2011.07.03 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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And we as well as everyone else can see the height differences in the chairs, yes?

If I were a juror, I would have noticed this 'trick' on the first day. They sit there and look all day...The chair trick would make me feel manipulated out of the gate.
Holy Geeeeze I just had one of those "somthing else makes sence moments"
I went back to closing statement from JA. I am listening to the first 10 minutes.
Ricardo was the boyfriend in early spring.. feb or mar.. deffinatly march.
HE didnt want a serious relationship.. I never knew that.
MARCH is when they were seeing each other.. that is the computer searches.. She was planning to kill Caylee for Ricardo.. to be with a man.. it just happened things didnt work out.. then new boyfriend.. she went back to the idea of getting rid of Caylee..
I never could understand why the computer searches were in March and not June???
NOW it fits.. I never ever knew that her break up with Ricardo was in March or that immediate time frame.. She WAS wanting the beautiful life.. I clearly can see the premeditation now 100%

It immediatly jumped out at me today.. I dont think the prosecution ever laid it out like that.. what led up to it.

If anyone had any questions on they way the computer searches fit into the pre meditation.. go to the first few minutes of closing statment JA. When he specific talks about Ricardo not wanting serious relationship.. Casey then was 21 legal drinking age and wanted to party and live it up !
I am shocked that these must be written for every trial. I used to think the law was very black and white but I guess not.
CM is quite proud of his protoge. Bill S said earlier that she graduated top in her law school class and had the highest bar score of the whole group that tested

Yes, I agree, she is smart as a whip...it's just too bad she doesn't put it to good use for 'The People'.
JB is definitely there. I saw him at the far right hand end of the table when the panned down because LF was looking for a paper or something.
Am I a bad doggy mommy if I gave my dog her allergy Benadryl because she's out of control with the firecrackers my neighbors are shooting off? It seems to have helped calm her down...
Could someone give me the link to the charge meeting going on? I didn't know we could get it! TIA
HHJP just took a drink, then said "Oh boy!" Poor guy! I'd send him a nice bottle of scotch after this if I knew he drank it LOL
Sounds like HHBP is slumbering... his breathing is making me tired. lol
Question for anyone?
I always thought the catalyst for killing Caylee was revenge on her mother.....why was the state not able to bring in the argument the night before the last day Caylee was seen--you know, the one that had CINDY choking Casey and threatening to take Caylee away? Does ANYONE have any idea why the state said it was just another evening at home?

Perhaps because it is hearsay? Or was it that the Anthony's denied this afterwards?

None of the A's would admit to it in depositions. Only heard from the neighbor, and apparently Lee told someone, but that would be hearsay.
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