2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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HLN has a count down clock going until closing statements start.:floorlaugh:
You know........... as I've been thinking all this through day after day after day after day. I really think George said the most profound statement in regards to guilt or innocence.

Paraphrasing, but here's what he said: "The last person I saw Caylee with was Casey. In my mind, 1+1=2."
OT-But does anyone have a link to the collage of pics of Ted Bundy and Casey?I wanted to show it to a friend and can't find it,Very eerie.
Jean Casarez remarked that the jurors were not taking notes yesterday. I think this jury has already made up their minds. Closing arguments by the pros will only seal the deal for them and I predict a 1st degree Guilty verdict in less than 4 hours.:woot:

The testimony was to prove CA was lying, and they already knew. Nothing to write down...
haha MN (defense attorney himself) straightens out judge on JVM about this being a circumstantial evidence case as many many cases are. Not sure who this judge (not Eaton) is but he seems slurry
The testimony was to prove CA was lying, and they already knew. Nothing to write down...

would have been funny to hear they flipped back pages and tore out or erased or scratched their previous notes from her testimony
I saw that also i think she was holding a kleenex to her mouth and her middle finger was up!

Its an awkward finger to hold up so it wasnt by mustake lol JMO

somewhere, and i think it's on this board, i saw pictures of both kc and jb giving the finger in casual ways while sitting at the defense table.
WOW. Oh how I wish they could have brough tthat fight into the trial. That is exactly the motive the jury needs to see. I can more easily see her killing Caylee in a rage that day.

There is a big problem with that story though. IIRC, there are indications that someone used the home computer on her account that morning, and downloaded fusion pictures at 9:45 am. So was George not home then?

Also, ICA cell pings, more or less, place at the Ants house later that night.
haha MN (defense attorney himself) straightens out judge on JVM about this being a circumstantial evidence case as many many cases are. Not sure who this judge (not Eaton) is but he seems slurry
I can't remember his name at the moment, but he always talks like that. He's the guy who handled the Anna Nicole Smith case down in Florida and is one smart cookie. I get his name confused with the first judge on the CA case because they are so similar. Stan Strickland?
I've seen the pic of ICA sitting at the defense table giving the finger and smiling. Judge Perry should have seen that.

How do you post a pic here? Thanks :)

I upload to tinypic.com, click on the picture icon above and enter the URL of the pic ... choose the Direct Link for Layouts ... there may be a different way but that's how I do it ...

For your pleasure ... KC loves to flip the bird in court .. I wish the state could use pictures of her in court as evidence of her arrogance and defiance ...
In the second pic, she's trying hard to appear sad and cry, but the finger says differently .. She is pissed off, period



What a class act she is ... her day is coming soon!
At the time I remember hearing that a very loose judge was available and some thought they were hoping for her but HHBP stepped in to take it himself so it would not get derailed and take forever.

As Chief Judge I think he is the one who gives assignments

Oh to be a fly on the wall when it was announced it would be Judge Perry taking over the case. I suspect there were complete opposite reactions in the SAO versus JB office.
somewhere, and i think it's on this board, i saw pictures of both kc and jb giving the finger in casual ways while sitting at the defense table.

Yes i saw it recently on this board. and its awfully hard to casually hold that finger up. LOL A Lindsy Lohan moment
I upload to tinypic.com, click on the picture icon above and enter the URL of the pic ... choose the Direct Link for Layouts ... there may be a different way but that's how I do it ...

For your pleasure ... KC loves to flip the bird in court .. I wish the state could use pictures of her in court as evidence of her arrogance and defiance ...
In the second pic, she's trying hard to appear sad and cry, but the finger says differently .. She is pissed off, period



What a class act she is ... her day is coming soon!

WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and I thought I saw all there was to see of this little psycho!!!!!!
Oh to be a fly on the wall when it was announced it would be Judge Perry taking over the case. I suspect there were complete opposite reactions in the SAO versus JB office.

yup, and there was a loud YES at my house
IIRC (wanted to ask if anyone remembers this)

Didn't Baez state at one point in time that KC's mother had never taken her to the GYN prior to having gotten pregnant? And was all up in the air about it? Because Cindy being a nurse and whatnot?

Since when is a parent responsible to take a 19 yr old to the GYN?

IIRC that responsibility should have been KC's? To get an appt and go on the pill or get another form of BC?

That's neither here nor there. I was just wondering what point he was trying to make? It struck me as odd thing to say in front of court. JMHO

IMO - JB was inferring that Cindy never did take Casey to see a GYN because she knew that a GYN examination would prove evidence of abuse. Big stretch if you ask me.
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