez asked George something like "when the sexual abuse allegations came out" (before trial) and was objected by JA and sustained, I feared that the choice of words left a misleading impression on the jury. The "allegations" came from a vague sentence in Caseys jail house letter.
btw why do you guys think the State has not shown the jury the jailhouse letters?? Casey says she has a vague memory of George coming into her room at night but nothing more!!
There is other information contained in those letters that the jury might find useful.

IMO, they didn't need additional evidence to prove her lies. They had more than enough with the Disney Tour with the cops. Also, Baez admitted in OS that she's a liar.
It was earlier this morning on


They were testing out the cameras and Mics... Vinnie Politan (from InSession) didn't know it was being streamed online...

For about 1/2 hour he was doing all sorts of hilarious stuff.... I was laughing so hard I cried...

I wish I had seen this, I have had a crush on Vinnie since my early CTV days.

Also, people were worrying about hearing if they would miss the verdict being reched - I don't text nor tweet but I am sure there will be a verdict watch thread here. There has to be enough time given to get everybody to court. That will not help those that will be on a lonely island, without power or TV - but I have already instructed several peope to call me just in case.
I wonder if they mean Tracy M.:waitasec:
I saw LP and robb Dick are in Orlando now!

Great interview, love how Tracy says Casey is unfeeling and is able to just turn the page.
Great interview, love how Tracy says Casey is unfeeling and is able to just turn the page.

They said ICA was treated like a war hero coming home when she was released on bond. I'm flashing back to Mallory's deposition where she said no one wanted to talk about Caylee because they wanted 'to keep it light' for ICA.
I was married to a sociopath for many years and the one thing that TM said that hit home to me is that ICA was very likable. LKB said the same thing. Everyone liked my x very much when they first met him, but as time went on and lies were caught, friends dropped like flies.
btw why do you guys think the State has not shown the jury the jailhouse letters?? Casey says she has a vague memory of George coming into her room at night but nothing more!!
There is other information contained in those letters that the jury might find useful.

I was wondering about that too...is Robyn still in the OCJ I wonder.
If so, she has been cooling her heels for months waiting to testify.

The letters could be iffy, George did not molest, but she says Lee did...could that open the door for Jessie's testimony.
Crap, wish I knew the answers.
I'm have be away from home today, taking my mom for a doctor's appointment. I'm hoping to get home by the afternoon session. I have a bunch of Trial Twitterers set to message me on my Crackberry, so maybe I can keep up....
They said ICA was treated like a war hero coming home when she was released on bond. I'm flashing back to Mallory's deposition where she said no one wanted to talk about Caylee because they wanted 'to keep it light' for ICA.

I was thinking the exact same thing when she was talking about that...
Is that crazy or what, no one wanted to talk about Caylee?
I was married to a sociopath for many years and the one thing that TM said that hit home to me is that ICA was very likable. LKB said the same thing. Everyone liked my x very much when they first met him, but as time went on and lies were caught, friends dropped like flies.

Sociopaths can be slick like that, IMO. IIRC, Ted Bundy was likable too; well mannered, gregarious, charismatic. Sociopaths are skilled at putting on the mask of sanity. But it's all a sick act.

They really are wolves in sheep's clothing.

My opinions...
Morning All! So state is going to continue the rebuttal case today. Since DT depo'd the Gentiva IT worker yesterday, hopefully he will be on the stand today.

I think when the jury hears that CA lied for her under oath after her emphatic
'so help me God, Yes' they will see that ICA and CA both lie when it is advantageous for them.

This will backfire on CA Big Time! In her attempt to get ICA off, she may have just placed the final nail herself.

Off to get my cup of joe!
After this trial finally ends, I intend to restore my computer back to factory, remove all websites referring Casey Anthony, Orlando news sites will go poof.
I absolutely want nothing on my computer Casey Anthony related ever again.

She will go to prison, and then I will turn the page.
There are several similarities between Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony. I'm just watching bits and pieces of the SP trial documentay. Amber Frey asks him why he cannot explain everything to her (regarding the "disappearance" of Laci) and SP says there are a lot of reasons but "primarily protection for everyone" Same BS with KC. These sociopaths think they are so smart but look at these two individuals. They couldn't even PRETEND to act like normal people. Such loony jokes they are.

Sociopaths can be slick like that, IMO. IIRC, Ted Bundy was likable too; well mannered, gregarious, charismatic. Sociopaths are skilled at putting on the mask of sanity. But it's all a sick act.

They really are wolves in sheep's clothing.

My opinions...

The other I was giving my 15yo son the rundown on Ted Bundy, how he was personable, etc., and his methods of luring his victims (the cast, the dropped books) and my husband said "yep, and you'd probably have been one of his victims." Sad to say he's probably right. If I saw someone with a cast, on crutches, struggling with books, I would probably try to help them....
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