2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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After three years, the only words I want to hear are from a little girl who was the victim of this crime.

I believe Sunday morning she will speak through a voice from The State of Florida's Ninth Judicial District.

They will fill up that courtroom with her spirit then show how that murderess
took her precious life away and how that pure spirit demands justice. Time to use that easel and all those video screens.
Please help me my lovely websleuthers as I'm missing something (which I often do)

2---- Also re the pool ladder incident...didnt CA tell her work colleagues that that had happened?

hoping you clever people can enlighten me ty x

Yes she did and now that I'm rethinking everything, it does seem a little bit odd for her to go back to work (after smelling that car) and then mention the pool ladder. Maybe not super odd as in I guess it could have just come up in casual conversation with friends at work. But now it almost seems like maybe she was purposely putting it out there. I don't know. I just don't know what to think anymore about this bunch.
Can the State use pictures of Caylee during their closing?
It's funny (iornic) to me that all of that came out yesterday about the burial rituals of the dead pets, because I have long referred to Caylee as ICA's 'dog in a purse', kinda like Paris Hilton, et al, KWIM? And that is exactly how she thought of her, IMO. Caylee was awesome at helping ICA get lots of attention for a while, but then the reality of actually having to raise a child happened, and Caylee obviously lost her usefulness in ICA's life. :twocents:

DT made a huge mistake bringing out this type of testimony..as these rituals were by no means exclusive to George ( DT's Boogeyman) but the mere fact that Casey was involved from a young age over the times with so many deaths and burials of their "Beloved Pets"..All they (DT) really did was highlight why KC did what she did:crazy:..NOT a wise thing to do as a defense lawyer!!

I am sure confused why they didnt bring on that "Kio" testimony which would completely tie in the "Heart Shaped Sticker" significance..Stickers which were a KC thing..NOT the rest of the Anthony's!! It could have been almost a "Fingerprint" of who left sweet Caylee in those woods!
"Casey is making doo doo in her pants" says the judge/lawyer(?) on HLN a minute ago. I never realized the TH shows were so lively.

Well, it can't top JB mentioning Paris Hilton in court today.
It never was "talked up" until the DT's OS...if Cindy honestly believed it could have been an accidental drowning she would have been shouting it all over the news.

Exactly. Cindy couldn't have it both ways.She went with a live Caylee who had been kidnapped so she couldn't push the drowning.
What floored me today,was Cindy sitting through all that testimony that said she lied on the stand.
So do you think CA was being honest in her 911 call? Wasn't that made after she got home from finding KC and bringing her home?
Yes, those phone calls were genuine 100%. I can't fathom a personality that could go from that to covering up the murder of her grandaughter in mere hours.
I'm quitting the whole game of trying to figure these people out. I'm starting to think myself into circles & figure 8's. True story; they are effed up, big time.

Below is a post that works for me ( & saves me from thinking about it anymore);

She had to have already - on 7/16 and 17 - have put together in her mind:
1. Casey had always had an excuse for why Caylee could not be available for a month
2. The car smelled like "a dead body"
3. Casey's bizarre story about "the nanny took her"

So she consciously was wanting to look for Caylee because, as she told 911 "my daughter just admitted the babysitter stole her". BUT her deeper mind already felt that Casey may have covered an accident, and wanted to put this idea across to police.
So do you think CA was being honest in her 911 call? Wasn't that made after she got home from finding KC and bringing her home?

I remember when the DT was trying to have these calls excluded from the trial, and the SA was arguing that they were an "excited utterance." I truly believe that CA did not intend to utter those words, they really were an excited utterance. If we remember at first she just wanted to report her car missing, she wanted ICA to tell her where Caylee really was, I just don't think she realized that her calling the police would lead as far as it has, to where we are today. The woman who tried so hard to save her daughter, ICA, started the ball rolling, and by her lying in court about the chloroform and other searches, caused the trial to be ended with a "bang" today that just might send any doubting jurors over the edge to a "guilty" verdict. All of CA's manipulating and controlling and lying was for naught. IMO, MOO
I just read the Order of Closing Arguements and there is no way Jose is going to stick to that. What happens if he doesn't? Does the State stand up and object in the middle of his closing? Does the Judge call him out? What happens after? I can just anticipate this being a huge mess because he never wants to play by the rules.
Because she smelled the smell of death in that car, and she knew then that ICA had done something terrible to Caylee. She knew all along that Caylee was dead, even though I am sure it was very hard to process and there were several layers of denial in front of that, but she started to spin a coverup for ICA at the get-go, washing the pants, trying to clean the car with Febreze, etc. SHE KNEW from July 16. IMO.

reported false Caylee sightings?
wouldn’t allow Tim Miller to have any of Caylee’s personal efects to try and locate her body?
threatened Tim Miller?Who insisted there WAS NO EVIDENCE? said DNA isn’t 100%?
gave LE the wrong hairbrush?
wished she had given LE the dogs toothbrush?
washed the knife?
said she had phone #’s and pictures of the “nanny” yet never provided them?
said a lying doesn’t make you a murderer?
said science is junk science?
said maybe someone put a body in the car at the tow yard?and what are the chances that car and body would end up coming from the same address? unlikely….
paid $466.00 to bring the death car home… why not call LE knew 30 days- is enough time form complete skeletization to occur?
made sure there was NO EVIDENCE!


she has been in cover up mode a LONG time!

oh and she tells mistruths
"Casey is making doo doo in her pants" says the judge/lawyer(?) on HLN a minute ago. I never realized the TH shows were so lively.

Well, it can't top JB mentioning Paris Hilton in court today.
That's the crying judge from Anna Nicole Smith court hearings.
My daughter mentioned to me that pics she saw of Caylee recently also seemed "new". I wonder if there was a total package aquired some time ago and media has held some back till now.

I think someone held them back, but it was not the media. I bet CA held some back to use in her upcoming book. imoo
I still do not know how it works from this point on, assuming a verdict that can include the death penalty.

I have heard that the penalty phase takes about 2 weeks. I cannot fathom what could be talked about for 2 weeks so I am thinking that it might be that the judge takes 2 weeks to make his decision.

How much longer will the jury be there if we have a penalty phase?
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