2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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I posted but deleted....I felt a bit sorry for ICA for a momet, but I came to my senses.

You were just having a 'human moment' sympathy overcomes reason and then boom reason kicked you in the butt. :floorlaugh:
Well I'm so happy we have a day off tomorrow - this trial is making me ill. I've lost weight, cant sleep and my eyes are almost crossed. My brain is totally burnt out

I spoke to a friend earlier and she says exactly the same...its dangerous to your health
I've gained 15 pounds in 3 months.


I'm hoping 14 of those pounds is water wait, lol.
Isn't it telling that all of the rebuttal case, except the forensic anthropologist had to be about CAs lies?!
What a great day.

ICA.. seems a tad shaken..didn't have time to read her paperwork before being excused..
Hissy fit..She may spend the week-end wringing cold clammy hands, pacing her cell.

What a great day.
Time to go play in the sun.
Happy trails, all
I for one am THRILLED that I will not have to be at work during closing arguments. I hope that the jury comes back with a verdict on July 4 - that would make for one amazing holiday. All those fireworks for Caylee!

Yes. Dangit, I am crying at work now. That would be totally amazing!
So does everyone think that it was LA who deleted the files on the computer and was given immunity?
I think she'll regret not taking the stand-- of course, she won't regret killing Caylee.

Hey, I'm sorry they didn't drum up Kio to tell about the pet cemetery!
At the end of the day they do not hate each other. They do their jobs!

My husband was a defense attorney and he played golf with the judge in the afternoon. so you are right, it is their job.
Huh? Did you read about that Judge's murder, the why and how?

I suspect HHJP was telling the DT that it would be a mistake to try to affect him in some way.

I had to do that with someone I had a conflict with - a bad tenant.basically "I am evicting you. I expect you to be mad at me, and your reaction will be to lash out. Don't. Because if something happens to me, the response will be out of my control. It was taken care of weeks ago. Just be civil and go."
:lol: Casey Jordan - This was like hitting a fly with a sledgehammer!

I have accepted everything about the case - believe Casey deliberately killed her child but until today was unable to answer why.

The reason is that Casey was getting older and able to tell what was going on with her. What her mother was doing to her and that there was no Zannie the nanny.

She was going to tell on Casey and Casey could NOT have that happen.

That is the why. I hope the prosecutor tells the jury.
I for one am thrilled that CA FINALLY (thank you Jesus!) got caught and was VERY publicly called out on her out right lie. LDB went much farther than she had to prove that CA didn't just fib she outright lied about not only the searches but the extra stuff she threw in about her dogs.

And as a result should ICA be convicted of 1st degree murder the jury will not be as open to listen to CA's pleas for her daughters life. In lying in the guilt phase CA has ensured that she won't be of use to her daughter during the penalty phase (should there be one). Instead of trying to get her daughter completely off on the charges and being convicted at all she should have made sure that she was still of use to her daughter during the phase of this case that will keep her from getting the needle.
^^ This photo doesn't look like she's trying to make herself ill!! She turns it on and off like a freakin light switch.

The live feed that I was watching went to commercial when court recessed, and the last picture that I saw of Casey was when she took a sip of water, looked down, and appeared to be ready to :sick:
Anyone with a police scanner from the Orlando area?
If so could you moniter it for EMS calls to the Orange County Jail?
ICA may have a meltdown.

No, she should have had the meltdown the day she murdered Caylee instead of shopping,partying, having sex, and getting a tattoo among a few things.
Forget the meltdown, now is the time for her to suffer for what she did.
OK, I missed it all. What happened after Yuri. Is there court tomorrow, and where can I watch a video that will show KC ? Thanks :)
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