2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Afternoon Session)

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DNA Solves
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I can't even begin to imagine how JB will cross this. What possible (intelligent) questions can he ask? It's obvious the SA has covered all their bases on this one.

JB: But sir, you are NOT a chemist, correct?
OK this is getting really boring. The State should have made this all short and sweet somehow and not given the defense so much to work with too.
Cindy will just say someone signed her in and out... You'll see.

That will be difficult, considering in her testimony, she was adamant that no one else had her login credentials (regarding the email).
But that was just a fishing expedition and will not dispute this damaging testimony.

Baez wants Cindy's work records for 7/15, the day the car was picked up from the tow yard. We all klnow Cindy came and went from work yhat day so he wants to show that she signed in for a full work day probably. To try and prove that she comes and goes from work-despite signing in all day on her time card.

But this shows her working during these disputed hours because she was working on her work computer desk terminal on patient files.

BBM. But if JB goes there, then the SA could bring up that her co-workers were telling her to go home. They knew about the car being found and that Cindy was upset. It was an atypical circumstance. If he tries to paint it as anything but, he's going to end up with egg on his face.
Remember: juror #2 is an IT Manager. Not that he ever reacts to anything! But I'm sure he totally understands this testimony!

by stevehelling via twitter at 1:27 PM
Very ironic that it appeared Cindy had lied to save her daughter but it is her alledged lies that may help convict her...

Oh please oh please God give CA 15 years for perjury and stick her in a cell w/ICA 23 hours per day. :innocent:
My own feelings about Cindy have been ever-changing. I have felt something close to hatred, anger, sympathy and then now I have settled on pity.

She is a broken person who will be haunted by what she tried to pull. While I am glad her lies have helped accentuate her daughters premeditation.

She is pitiful and I do have pity.

Is something wrong with me, am I a terrible person? I feel no pity for her at all. You make your bed, you lie in it........no pun intended!!!

She turned her back on Caylee......and supported the murderer!!!
So Cindy is planning her own rebuttal eh? Should be interesting.

Ya know since anyone could have logged onto the family computer it may have been one of the dogs searching chlor"a"form... He may have been wondering why he was always so tired?
That will be the next lie.... I had someone sign in for me.... hmmm.. which co worker can she throw under the bus?

Remember folks.. the defense can't call any more witnesses.. who would solicit
those denials from CA at this time?.. SA certainly won't be going there...
Sadness is all I feel. Enough is enough. This defendant just isn't worth it.
KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
At home, also shows same thing 113pm, 227 thru the end of the day Mar 21 2008 when she claims she was home looking up chloroform on line
4 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Cindy's work computer shows she changed patient profiles from 141pm to 222pm on March 17 2008 when Cindy says she researched chloroform
7 minutes ago
Who is doing the defense cross on this guy? I ask because we have not had any pop up "objections for no reason"in a long while? Which sort of rules out JB?
Casey thinking " OMG, My mother? she's a waste, huge waste. What do I have to do to get my "family" to lie and cover for me? Is it really too much to ask them to lie to get me out of this mess? I mean Caylee was not even a person really, how old was she? 2 and a half or something? Geez" :(

I remember that "huge waste" comment. Did they play that for the jury? I don't remember hearing it. Speakes VOLUMES!
Yes for both days. Yabbadabbadooo!!
I think Baez will go with, and the witness referenced it also, that employees share passwords. :(
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